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Beauty and the Beast? (1x1)(Taken)

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Anxious Fatcat

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:46 pm
Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends
Just a little change
Small, to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast

Tselly is your normal, everyday teenager. Well, maybe not normal. You see, Tselly can see things that no one else can. What does she see you ask? Well, to put it simply, Tselly sees ghosts. No, its more like demons.
When Tselly was little, the demons used to tease her by pulling her hair and harming her. Why? It's just because those particular demons are trouble makers.
There are four different kinds of demons in the world. The first are called Gujnis that usually take the shape of pixies. They are the lower class demons, the ones that used to pick on Tselly when she was a child. They do not have that much of power, but could do harm. They are also not visible to the human eye.
The second level of demons are called Opoioms that usually take the shaped of goblins or some kind of mutated animal. Since they are the higher level demons, they have more power than the Gunjis and could cause more harm to others. Like the Gunji's, they are also not visible to the human eye.
The third level of demons are called Heiriums. These particular demons usually take the shape of human/animals. These are usually workers or slaves to the highest form of demons. They are way more powerful then the two lower demons. They are visible, however, their animal parts aren't.
The highest level of demons are called Royalty. They are extremely powerful and rule the demon world. These demons usually take the form of humans. However, they are so powerful that they can shape shift into an animal that they were assigned to when they were born. They are visible to the human eye.
Now, how does this all relate to Tselly? When Tselly was around four, two boys a few years older than her lived next to her. When ever she was around them, the Gunjis always stayed away from her. Tselly never knew why, but she was always around the two brothers. Tselly doesn't remember much from the past, she just knew she hung out with the brother that was four years older than her. Sadly, they had to move shortly after and Tselly hadn't seen them in years...
Eleven years later, Tselly's sixteenth birthday comes around. However, it isn't a sweet sixteen like Tselly hoped. It is far worse from that.
Tselly is what you call a 'Beauty'. They are extremely rare. There are three things that are important to learn about Beauties.
1. If you drink her blood, you would become extremely powerful.
2. If you eat her flesh, you get immortality.
3. If you marry her, it brings your tribe great fortune and luck. They would become invincible.
Now Tselly is in a lot of danger. Demons from around the world are hunting her down and she is powerless!
However, an old friend comes back to town. His name is ___.
He was the younger of the two brothers that Tselly used to play with. The secret that they hid from her is that they are both Royalties. He has come back to protect Tselly.
However, ___ isn't here to just protect Tselly. He is here to marry her!
Apparently the day that they were going to move, ___ promised Tselly that he would be back to make her his bride.
Tselly, of course, doesn't remember that at all. What is she to do?!

Name: Tselly York
Age: Just turned 16
Personality: Tselly is friendly, kind, and smart (at times). She can be very dense and slow, and is sometimes stupid. She can be reckless and a trouble maker. She is tough and strong willed. Another thing to add is that she follows her heart.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:05 pm
Henry Avadonia

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Name ~ Henry Avadonia [My friends just call me Harry]
Age ~ 20
Personality ~ Harry is fairly self-centered, and can often be blinded by his own self obsessions. His only real goal in life is to please his father, and make him proud of his son. That is why Harry has dedicated his life to his tribe, and Tselly is his ticket to success in his father's eyes. Harry is also fairly charming, but he's only putting an act on for Tselly. He only sees her as a pawn in his game. Although, Harry is not very patient, and is hoping to move things along quickly.
Animal form ~ White Tiger

{ OOC: Mind if I join you? :] }




Anxious Fatcat

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:27 pm
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-->Tselly York<--

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Xx I'm mean, I'm lean, I am a fighting machine! xX

~~x The bright morning light shone in on the room of Tselly York. her eyes fluttered opened and her head looked at her alarm clock. a groan escaped her lips and she brought the cove over her head.
"Tselly! Come on wake up! Jut because it is tour birthday, doesn't mean you can slip school!" Her mother yelled from downstairs.
Tselly groaned again then flipped the covers off of her. "Got it mom!" She yelled then got out of bed. A few minutes passed and she decided that she shouldn't waste any more time. She would be late at this rate.
After getting out of bed and taking a shower, Tselly got dressed in a pair of jeans, a white tee shirt, and a sky blue hoodie. She walked down stairs to see her mother plating her food out. Her mother turned around and smiled at her. "Happy birthday, Tselly." She told her. Tselly smiled. "Thanks mom." She responded then hugged her mother.
When she finished eating, Tselly said good bye then left for school.
The walk wasn't long. It was only about ten minutes depending on the weather. Tselly began to hum, then frowned shortly after when a little pixie thing came up to her. "Hiya Poky." She said to it. Poky is what she named the pixie who came to bug her everyday. He was very annoying. Poky began to pull on Tselly's hair and she swatted it away. "Knock it off. Today is my birthday you know. You should be nice to me for one." She continued. She looked up and saw people giving her strange looks. Right. This is what happens everyday. She looks like a lunatic because these people couldn't see what she saw. A sighed escaped her lips at all the bullying she went through throughout her life. Suddenly, Poky did something he had never done before. He bit her.
"Ow!" Tselly complained, jumping backwards. "What the heck Poky?!" She glared at him. Blood began to slowly ooze out from her finger that Poky bit. Tselly blinked when she heard a growly. She spun around and her eyes widened. Behind her was a groups of pixies, goblins, and some kind of mutated creatures. Wicked smiles appeared on their faces and Tselly began to panic. She spun around and began to run, the creatures beginning to chase her. Why were they doing this? They had never done this before! x~~

~ Who said love was beautiful? ~

OCC: {OF COURSE NOOOOOOOT! Haha! Thanks for joining! I really appreciate it! >w<}

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:04 pm
Yoshimi Sohma

Henry Avadonia

"Kitty Cat"

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A Brave and Elegant Prince

What's going on...
With ~ Tselly
Where ~ On the path to Tselly's school
Feeling ~ Smug

"I am the only and only Demon Prince Henry Avadonia...

Harry sighed. It was just how he remembered it -- his neighborhood that is. He ran his hand along the side of his old house where he used to live. There were so many good memories that still resided in that house that he left behind. Many of those memories were of Tselly, when they were still just friends. Those were the good days, back when he was still just a kid. Things were different now. He sighed and closed his eyes pushing out the thoughts. He hated nostalgia. It only distracted from his current objectives.

Harry was soon interrupted by the creak of the neighbors door. It was Tselly. "Just on time..." He whispered to himself quickly ducking behind some shrubs. It was the first time he had seen her in years, and she looked so different. Harry began to pursue Tselly, keeping a close distance behind her waiting for the right moment to present himself. It wasn't long before he noticed the Gujnis and the Opoioms clustering behind her. Harry wasn't too worried though. He was a royalty after all.

It was then that he heard Tselly scream out in pain, and his eyes narrowed in on the sight of blood. Harry ducked around the corner, and moments later emerged as a muscular white tiger, with piercing blue eyes. Harry worked himself up into a sprint, dashing his way towards Tselly. He leaped up into the air, grabbing the pixie she called poky between his teeth. Harry thrashed the little pixie demon around, and threw him to the side. The tiger now stood between Tselly and the demon hoard. A terrifyingly loud roar bellowed from the tiger echoing out towards the hoard. Within seconds the lesser demons scattered, none of them daring to challenge Harry. Harry roared out a few more times to make sure they knew that she was his. Now Harry just stood in front of Tselly heaving for a breath, not daring to look at her yet.

...bow down before my power!"




Anxious Fatcat

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:50 am
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-->Tselly York<--

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Xx I'm mean, I'm lean, I am a fighting machine! xX

~~x Tselly ran and ran. This had never happened before! What were those demons' problems?! She never did anything to her!
That's when she heard a loud roar. Tselly spun around and her eyes widened. Right in front of her, was a white tiger. She took a step back, really sated now. What is a tiger doing in the middle of a sidewalk?!
Tselly's heart pounded against her chest. She had to get away. Far away. her feet spin her around and she began to run again. "Get away, get away..." She told herself, still running. What the heck was happening? First, Pocky bit her. Then, a huge crowd of demons surrounded her and chased her. Now, a white tiger came out of no where and saved her! Was this some kind of dream? It had to be!
Tselly continued to run until she turned a corner and it was a dead end. "Crap." She muttered. It was official now. She was defiantly going to be late to school. He mother was going to kill her. If the demons don't catch her first. x~~

~ Who said love was beautiful? ~

OCC: {}

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:35 pm
Yoshimi Sohma

Henry Avadonia

"Kitty Cat"

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A Brave and Elegant Prince

What's going on...
With ~ Tselly
Where ~ Alley
Feeling ~ Smug

"I am the only and only Demon Prince Henry Avadonia...

The tiger that had attracted way too much attention from nearby bystanders, spun around to see that Tselly was running away now. He didn't chase after her though. At least not yet. Harry had decided it would be best if he didn't approach Tselly in this form. It would just scare her more most likely. With that he returned to where he stashed his clothes, shifting back, and slipping them on quickly. Harry then scurried back towards Tselly's direction, running as fast as he could so he wouldn't lose the frightened girl. After running past the crowds that gathered near the spot where the 'mysterious white tiger' was spotted, and cutting around a couple corners, he found her.

Harry paused, taking a moment to catch his breath. She was trapped anyways, so he had his time. He ran his hand through his hair attempting to fix it a bit. Harry was supposed to marry her after all, so he had best look good. "Tselly...?" He called out, with an innocent and sympathetic tone as he slipped around the corner. "Tselly, are you alright? I saw you running down the street..." Harry slowly approached the terrified girl, hoping that she was falling for his innocent facade. He couldn't let her know that he was the tiger, at least not yet.

...bow down before my power!"




Anxious Fatcat

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:44 pm
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-->Tselly York<--

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Xx I'm mean, I'm lean, I am a fighting machine! xX

~~x Maybe there was a way out of this alley way with out going out the way she came in. Tselly looked around and only saw a brick wall. She was always good at sports and athletics... Maybe she could climb it. Boy, was she wrong.
Of course Tselly's attempt failed. It was obvious that it would. The voice from behind her made her jump and she spun around to see a man there. She stared at him. A good looking guy...? What is a guy like him doing here...? He sure was attractive though. But why would he be here? And talking to someone like her?
"Who... Who are you? And how do you know my name?" Tselly asked him suspiciously, trying to get her thoughts off of how good looking he was. That wouldn't work on her. Or would it? x~~

~ Who said love was beautiful? ~

OCC: {}

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:25 pm
Yoshimi Sohma

Henry Avadonia

"Kitty Cat"

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A Brave and Elegant Prince

What's going on...
With ~ Tselly
Where ~ Alley
Feeling ~ Smug

"I am the only and only Demon Prince Henry Avadonia...

Tselly's confusion only amused Harry. He smirked slyly, with a glint of deviousness in his eyes. "Ah, come on Tselly. You aren't saying you don't remember me are you?" Harry took a couple cautious steps closer to her, so that he was in arms reach. "It's me Harry, your old neighbor. We used to be best friends until I moved away. Remember?" He smiled at her, with his perfect charming grin. Every girl fell for it, and he didn't think Tselly would be an exception.

"I saw you running down the street, and I just wanted to make sure you were alright." She appeared to be falling for his little trickery. As long as she didn't find out he was the tiger, at least for a while, he would be fine. The only thing that might give him away were his eyes. They were the same pale blue as the tiger that had rescued her just moments before.

...bow down before my power!"




Anxious Fatcat

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:13 pm
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-->Tselly York<--

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Xx I'm mean, I'm lean, I am a fighting machine! xX

~~x The man's words didn't make sense to Tselly. Her old neighbor? From how long ago? Tselly was quiet for a few moments, thinking. Harry.... Harry... Harr- OH..! "Harry! Hi! It's been a long time! I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been doing? How is your older brother?" She asked him.
The last memory she had of Harry was eleven years ago, the day he was moving. Tselly had snuck out of her house to meet up with him. She was crying because she didn't want him to leave. That if he left, the pixies would tease her again. He said he would protect her and would be back... But she didn't remember what he said after that.
"How did you know it was me anyway? It has been eleven years. I didn't even recognize." Tselly told him, getting confused again. x~~

~ Who said love was beautiful? ~

OCC: {}

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