Angel Rune is your average, 16-year old high school student with an average life, But here'es the thing...Angel isn't average, Not at all. In fact, he's the half-mortal son of the Archangel Rapheal. Aint' that a kick? _______ is the Sin of Lust with a mission: Seduce Angel and persuade him to join the side of darkness. After all, Lust can't be resisted. Or that's what he thought. After all, getting a teenager to fall for him is a peice of cake, right? Wrong. What______didn't factor in was the fact that Angel can't be seduced, though many have tried. And him looking like a girl does not help things either. In fact, it makes things worse as the boys of his town can't tell the difference even though they know he's a boy. What he also didn't count on was him falling in love with Angel's kind and sweet demeanor as well as his big heart. Add in Angel's father, Lucifer, angels, and demons, chaos is certain to be born. Now it's Lighvs. Dark as both sides try to break the two apart, but will thier love save the day or will war erupt once again between Heaven and Hell?

Name: Angel Rune
Age: 16
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 230lbs
Bio: Angel is the only son of Rapheal and Anya Rune, a famous fashion desinger. How they meant is still a mystery and when Angel asks, his mother hust blushed and says she doesn't want to talk about it. In any case, despite being half-angel, Angel lives a relatively normal life. Even though he's a rich kid, he doesn't like to show off his wealth. Angel is a Sophmore at Misaki School For Boys, a wealthy school where the rich send there kids. Not much else is known about him and he rarely talks unless he has to. He doesn't know who his father is yet. He sometimes models his mom's clothes as she loves dressing him up due to his feminine looks, personality, and mannerisms.
Personality: Kind, caring, popular, ravishable, patient, understanding, and a great friend. He's always there for his mom and friends and is always willing to listen to your problems.
+stuffed animals
+Making his own clothes
x-the color pink
x-bullies (he seems to attract a lot of these...)
x-neon colors
x-bad manners

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Theme Song: Myself

Captain Pantie