we have a longhorn steakhouse oepning up right after my birthday and i applied and yesterday i got the job!!!!
now i really do love my boss, my coworkers, and most of our regulars at the little mom and pop pizza place i work at, but its been so slow that im lucky to make over $20 a night and i need to make around $400 a month because i need a new car. with what im currently making and the pizza place i can hardly afford to buy high end pet food, i havent gotten stowrm new hooves or other chewies in a while. and it doesnt help that i work 2-3 days a week because we have so many waitresses and my boss just hired another instead of asking if anyone wanted some extra shifts.
but now i have a job at an expensive chain place that serves steak so i will get discounts there, at olive garden, and red lobster!!!!! im very excited.
i do plan on working both jobs for a while to make sure the steak place works out, but i hope i can put in my 2 weeks soon.