So my room is....well "hodgepodge" is really the best way to explain it, but i'm getting a little tired of some of the stuff in it. it's pretty full already with my bed(comes with a headboard, footboard, and night table) my desk, dresser, and three bookshelves. I've poked around the websites for Wal-Mart and Bed, Bath, and Beyond for some simple ideas of shelves or basic storage to either make a little more room or help me feel like I have some space back that isn't just holding all of my things. and since all of you lovely ladies always seem to have some awesome ways to make spaces your own again or to brighten things up, I thought i'd ask for your advice

i'm not into a lot of really decorative stuff, just the basic little things that can make a space feel more "you" and less "i'm holding all my things in a room". so far my own ideas are kinda limited so any thoughts would be appreciated if you have them cat_sweatdrop