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[PRP] A Reflection on the Past (Nkosazana & Nergui)

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Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:02 am
Nkosazana was nervous.

She wasn't entirely sure how to approach someone about this. Wasn't she supposed to manage herself on her own? She was a member of the Priestess order, not someone who was stumbling around as new as could be. It was like she had just gotten her job, almost, except she knew her job but didn't understand anything going on around it.

A session with Medea had helped, but that was also Medea. She needed to sit down and talk to one of her equals, to get an idea of how they had seen the situation. That would help her understand how to behave, right?

Nkosazana had been surprised to know so many priestesses had survived, but many of them kept to themselves--perhaps they were still stuck in the old way of living. Nkosazana knew as well as anyone that keeping to herself was no longer a good option, not when they were all one Lost Clan that needed to learn to move together as one, not separately at their own paces. They simply no longer had the numbers, and even she had ended up feeling that rather personally.

Though some Horsemen were back now? She didn't understand how that worked, either.

There was one priestess that caught her eye as being present, though, a woman with an extremely dark tone with a piercing yellow eye that surprised her. She seemed to know her way around the new Reservation, and so, Nkosazana figured she might be a good equivalent to approach in her mission of understanding. Hopefully she wouldn't mind the intrusion. She felt bad for not being on her own feet on her own, she needed to just get herself caught up and get over it--

No, no, stop freaking out, Nkosazana...

She waited quietly in the Death Reservation, deciding to approach her fellow priestess when she was alone. "Ah, excuse me!" Wow, she sounded like a child. "Nergui?" That was her name, right? It had been a while since she had talked to any of the other priestesses except Medea...

Wow that's a corny title, sorry! You can feel free to place them wherever you want, haha
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:12 pm
The other priestess had managed to catch Nergui as she was leaving her hut. It made her startle, looking around for whomever had called her name, unfamiliar with the vice attached to it. Finally her mismatched eyes settled on mare with darker skin, though not black like her own. She seemed familiar, in a vague sort of way. Someone Nergui had seen time and time again, but had never shared conversation with. Recognition took her as far as knowing that this other horseman was a priestess as well, but beyond that she hadn't a clue.

Lips twitched as she took the other mare in, eyes roving before settling on chocolate features. Not quite a smile, but almost. "Sister?" If she was a priestess, then they were sisters. Not by blood, of course, but by duty and bond.

"You were looking for me?" It was a guess, but a fair one. "What's your name?"

The lose of their home, and the humbling life they had been living since had made the cool natured mare much friendlier as of late. In the past it wouldn't have occurred to her to be polite, bu tLifen and Lan we truly good influences on her. She reached back and placed a hand on the door to her hut, pushing it open. "Would you like to come in?"




Wrathful Demigod


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:29 pm
Nkosazana was trying to keep her nerves out of her features, but it was difficult. She kept wringing her hands, and her eyes seemed more anxious than genial, perhaps nervous about making the intrusion and if the other priestess would even welcome it. They hadn't really talked before, though they had certainly been in the same area plenty before. It wasn't like she was an old friend. Plus, she was a priestess, what was she doing here anyway? Maybe she should just fall into trance--

The lip twitch seemed to calm her a bit, body relaxing into something less ... anxious, at the least, shoulders settling and hands not so tightly knit together. At the remark of Sister, Nkosazana nodded, her tight line of an expression expanding into something much more friendly and much more comfortable at that.

It was rather obvious she was looking for her, wasn't it? A rather fair guess...

"Yes," confirmed Nkosazana, though it likely was not needed. She licked her top lip quickly, what seemed to be a nervous habit, before continuing on with a, "I am Nkosazana. I don't believe we talked much ... before all this," she gestured vaguely to the Death Reserve and the whole Lost Clan in general, letting out a soft sigh as she did. Every time she reminded herself of it, the situation seemed even worse.

It was definitely a relief that Nergui did not seem irritated, and it was perhaps an even larger relief that the other mare was so willing to take the time to talk to her. She offered a grateful smile and a small nod, glancing over to the hut. "That would be nice, thank you." With a pause, she offered a small frown, hesitating before she fully stepped into the hut. Perhaps her Sister felt obligated? That wouldn't be terribly fair of her. "I hope I'm not intruding. It's just..."

Nkosazana licked her lip. Definitely nervous habit.

"I'm having trouble processing all of this. I was hoping my fellow Sisters might be able to help."

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:06 pm
Apparently labeling the other mare with sister had been a wise move. It certainly seemed to help settle her nerves at the very least, and the friendlier expression that followed was matched.

The name, as expected, was unfamiliar, but she nodded, rolling it about on her tongue before repeating it. It was a mouthful, but she managed to not butcher it, points for her. "No, I don't believe so." She knew 'all this' to mean the fall of the isles and the move to the reserve. It was a sore spot for them all, and didn't bare commenting on unless absolutely necessary.

"You're not intruding at all," she assured the other mare, smiling kindly, then followed her sister inside. She had had no concrete plans for the afternoon, only whimsical desires, and those would easily wait until later. Nkosazana was not only a fellow member of Death, but a priestess as well. Of course Nergui would take teh time to offer whatever help she could.

"That does not surprise me, it is a lot to take in, but I would be happy to help clarify things as best as I can." She strode across the small room towards the still red embers that lay in a raised bowl off to one side. "Would you like some tea?"




Wrathful Demigod


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:54 pm
Despite the fact that she did still seem rather antsy, she was a bit calmer than she was before. Sure, she kept vaguely wetting her lips as if it was trying to fix something, and she vaguely wrung her hands, but perhaps it was a force of habit. She felt ... odd asking others for favors. Was it not her job, as a priestess, to offer her services to the others of the clan to help them with their problems and their advances? What was she doing?--

No, no, this was a fellow sister, she understood. And she said she wasn't intruding at all, so perhaps she didn't need to be so concerned as she felt herself being. Right. She was being silly. She was sure Nergui understood. She was a priestess going through this too, though she had a much longer time to adjust than Nkosazana did. Sure, she had ... heard, but she really had no idea that everything that had happened did...

It was much different seeing than hearing, that was for certain. It was almost like a second mourning period.

"I appreciate it," offered Nkosazana, in response to her saying she would like to clarify things for her. Good. Nkosazana made the right choice in coming to Nergui. She fiddled a bit more, looking up before looking over to the hearth. Tea? Right. Tea. That sounded good. And relaxing. She really needed to get her head on straight.

"Yes, please, I would love some tea." A thankful smile spread on her face. "Tea is very relaxing, and I admit, after all of this I could use something relaxing." She was starting to babble. Nkosazana shut her lips before she did, looking around for a place she could seat herself.

This is a lame reply sorry ;;
PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:09 pm
At the center of Nergui's quaint little home was a low table with cushions placed around it and a cast iron teapot resting in the middle on a little stand. There was a quartet of simple ceramic teacups clustered around it, all resting rim down. Nergui made a sweeping motion towards the table, inviting the other mare to have a seat while she busied herself with filling a small pan with water and placed it directly on the glowing embers.

While she waited for the water to come to boil she gathered up the tea pot so she could add a steeper with some soothing medley of loose leaf. "So was there questions you had," she ventured, glancing back at the other priestess while she poured the hot water in with the steeper and replaced the small cap. "Or is it company you're in need of?" Soren's attentions and Lifen's influence had done wonders to soften the mare, but she could still be terribly direct at times. It was a level of honesty that boarded on bluntness, but she meant no disrespect.

Dark legs folded beneath her as she took a seat across from the other mare, and she flipped over two of the cups before pouring the tea. She smiled as she slide one across to Nkosazana.

Her own cup was held gently between either hand, content to savor the warmth as steam coiled up from the softly tinted liquid within. Vaguely she wondered if Nkosanzana was previously aware of the affliction that marked the mare across from her, or if she had not, was she aware of it now with that one golden eye casting an eerie glow against ashen skin and silver bangs.

If so, did she care?

A niggling sense of paranoia tried to convince it mattered, though experience had taught that her clansmen were far more accepting of the Insanity then they, the infected, had originally feared. The voices still whispered, a familiar crescendo that played like soft background music within the mare's own mind, but it was rare that any one voice rose up loud enough to be distinguishable.

She blinked those mismatched eyes, smiling benignly as she lifted her cup to take a small drink. "Ask me anything, and I will do my best to answer."




Wrathful Demigod


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:41 pm
Nkosazana had known other people that were so blunt, her brother, included. Despite how harsh a blunt nature may be, she actually seemed to appreciate it, a smile creeping on her face.

"Both, in a way," she admitted, as she sat herself down. The laugh that followed was a bit bitter. "I'm lost and I'm ... lost."

Nkosazana happily took the tea that was slid over to her, bringing it to her lips. Tea was always so warm and comforting, and Nkosazana was visibly relaxed by it as she took a sip. She chose to keep it in her hands, clasped tightly. Though these lands were not nearly as cold as their Isles had been, the warmth was still something that brought back good memories and sensations, and that was something she needed right now.

Being closer to Nergui indeed gave her the chance to observe her better. She had noticed the yellow eye before, but thought that, perhaps, her eyes were tricking her. Now, the glow was obvious. Nergui had always been rather ashen, so she did not pick up on much of any grey, but the color of the eye was unmistakable, and piqued her curiosity. What had the fall done to her Sisters who were present?

Would it be rude to ask about it?

She did not necessarily want to draw attention to it if it was something that made the other mare uncomfortable. It did not make Nkosazana fear or reject her; after all, Nergui was the first to offer her assistance as she tried to adjust to life away from the Isles. But she did not want to cause problems.

So she'd start with something else.

"I cannot imagine you want to relive ... any of this." Honestly, Nkosazana knew that she, herself, would probably avoid thinking about much of it like the plague. "I can appreciate that. It seems though, as priestesses, it is our jobs to relive these things, isn't it?" The smile on her face was a bit weaker than it had been, though still present.

"I think I'm dodging the point." She most definitely was. "I know, from a distance, what happened, our homelands were destroyed in totality, but I ... do you have a better understanding of the events that caused it? I would like to have a deeper understanding. I think it would help me identify better."

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:04 am
Nergui knew what questions were coming, so when Nkosazana voiced them there was flicker of surprise in mismatched eyes, only patience. "We are all lost, Sister." Cut adrift and aimless. Yes, Nergui definitely knew how the other mare felt. She had been there herself, just after the fall of the isles and their collective move to the reserve.

For a quiet moment Nergui sipped her tea as she collected her thoughts. Then she set her cup down, fingers steepling as elbows came to rest on the table. Those startling eyes came up to meet those of her sister, and the smallest of smiles touched full lips, though devoid of any real happiness. "I was there," she admitted, voice soft. "I saw the destruction."

The shadow of the phoenix rose through her mind, a darkness that swept through heterchromic eyes and brought sorrow to delicate features. A small shake of her head, silver hair sliding across her shoulders.

"The hunters came in mass. They launched an attack on our home, and I do not know if the phoenix was a weapon they devised, or a freak clash of powers that rose up as a result of the battle, but that beast took everything from us and brought with it the Insanity that touches some. It has consumed the isles in whole." Swallowing helped chase away some of the heavy emotion that weighed on her voice, eased the tightness in her shoulders. She took a deep breath, and it was cleansing.

"The Hunters took everything from us. Our lands and our people." Hatred lent warmth to her words, and those mismatched eyes narrowed. "Understand this, Sister. They will see us all dead if they can. We cannot afford to sit idly by and allow them to continue on. They must pay." She dropped her hands, fingers wrapping tightly around her cup. "If you encounter one, strike to kill."




Wrathful Demigod


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:56 pm
They were all lost ... yes, the name of The Lost Clans seemed only more fitting the more it was spoken of.

It was upsetting, really, but she needn't upset herself more than she had been upset already. Right now, she wanted to learn the truth. The details. Who was to blame and what they had done to give themselves such blame. And ... it seemed she had picked someone perfect for it. When Nergui stated that she was there, Nkosazana's eyes opened a bit wider, a look of surprise on her face. When the surprise faded, she reached over and placed a comforting hand on Nergui's shoulder, murmuring a, "I'm sorry."

They all shared in the sorrow, but Nkosazana did not have to see it with her own eyes. But when she drew away and listened to Nergui, she knew. Nkosazana could visualize, of course she could. She was a priestess. The Hunters. Yes, she had overheard a bit about them. White-coated humans, weren't they?

... A phoenix ... of Insanity...

Nkosazana covered her mouth, getting an image in her mind of the grey fog s, moving and turning into something terrible, a monster much different than those she had seen in Halloween. Did the Hunters have this kind of power, to bring Insanity that even the Horsemen had no chance at keeping away? It ... consumed everything. Everywhere. Then it was true, nothing of their Isles were remaining or safe ... at all.

Despite what she had been told, she held out hope that there was something left, and maybe ... maybe someday, she could go back, and retrieve some things from the Isle to keep as tokens but...

It was easy for her to understand her Sister's hatred, burning in her words. It was not an emotion Nkosazana was familiar with, but she felt something bubbling inside her that made her want to scream. It caused her to clench her hands on her legs, biting her lip very slightly to bring it down before focusing herself on a response.

"Yes, these Hunters sound .. terrible indeed. Their abilities to bring down our Isles are something I would have never thought possible." She took a sip from her tea, letting the warmth sooth her a bit. When she spoke again, her voice was a bit more even, a bit more controlled.

"Hunters are something that cannot be tolerated to live," murmured Nkosazana, in understanding.

Nkosazana herself was not oft a fighter.

But she could make exceptions.

I never got the tag, sorry! D: !
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