Gwindle, before the Great War, was always a strong nation. Following the Great War Jego enslaved Gwindle. The country wasn't burned like Faerie, but it's hardly given much other mercy. Jego soldiers traverse Gwindle day and night to ensure that no standing army or rebellion could be formed. For years Gwindle has gone without a Guardian (the only surviving nation to do so). Recently the Guardians of the surviving nations met and it was decided that Gwindle must have a Guardian. The Guardians of Jego and Korbb strongly opposed the notion, but Larimar and Orion's Guardians strongly insisted it was necessary and if Jego refused to allow it, Jego would proclaim war on the other nations. The Guardian of Jego cannot appoint the Guardian of Gwindle, but he declared as law that Gwindle should hold a tournament to decide the Guardian. Since every fight in the tournament will be to the death, this tournament would clear out most potential threats to Jego's power while maintaining Jego's relationship with the other world powers. Men and women of Gwindle are strong, and disciplined. They train themselves at night while the Jego soldiers rest. There is no organized army, but the strength of Gwindle always thrives.

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