Wow, the title seems a little.....disturbing. Anyways, I was hoping who would want their character, an orphan or not, to be adopted by Colville(A character that is being made), a Lancaster, and former hufflepuff. Gah, here's the family profile --> Click me!

I've been thinking about creating a family with other people, and since the Lancaster family still hasn't been formed, I decided to use the chance to rp with other people. I don't necessarily need 2 other characters. It can be more. So just tell me who would want to cooperate with my 'idea'.

So if you want him/her to be a part of the Lancaster family, follow this format, submit it here, and I'll check them:

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Personality[size=8]((1-3 sentences, your choice)):[/size][/b]
[b]Short Background on Character:[/b]
[b]Do you wish your character to be a part of the Lancaster Family? Yes/No:[/b]

Actually, I'm gonna accept anyone who posts here. One big happy family! Oh, and maybe we could roleplay Colville adopting in the orphanage?