Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:49 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia I can while online.....I wish my music would get me in good moods again....but with things seeming to spiral out of control I listen to it an it is just music.... Oh dear. D: I am just about at the point I want it done and over with............................. D': Things are a little rough, but everything will be okay, I'm sure. Just hang in there. I was hoping to ask my heart doc if he thought my heart could take the surgery.....but he is concerned about my heart rhythm and now I have to have more tests.....it is so hard.................... Oh my. ;~; I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope everything turns out okay. ;~; I do too....but it the waiting that gets so hard.....
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:53 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia I am just about at the point I want it done and over with............................. D': Things are a little rough, but everything will be okay, I'm sure. Just hang in there. I was hoping to ask my heart doc if he thought my heart could take the surgery.....but he is concerned about my heart rhythm and now I have to have more tests.....it is so hard.................... Oh my. ;~; I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope everything turns out okay. ;~; I do too....but it the waiting that gets so hard..... Well, I guess the only thing to do is try not to think about it. sweatdrop Not usually something I advise, but I guess focus on today, on the now, like you had talked about before? sweatdrop
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:58 pm
Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai :::she stops laughin and holds her head::.. damn now ive gotta headache... :::shakes her head rubbin her forehead:::.... just answered an email that offered me the full fledged onslaught of text talk... :::rubs her eyes::.. ill never say im the worst speller on the planet after than conversation... i think i felt brain cells turning to mush... ok laugh fit offially over.... for now... Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. >.< yea that was bad... but thats some kids for ya... and i just told someone thought i was felinophine... Oo... uhmmm wow... theres a new one Ive not been told b4... like I can be online that often... lol... im poolside or in the pool more than im online... lmfao... guess its gonna be one of those weeks.. lmfao..damned glad i have a sense of humor or id go postal on some people... lmfaoOh, I didn't know this was Felinophile! eek :::thunks her head on table:::.. its not.. i was just shocked that someone thought i was her/him/it.....Lol, darn, I expected a better reaction than that. xD Her. Why shocked? I mean, it seems obvious to me that you're not, but some people have a lot of mules, and you guys might have a few similarities. :::rolls her eyes laughin her a** off:::.. tough i dont have a lotta time right now.. so im tryin to be blunt... gotta get poolside soon...
Ive never really talked to him/her/it so i reallly dont know... ive been compared to one of my sisters and a couple others i know who can be just as dementedly sadistic and crude.. ect ect ect... hell does he/she/it behave anythin like me? I dunno... somehow I doubt it... a lot... lol...
mules.. yaddda yadda yadda... some people have way too many,.. mine is used in my RP for the RP and for the guild... nothin more nothin less... i never understood how some people can have a couple dozen accounts and be active on most of them... makes my real world head spin...
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:08 pm
MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai yea that was bad... but thats some kids for ya... and i just told someone thought i was felinophine... Oo... uhmmm wow... theres a new one Ive not been told b4... like I can be online that often... lol... im poolside or in the pool more than im online... lmfao... guess its gonna be one of those weeks.. lmfao..damned glad i have a sense of humor or id go postal on some people... lmfao Oh, I didn't know this was Felinophile! eek :::thunks her head on table:::.. its not.. i was just shocked that someone thought i was her/him/it.....Lol, darn, I expected a better reaction than that. xD Her. Why shocked? I mean, it seems obvious to me that you're not, but some people have a lot of mules, and you guys might have a few similarities. :::rolls her eyes laughin her a** off:::.. tough i dont have a lotta time right now.. so im tryin to be blunt... gotta get poolside soon...
Ive never really talked to him/her/it so i reallly dont know... ive been compared to one of my sisters and a couple others i know who can be just as dementedly sadistic and crude.. ect ect ect... hell does he/she/it behave anythin like me? I dunno... somehow I doubt it... a lot... lol...
mules.. yaddda yadda yadda... some people have way too many,.. mine is used in my RP for the RP and for the guild... nothin more nothin less... i never understood how some people can have a couple dozen accounts and be active on most of them... makes my real world head spin... She uses a similar... I'd call it 'tone', sometimes. But she's quite a bit toned down from you. From what I've seen anyway. We don't directly interact much. So you have a mule, but just the one? I don't really do the mule thing. @.@ I don't even like accessing Guild Mules, etc.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:10 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia I am just about at the point I want it done and over with............................. D': Things are a little rough, but everything will be okay, I'm sure. Just hang in there. I was hoping to ask my heart doc if he thought my heart could take the surgery.....but he is concerned about my heart rhythm and now I have to have more tests.....it is so hard.................... Oh my. ;~; I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope everything turns out okay. ;~; I do too....but it the waiting that gets so hard..... Well, I guess the only thing to do is try not to think about it. sweatdrop Not usually something I advise, but I guess focus on today, on the now, like you had talked about before? sweatdrop I know it just got so quiet and I was so alone in here.....I used to not mind it so much.....but my mind got the best of me today and won the fight for control of what to think about.......it is easier if there is someone in here to talk to every now and then......that is why I am glad you were on......just needed a shoulder to cry on again......thanks.......
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:13 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia I was hoping to ask my heart doc if he thought my heart could take the surgery.....but he is concerned about my heart rhythm and now I have to have more tests.....it is so hard.................... Oh my. ;~; I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope everything turns out okay. ;~; I do too....but it the waiting that gets so hard..... Well, I guess the only thing to do is try not to think about it. sweatdrop Not usually something I advise, but I guess focus on today, on the now, like you had talked about before? sweatdrop I know it just got so quiet and I was so alone in here.....I used to not mind it so much.....but my mind got the best of me today and won the fight for control of what to think about.......it is easier if there is someone in here to talk to every now and then......that is why I am glad you were on......just needed a shoulder to cry on again......thanks....... ^___^ I'll always try to do anything I can. sweatdrop Even of I'm not around, I'll respond as soon as I come around if you quote or I notice a post. D: I'm glad I can help. ^__^
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:25 pm
Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai yea that was bad... but thats some kids for ya... and i just told someone thought i was felinophine... Oo... uhmmm wow... theres a new one Ive not been told b4... like I can be online that often... lol... im poolside or in the pool more than im online... lmfao... guess its gonna be one of those weeks.. lmfao..damned glad i have a sense of humor or id go postal on some people... lmfao Oh, I didn't know this was Felinophile! eek :::thunks her head on table:::.. its not.. i was just shocked that someone thought i was her/him/it.....Lol, darn, I expected a better reaction than that. xD Her. Why shocked? I mean, it seems obvious to me that you're not, but some people have a lot of mules, and you guys might have a few similarities. :::rolls her eyes laughin her a** off:::.. tough i dont have a lotta time right now.. so im tryin to be blunt... gotta get poolside soon...
Ive never really talked to him/her/it so i reallly dont know... ive been compared to one of my sisters and a couple others i know who can be just as dementedly sadistic and crude.. ect ect ect... hell does he/she/it behave anythin like me? I dunno... somehow I doubt it... a lot... lol...
mules.. yaddda yadda yadda... some people have way too many,.. mine is used in my RP for the RP and for the guild... nothin more nothin less... i never understood how some people can have a couple dozen accounts and be active on most of them... makes my real world head spin... She uses a similar... I'd call it 'tone', sometimes. But she's quite a bit toned down from you. From what I've seen anyway. We don't directly interact much. So you have a mule, but just the one? I don't really do the mule thing. @.@ I don't even like accessing Guild Mules, etc. thats what i was thinkin too... me i just dont give a damn.. im here to have fun and relax...make a few rp posts maybe grab a few tanks if the old laptop lets me and most of all raise a lil hell... :::giggles evilly:::... and yea im like that in RL too.. ask my mother.. she calls me her "spawn" and my daughter "spawn child or child of spawn"... i really dont know why... muahhahaaa....:::stops as she then giggles innocently:::
ive got the one for rp critters in my guild and that guilds mule... i dont know if my mom or sisters even remember the password to the my guilds one...lol... its old only used for the "brothers" to raise "hell" or "holy hell" in the guild when needed...but there are other guild mules I have access to but I dont like going on them unless the captains need me to or ask me to... my cousin even sent me his passwords when he lost his computer but i dont go on there unless he calls me and im on the phone with him- and thats only once in a blue moon I do that- we typically just catch up and talk so gaia gets forgotten...lol ...but if siblings do ask me to feed their fish or do DC for them while their away i dont mind... for a fe of their souls... muhahahaha... lmfao...
lol.. ya know i wonder if I should start a tank sitting service... muahahhaa... :::laughs so hard her sides hurt::: all the nice lil souls that I could collect and put into cute lil jars on my shelves... lfmao....
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:30 pm
MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai Kay9214 MuyamiKasai :::thunks her head on table:::.. its not.. i was just shocked that someone thought i was her/him/it..... Lol, darn, I expected a better reaction than that. xD Her. Why shocked? I mean, it seems obvious to me that you're not, but some people have a lot of mules, and you guys might have a few similarities. :::rolls her eyes laughin her a** off:::.. tough i dont have a lotta time right now.. so im tryin to be blunt... gotta get poolside soon...
Ive never really talked to him/her/it so i reallly dont know... ive been compared to one of my sisters and a couple others i know who can be just as dementedly sadistic and crude.. ect ect ect... hell does he/she/it behave anythin like me? I dunno... somehow I doubt it... a lot... lol...
mules.. yaddda yadda yadda... some people have way too many,.. mine is used in my RP for the RP and for the guild... nothin more nothin less... i never understood how some people can have a couple dozen accounts and be active on most of them... makes my real world head spin... She uses a similar... I'd call it 'tone', sometimes. But she's quite a bit toned down from you. From what I've seen anyway. We don't directly interact much. So you have a mule, but just the one? I don't really do the mule thing. @.@ I don't even like accessing Guild Mules, etc. thats what i was thinkin too... me i just dont give a damn.. im here to have fun and relax...make a few rp posts maybe grab a few tanks if the old laptop lets me and most of all raise a lil hell... :::giggles evilly:::... and yea im like that in RL too.. ask my mother.. she calls me her "spawn" and my daughter "spawn child or child of spawn"... i really dont know why... muahhahaaa....:::stops as she then giggles innocently:::
ive got the one for rp critters in my guild and that guilds mule... i dont know if my mom or sisters even remember the password to the my guilds one...lol... its old only used for the "brothers" to raise "hell" or "holy hell" in the guild when needed...but there are other guild mules I have access to but I dont like going on them unless the captains need me to or ask me to... my cousin even sent me his passwords when he lost his computer but i dont go on there unless he calls me and im on the phone with him- and thats only once in a blue moon I do that- we typically just catch up and talk so gaia gets forgotten...lol ...but if siblings do ask me to feed their fish or do DC for them while their away i dont mind... for a fe of their souls... muhahahaha... lmfao...
lol.. ya know i wonder if I should start a tank sitting service... muahahhaa... :::laughs so hard her sides hurt::: all the nice lil souls that I could collect and put into cute lil jars on my shelves... lfmao.... I see, I see, I see. Lol There are some ghost souls loose in the Guild for people to find, at the moment! o: I think I got most of them though. I dunno if more have showed up.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:01 pm
Ashi_Kisaki http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/gaia-aquarium/glowing-enki-dolphins-airshark-stone-coatl/t.87781631_802/#802 Ha ha, we made a mess. xD I'm have to sort through all of that. xP We posted the one link at least four times. This is going to be a long and painful game.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:11 pm
Smack talk over here, the other thread is getting crowded. xD
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:12 pm
Kay9214 Ashi_Kisaki http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/gaia-aquarium/glowing-enki-dolphins-airshark-stone-coatl/t.87781631_802/#802 Ha ha, we made a mess. xD I'm have to sort through all of that. xP We posted the one link at least four times. This is going to be a long and painful game. I don't know about you but I was giggling seeing you posting right after me. XD This was fun! A good way to end my nite before sleep. I don't think you should be sorting through that. Let Daddicus go around and make 'em go ''poof''. hehehe Hey.... if it is the two of us who end up playing....it should not be that painful. lol
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:14 pm
Kay9214 Smack talk over here, the other thread is getting crowded. xD I couldn't resist. I wanted to get your attention and I was giggling to much. rofl
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:21 pm
Ashi_Kisaki Kay9214 Ashi_Kisaki http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/gaia-aquarium/glowing-enki-dolphins-airshark-stone-coatl/t.87781631_802/#802 Ha ha, we made a mess. xD I'm have to sort through all of that. xP We posted the one link at least four times. This is going to be a long and painful game. I don't know about you but I was giggling seeing you posting right after me. XD This was fun! A good way to end my nite before sleep. I don't think you should be sorting through that. Let Daddicus go around and make 'em go ''poof''. hehehe Hey.... if it is the two of us who end up playing....it should not be that painful. lol Only the first points count, so we've both beaten each other to posts, and we've both got dupes ourselves. xD It's not nice to dump our crazy on Daddicus. Lol He'll have to take them down himself though, yeah. I like this kind of game. I had a Christmas Thread in the CB directed at WGers and had a similar game last year.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:00 pm
Ashi_Kisaki Kay9214 Smack talk over here, the other thread is getting crowded. xD I couldn't resist. I wanted to get your attention and I was giggling to much. rofl And that volley went about 9 to 9. Holy crap. blaugh I've marked all of the doubles and dupes. Lol Go to page three if you wanna celebrate and page four if you want to cry. xD
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:05 pm
Kay9214 Ashi_Kisaki Kay9214 Smack talk over here, the other thread is getting crowded. xD I couldn't resist. I wanted to get your attention and I was giggling to much. rofl And that volley went about 9 to 9. Holy crap. blaugh I've marked all of the doubles and dupes. Lol Go to page three if you wanna celebrate and page four if you want to cry. xD Kay...be honest..... was it fun? Yes we were a little crazy but it was funny to see us posting back and forth like that. LOL I'm not going to cry. It is never about winning to me. It is about having fun...and that I did. Now hopefully Daddicus cleans up quick so we can do it again! hahaha