Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:37 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **looking back up at you then turning around** well I guess you are better than me in that one Kay...... I'm trying to think through my characters for a bad guy somewhere, and even my bad guys are good guys. @.@ I can't seem to think of anything that even comes that close. :/ I try to be a good bad guy....but maybe it is because I am a vampire that it has happened to me more than once.... Oh, I see. .-. Our characters wouldn't get on well. emotion_facepalm **turning back around still looking down** I am sorry to hear that....it's just sometimes in the heat of the moment a blood lust will come over me and I can't control it and I will kill.......................... I'm still trying to find something bad-ish... Even if my characters commit murders, they're for good guy reasons. I think I'm incapable of anything else. >.<
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:00 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **looking back up at you then turning around** well I guess you are better than me in that one Kay...... I'm trying to think through my characters for a bad guy somewhere, and even my bad guys are good guys. @.@ I can't seem to think of anything that even comes that close. :/ I try to be a good bad guy....but maybe it is because I am a vampire that it has happened to me more than once.... Oh, I see. .-. Our characters wouldn't get on well. emotion_facepalm **turning back around still looking down** I am sorry to hear that....it's just sometimes in the heat of the moment a blood lust will come over me and I can't control it and I will kill.......................... I'm still trying to find something bad-ish... Even if my characters commit murders, they're for good guy reasons. I think I'm incapable of anything else. >.< I know I have done bad things.......... I am glad to hear that...most my reasons are for good reasons too....it is just those few times I did lose control.........I hope you don't feel less of me for that.... cat_sweatdrop
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:30 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia I try to be a good bad guy....but maybe it is because I am a vampire that it has happened to me more than once.... Oh, I see. .-. Our characters wouldn't get on well. emotion_facepalm **turning back around still looking down** I am sorry to hear that....it's just sometimes in the heat of the moment a blood lust will come over me and I can't control it and I will kill.......................... I'm still trying to find something bad-ish... Even if my characters commit murders, they're for good guy reasons. I think I'm incapable of anything else. >.< I know I have done bad things.......... I am glad to hear that...most my reasons are for good reasons too....it is just those few times I did lose control.........I hope you don't feel less of me for that.... cat_sweatdrop That's not... as bad. >.< Still pretty bad though. >.< And some were intentional. Dx
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:58 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia I try to be a good bad guy....but maybe it is because I am a vampire that it has happened to me more than once.... Oh, I see. .-. Our characters wouldn't get on well. emotion_facepalm **turning back around still looking down** I am sorry to hear that....it's just sometimes in the heat of the moment a blood lust will come over me and I can't control it and I will kill.......................... I'm still trying to find something bad-ish... Even if my characters commit murders, they're for good guy reasons. I think I'm incapable of anything else. >.< I know I have done bad things.......... I am glad to hear that...most my reasons are for good reasons too....it is just those few times I did lose control.........I hope you don't feel less of me for that.... cat_sweatdrop That's not... as bad. >.< Still pretty bad though. >.< And some were intentional. Dx yeah I know.......... yeah...I guess you can say intentional if you can say to keep from getting killed myself is intentional....you know like I said before sometimes it is kill or be killed..........I am still here because I have killed the other guy...........
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:00 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **turning back around still looking down** I am sorry to hear that....it's just sometimes in the heat of the moment a blood lust will come over me and I can't control it and I will kill.......................... I'm still trying to find something bad-ish... Even if my characters commit murders, they're for good guy reasons. I think I'm incapable of anything else. >.< I know I have done bad things.......... I am glad to hear that...most my reasons are for good reasons too....it is just those few times I did lose control.........I hope you don't feel less of me for that.... cat_sweatdrop That's not... as bad. >.< Still pretty bad though. >.< And some were intentional. Dx yeah I know.......... yeah...I guess you can say intentional if you can say to keep from getting killed myself is intentional....you know like I said before sometimes it is kill or be killed..........I am still here because I have killed the other guy........... You've also previously mentioned killing and feeding on random people. x:
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:18 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **turning back around still looking down** I am sorry to hear that....it's just sometimes in the heat of the moment a blood lust will come over me and I can't control it and I will kill.......................... I'm still trying to find something bad-ish... Even if my characters commit murders, they're for good guy reasons. I think I'm incapable of anything else. >.< I know I have done bad things.......... I am glad to hear that...most my reasons are for good reasons too....it is just those few times I did lose control.........I hope you don't feel less of me for that.... cat_sweatdrop That's not... as bad. >.< Still pretty bad though. >.< And some were intentional. Dx yeah I know.......... yeah...I guess you can say intentional if you can say to keep from getting killed myself is intentional....you know like I said before sometimes it is kill or be killed..........I am still here because I have killed the other guy........... You've also previously mentioned killing and feeding on random people. x: **turning around away from you again** yes I have.....those are the ones I am talking about...as much as I try there are times I can't control myself......sometimes the smell of blood or taste of it..............I lose control...................
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:22 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia I know I have done bad things.......... I am glad to hear that...most my reasons are for good reasons too....it is just those few times I did lose control.........I hope you don't feel less of me for that.... cat_sweatdrop That's not... as bad. >.< Still pretty bad though. >.< And some were intentional. Dx yeah I know.......... yeah...I guess you can say intentional if you can say to keep from getting killed myself is intentional....you know like I said before sometimes it is kill or be killed..........I am still here because I have killed the other guy........... You've also previously mentioned killing and feeding on random people. x: **turning around away from you again** yes I have.....those are the ones I am talking about...as much as I try there are times I can't control myself......sometimes the smell of blood or taste of it..............I lose control................... And all because you're too picky to even consider keeping some emergency blood packs around. emotion_facepalm gonk
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:36 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia I know I have done bad things.......... I am glad to hear that...most my reasons are for good reasons too....it is just those few times I did lose control.........I hope you don't feel less of me for that.... cat_sweatdrop That's not... as bad. >.< Still pretty bad though. >.< And some were intentional. Dx yeah I know.......... yeah...I guess you can say intentional if you can say to keep from getting killed myself is intentional....you know like I said before sometimes it is kill or be killed..........I am still here because I have killed the other guy........... You've also previously mentioned killing and feeding on random people. x: **turning around away from you again** yes I have.....those are the ones I am talking about...as much as I try there are times I can't control myself......sometimes the smell of blood or taste of it..............I lose control................... And all because you're too picky to even consider keeping some emergency blood packs around. emotion_facepalm gonk **starts walking towards the door** oh I have considered it but I just never could do it.....I never really liked them even though if it weren't for blood packs my partner would not be here............
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:39 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia yeah I know.......... yeah...I guess you can say intentional if you can say to keep from getting killed myself is intentional....you know like I said before sometimes it is kill or be killed..........I am still here because I have killed the other guy........... You've also previously mentioned killing and feeding on random people. x: **turning around away from you again** yes I have.....those are the ones I am talking about...as much as I try there are times I can't control myself......sometimes the smell of blood or taste of it..............I lose control................... And all because you're too picky to even consider keeping some emergency blood packs around. emotion_facepalm gonk **starts walking towards the door** oh I have considered it but I just never could do it.....I never really liked them even though if it weren't for blood packs my partner would not be here............ Survival seems a bit more important than liking them, especially if you might wind up killing someone else too. >.< Heading off for the night? .-.
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:47 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia yeah I know.......... yeah...I guess you can say intentional if you can say to keep from getting killed myself is intentional....you know like I said before sometimes it is kill or be killed..........I am still here because I have killed the other guy........... You've also previously mentioned killing and feeding on random people. x: **turning around away from you again** yes I have.....those are the ones I am talking about...as much as I try there are times I can't control myself......sometimes the smell of blood or taste of it..............I lose control................... And all because you're too picky to even consider keeping some emergency blood packs around. emotion_facepalm gonk **starts walking towards the door** oh I have considered it but I just never could do it.....I never really liked them even though if it weren't for blood packs my partner would not be here............ Survival seems a bit more important than liking them, especially if you might wind up killing someone else too. >.< Heading off for the night? .-. but what if someone needs to kill to survive?? **stopping** no.....ju...just did not know if you wanted me to stay....................
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:58 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **turning around away from you again** yes I have.....those are the ones I am talking about...as much as I try there are times I can't control myself......sometimes the smell of blood or taste of it..............I lose control................... And all because you're too picky to even consider keeping some emergency blood packs around. emotion_facepalm gonk **starts walking towards the door** oh I have considered it but I just never could do it.....I never really liked them even though if it weren't for blood packs my partner would not be here............ Survival seems a bit more important than liking them, especially if you might wind up killing someone else too. >.< Heading off for the night? .-. but what if someone needs to kill to survive?? **stopping** no.....ju...just did not know if you wanted me to stay.................... I suppose it would depend on the situation. I'd allow myself to die before murdering someone or killing an innocent person. .-. With vampirism though, there's almost always an alternative. emotion_facepalm I didn't say I wanted you to leave. D:
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:16 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **turning around away from you again** yes I have.....those are the ones I am talking about...as much as I try there are times I can't control myself......sometimes the smell of blood or taste of it..............I lose control................... And all because you're too picky to even consider keeping some emergency blood packs around. emotion_facepalm gonk **starts walking towards the door** oh I have considered it but I just never could do it.....I never really liked them even though if it weren't for blood packs my partner would not be here............ Survival seems a bit more important than liking them, especially if you might wind up killing someone else too. >.< Heading off for the night? .-. but what if someone needs to kill to survive?? **stopping** no.....ju...just did not know if you wanted me to stay.................... I suppose it would depend on the situation. I'd allow myself to die before murdering someone or killing an innocent person. .-. With vampirism though, there's almost always an alternative. emotion_facepalm I didn't say I wanted you to leave. D: I guess that is where we are different....I will kill to stay alive or to protect those I care about...then I don't consider it murder or killing an innocent...... yes with me there is........with my partner it is a matter of survival.....it is either kill or die....so when I do slide I give the bodies to him.....it is for his survival too...... cat_sweatdrop I know how you feel......but I also know how I am.....I do my best most of the time.................
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:18 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **starts walking towards the door** oh I have considered it but I just never could do it.....I never really liked them even though if it weren't for blood packs my partner would not be here............ Survival seems a bit more important than liking them, especially if you might wind up killing someone else too. >.< Heading off for the night? .-. but what if someone needs to kill to survive?? **stopping** no.....ju...just did not know if you wanted me to stay.................... I suppose it would depend on the situation. I'd allow myself to die before murdering someone or killing an innocent person. .-. With vampirism though, there's almost always an alternative. emotion_facepalm I didn't say I wanted you to leave. D: I guess that is where we are different....I will kill to stay alive or to protect those I care about...then I don't consider it murder or killing an innocent...... yes with me there is........with my partner it is a matter of survival.....it is either kill or die....so when I do slide I give the bodies to him.....it is for his survival too...... cat_sweatdrop I know how you feel......but I also know how I am.....I do my best most of the time................. I see. >.< xP
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:43 pm
Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia **starts walking towards the door** oh I have considered it but I just never could do it.....I never really liked them even though if it weren't for blood packs my partner would not be here............ Survival seems a bit more important than liking them, especially if you might wind up killing someone else too. >.< Heading off for the night? .-. but what if someone needs to kill to survive?? **stopping** no.....ju...just did not know if you wanted me to stay.................... I suppose it would depend on the situation. I'd allow myself to die before murdering someone or killing an innocent person. .-. With vampirism though, there's almost always an alternative. emotion_facepalm I didn't say I wanted you to leave. D: I guess that is where we are different....I will kill to stay alive or to protect those I care about...then I don't consider it murder or killing an innocent...... yes with me there is........with my partner it is a matter of survival.....it is either kill or die....so when I do slide I give the bodies to him.....it is for his survival too...... cat_sweatdrop I know how you feel......but I also know how I am.....I do my best most of the time................. I see. >.< xP **turning back around and looking at you** now I know I could also drink animal blood...I don't like animal blood....human blood was the first I had so that is what I drink.............now answer me this if you were given a plate of something you liked and a plate of something you didn't like which would you eat?? yeah.....capt lets me feed so that helps me....my partner knows what to do if I get out of control....and there are some others who do too........but for those who don't I am truly sorry..........
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:47 pm
Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia Kay9214 Skyailia but what if someone needs to kill to survive?? **stopping** no.....ju...just did not know if you wanted me to stay.................... I suppose it would depend on the situation. I'd allow myself to die before murdering someone or killing an innocent person. .-. With vampirism though, there's almost always an alternative. emotion_facepalm I didn't say I wanted you to leave. D: I guess that is where we are different....I will kill to stay alive or to protect those I care about...then I don't consider it murder or killing an innocent...... yes with me there is........with my partner it is a matter of survival.....it is either kill or die....so when I do slide I give the bodies to him.....it is for his survival too...... cat_sweatdrop I know how you feel......but I also know how I am.....I do my best most of the time................. I see. >.< xP **turning back around and looking at you** now I know I could also drink animal blood...I don't like animal blood....human blood was the first I had so that is what I drink.............now answer me this if you were given a plate of something you liked and a plate of something you didn't like which would you eat?? yeah.....capt lets me feed so that helps me....my partner knows what to do if I get out of control....and there are some others who do too........but for those who don't I am truly sorry.......... If one was a sentient creature, particularly a living one, I certainly wouldn't choose that one. >.<