Well i loved what i've read =] Terminology would be Trinity. However, because someone would consider worshipping 3 Gods, it goes what it seems. I had not doubted Trinity. Only questioned those who had literally served 3 Gods. I believe it would be greek Gods if i was not mistaken. Then again, does the people of Non Christianity ever questioned their own life style and said "oh..... i am horrible.."? Well if only they would see what Trinity means and not what is served. Not 3 but one in 3. Which is why Christians would use the praise of Trinity and not the concept of it as 3 separate Gods. As garland included in his post, there is only one. But He proves to us that He shares his throne with his Son and his son's spirit descended. As i said, never doubted Trinity. Just how it swaded to Gods. And not God (jehova, elohim). In the wierd sense about Allah (the God), i am still studying this one. However, after the denial of God having a Son, I'd say Allah is not a good reference for God. But hey, that's the people who followed Ishmael, the son of the bondservant of Abraham. Whom had nothing from God. But flesh of this world.

Well to finish, Trinity is not my intention to deny =] just the practice of 3 Gods.