Title: The Fall of Man
Speaker: Allen Sherry
Date: 07-27-13
Location: Lancaster's Town Square
Description: Genesis 1 - 2 talks about the how God created man in His own image. Everything in the creation was perfect. However, when man decided to rebel against God, he separated Himself from God. And all of the evil, sin, and death follows after.

When man rebelled, a wall was formed between man and God. When Jesus died on the cross, Jesus took the wall away that separates man from God. However, there is still a gap between God and man. But by repenting and trusting in Christ, man can be in communion with God again.
Link: http://youtu.be/BXrSy9m-52o

Title: Darius's Testimony
Speaker: Darius Waldner
Date: 07-27-13
Location: Lancaster's Town Square
Description: Darius Waldner is preaching and giving his testimony at Lancaster's Town Square on July 27, 2013
Link: http://youtu.be/HAgX-M566Eg

Title: John 1
Speaker: Arlen Byler
Date: 07-27-13
Location: Lancaster's Town Square
Description: Arlen Byler is preaching out of John 1 at the Lancaster's Town Square on July 27, 2013.
Link: http://youtu.be/KB1J7hlbXV4

Title: The Story of the Lamb
Speaker: Allen Sherry
Date: 07-27-13
Location: Lancaster's Town Square
Description: Cain worked to try to work his way into acceptance. Abel gave the thing that is closest to his heart. We cannot work our way to Heaven. The lamb that Abel sacrificed is a symbol of what has to be done for our sins. Christ, the lamb of God, was sacrificed for our sins. If we repent and believe in that sacrifice, we would be saved.

There was somebody that says that noone is listening, but he never came around to talk about it. But as long as I am proclaiming the Gospel, God will be glorified.
Link: http://youtu.be/emV0ag-cEes