May 20, 2013
Where are all the Christians? Are they still around? Do they have voices? Do they take action? Do they attempt to keep God a part of this world?

Why is it that liberal candidates win and churches are on rocketed decline? Why is it that abortion, drugs, promiscuity, and homosexuality have become the norm? Why aren’t the Churches standing against such things? Where are their actions? Where is their love? Why aren’t they teaching truth?

Sadly, the church today is no longer standing against wrong, or against injustice. Instead, they cater to people out of fear of possibly ‘offending someone’, because if they ‘offend’ someone, then…”they won’t go to church any longer, and if they don’t go to church any longer, then they won’t hear the Word of God, and if they don’t hear the Word of God, then they won’t be saved. So why ‘offend’ people, after all, it will turn people away from the Gospel.”

Well, I can see why they think that, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a better way.

I want you to go with me for a moment. Jesus offended just about everyone he came into contact with, the disciples, the Pharisees, rich men, poor men, and people who gathered to hear him speak. Obviously he didn’t go around ‘offending’ people by criticizing them–this goes against the Bible itself; as we are not to be mean with our mouths and talk bad about others; nor, shout and scream at them. This is offending people in a negative way, via name calling, bulling, etc. Which Christians are not to do–However, He did offend people with the Truth of His Word. He didn’t hesitate teaching about heaven or hell. He didn’t mind hurting someones feelings by teaching them that He was the only way to God, not ‘one of many paths’. He didn’t care if people left when he taught that sin was wrong and not something to be flaunted, but rather repented of. He boldly preached against the filth of the world, and encouraged people to seek after righteous living. In fact, He usually started out with massive crowds of people that peeled off in layers because of the words He spoke.

Jesus wasn’t afraid to make people come face to face with the truth of His Word. He knew their hearts and got straight to the source. He didn’t peddle around like the church does today, in hopes of salvation. He told them like it was. He knew many of them weren’t ready, at least at that time, to receive His message. He knew they didn’t want anything to do with Him. Had Jesus not spoken truth out of fear of ‘offending someone’, then I’d image he would have ended up with thousands/millions of false converts and lukewarm Christians (which aren’t really true Christians, in my book), kind of like there are today? Makes you think?!

So what happens when the church caters to such people? Well, you end up with is a bunch of false converts, and you end up having a bunch of people ask the question, “Where are all the real Christians?” Why, because true Christians are bunched up with the false ones and its making us look bad. Mainly because water down messages are being taught out of fear of ‘offending someone.’ They are too worried about what people think, rather than preaching truth! And if that’s not enough for you. Think about this statement…

Why is it that we have more churches in this country than any in the world, yet our crime and immorality is on the rise? Because…

If I share that I am against abortion, people will think bad of me…. If I share that homosexuality is wrong, people will think I am judging them…… If I share that hell is real, they’ll disown me….If I share that God doesn’t like divorce, people will get hurt…. bottom line….

Who cares what people think! I believe the highest opinion we can seek is Gods option!

Okay, so maybe you are one of those who is preaching truth and your complaint is that people aren’t listening. Well, that can be true, however it doesn’t matter if they are listening or not, we should be preaching the truth of the Gospel, no matter what.

The prophet Jeremiah went his whole life without converting a single soul, yet none of that stopped his preaching, and neither should it ours!

There is also a story of a man who tried to save the city of Sodom from destruction by warning the citizens. But the people ignored him. One day someone asked, “Why inconvenience everyone? You can’t change them.” “Maybe I can’t,” the man replied, “but I will still shout and scream to prevent them from changing me!”

If no one is listening, then preach anyway to prevent them from changing you! After all, we Christians should be a force to be reckoned with, not a force reckoning with. Lets stop our catering!

Love you all!
