Kind of craving a role play for super powered peeps. I don't have much of an idea of rolling with this except for the setting.

It would be probably fifty years into the future (still fairly modern time, our world no DC, Campcom, or Marvel universe though they can be referenced for 4th wall breaking), those with super human capabilities started showing up through means of experimentation, radiation, or just out of the blew unique whatever it may be.

There would be just super people, they've already gone through the government bull s**t and attempting to fit into society. There are some groups of Super Heroes, at least there is the main group that is aligned with the government to help apply rules and regulations among society for many super human beings. Some super hero groups may be formed for the sake of fighting crime and fixing problems and taking out the super villians. Villians, fighting the government still, fighting society for what reason, doing what they wish with their powers, whatever reason that may be. Some form groups for a greater goal, it isn't uncommon to see various independents.

Those that are under eighteen with super powers are normally assigned into an internship of other heroes (or villains if they're gutsy), but are rarely harmed as it is against a huge rule for super powered children to be attacked unless under self defense (yes, I got this from a comic), unless they wish for a death sentence.

So that's about the world I'm imagining so far, I could probably create the main Super Heroes alliance and most of them would probably be NPC's and such, really depends on how many would be interested and driving some stories around.