I have some belated bday presents that are suppose to be getting here soon.
I am excited and wish they were here dang it. xD

Finally got my cover of Adam Hughes Cover Run, which should be in between Friday and Wednesday, and who knows when exactly I should be expecting my posters. On Adam's website it says it could take up to 2 weeks. Mrrrrr. I ant to redecorate with them nooooooow.

they are all 24 x 36. I have 2 of his posters already (though while moving Power Girl was damaged. I will need to replace her eventually. Bah hum bug.)

Anyway these are the designs on all the posters of his I am collecting.

So I have at my home right now these two...
Power Girl

These are the ones I am waiting for in the mail...
Black Canary
Wonder Woman

And this is the final one I need still...

I plan on setting this up in my office space once I have it back! It is where I will do my school work/freelance work once I get going on all that jazz. I figured what better inspiration for my work space than my fave artist?