The Horseman
Name: Tsukiske
Nicknames: Tsuki
Gender: Male
Age: -- N/A

Original Clan: Conquest

Job Role: Imperial Soldier

Personality: Tsukiske was but a humble scholar of his clan before his world was destroyed. He used to be cheerful and happy with his life of books and knowledge, passionate about talking about their heritage and teaching new members about their clan. However, the war over his world changed him. He didn't just lose his home that day..he lost his identity as well. He lost everything. He had realized that day that books and history knowledge couldn't save anyone. He needed strength to do that.

When things settled and the clans made their new home in Halloween Tsukiske decided that he could no longer be a scholar, useless in fights. He was determined to change and through practice and sheer will he fought to become an Imperial Soldier. He didn't want to lose anything without a fight again, to be useless. From now on he would protect, his home, his fellow clan members, everything he holds dear.

Those who knew him before would see the change. Cheerfulness and carefree nativity was replaced with a more stoic almost cold demeanor. After spending some time with him however, one may just find that his actions don't match his thoughts and he is really a gentle and kind soul on the inside.

Mount Form:

[ Summon Mount: ] All horsemen are able to summon a mount to travel. This usually takes an equine form, though may vary from clan to clan:

[ Conquest ] - White horse/ horse and equine shaped mounts

White Horse - Tsukiske's mount is a white horse shaped mount with glowing pale yellow eyes decorated with pale yellow and pale blue accessories as well as some moon themed accessories on its tail and mane.

Weapon Form:
[ Conquest ]: Summon a short spear weapon.

- Tsukiske's weapon takes the form of a spear. The only real decorations are the two moons that are located towards the spear head. The moons are crescent and there is a larger yellow moon set behind the spear and a smaller blue moon in front of it.


Headlights: Has a chance to disable the target, forcing them to skip a turn.

Tsukiske has the ability to create a sphere of light that blazes briefly having a chance to stun his target.

Physical Description:

exclaim Please refer to this outfit guide for horsemen! exclaim

Eye Colour:Top half pale blue, bottom half pale yellow
Hair Colour/Style: Medium/Short messy black hair.
Skin Colour: Pale
Clothing Style/Colours: Black vest with dark blue edges and decorations. Around his waist is styles similar to a kimono obi with some cloth coming off and spreading in spiky patterns down to the length of his ankles. Puffy dark tan like pants with long black boots. A single long sleeve comes down his left arm with an upside down crescent moon pattern at the end colored blue on the inside and yellow on the outside. A single long black ribbon is tied on his right upper arm and flows down behind him and back in front before being tied once more at the end.
Extra: He also has two small beads colored yellow and blue on his right side of his face and a yellow and blue crescent moon accessory on his left side under his horns.
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