The Hunter
Name: Aisling Fiona McCarren
Nicknames: Lin or Fiona
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Category: Mist

The Weapon

Name: Lochlan Carrick
Nicknames: Loch or Rick
Type of Weapon: Shillelagh
Former species of weapon: Puca
Gender: Male


What’s Shy?: Despite her hobbies, Aisling is far from lacking in confidence. There is enough confidence to fill Aisling and at least another entire human being. There is little care of what people think about her figurines, her clothes, even when she randomly dresses up in her favorite MLP hoodie. There is also confidence in her abilities to fight when needed to give aid, and if need be cheer on her teammates when they seem to be lacking in hope. The downside with her over confidence is that she doesn’t understand that there is a limit when someone should stop, or when one should ask for help. Aisling will end up getting herself seriously injured before admitting defeat or stopping and asking for anyone for help or aid. This stems from not only having confidence in herself but a bit of pride of not being able to do it on her own. Her confidence also allows her to display some bravery when it comes to opposing foes.

Socially Awkward: Living in the world of video games, cartoons, books or anything of that nature has made Aisling a little too hopeful and imaginative of people. She has no problem out reading, pulling a video game marathon, or out playing anyone in any sort of die-rolled game but when it comes to actually have to social interacted she finds herself running into problems. Its not that Aisling is shy, she is far from being shy and isn’t afraid to say something. However at times when she does speak it just usually comes out rather weird in the terms of either not being a part of the topic at hand (IE mentioning an episode of MLP while people are talking about a new movie), too much information, or something that sounds as if it was a line from some obscure book. She will continue going off topic unless someone stops her, or that the moment of weird silence comes in and she will respond with something else.

Hope Fixer: There is also an odd habit that she expects people to act like they would in her books or video games. She entrust that all humans are good, kind, and that things will work out like some fantasy story. Finding out that working for Deus and all isn’t anything like she first expected will be a shocker to her. In turn she will that things aren’t like stories and that she is falling flat first into reality. Aisling will struggle with it at first, be a little grumpy versus cheerful, frustrated, and want to fix the problems and faults she sees in people. There is a good chance she may not completely get out of wanting to fix people’s habits but in her time at Deus she will have to learn and deal with accepting fate somehow.

The Thinker: If you think Aisling is the super studious girl who can tell you all the facts about the world, and she can do math in her head you are likely hoping too much from her. Not to say Aisling isn’t good with computers and making some cool character design, she just isn’t a super genius geek who excels in math or science. There is a good chance she could tell you everything that happened in episode 22 of My Little Pony however she doesn’t know the math behind how the world turns, or what happens to various chemicals when you add the, or even how many gallons are in the ocean. She reads books that are based in fantasy not fact. Despite all that, she does have a high imagination that allows her to think outside of the box. A creative mind does help her come up with random unique solutions to things or look at situations from a different point of view. Granted they may rather weird or something unexpected but they may or may not fix the problems at hand. This toppled with being a rather interested listener of other people’s stories (problems) makes her rather decent friend when it comes to needing a shoulder to cry on.


Lochlan is a bit of a douche. For someone that Aisling could have imagined as a prince charming, Lochlan is not. He is more of a b*****d prince who if possible steal panties, pull terrible pranks on people and of course best of all scam people out of their hard earned jewels (no gold though Lochlan hates gold.) He tries to get Aisling to stop being such a goody goody heroine and to have a little fun once in a while like for once at least steal someone’s cookies, play a joke, or his favorite throwing a bucket of blood on someone.

Lochlan is someone who is much more laid back, things will come and things will go and there is no reason that he should fret over ever little matter. So when Aisling does it gets a little annoying to him. He tries to tell her that people are people, let them be despite her habit of wanting to fix problems or flaws that she sees in them. He would never actually admit to liking Aisling and will deny even under oath, however he does admire the girl’s confidence and bravery. Even though he feels she is an overstuffed pincushion she isn’t the worse person in the world to be stuck with.

What Aisling and Lochlan do have in common is pride and confidence. Lochlan much like Aisling wouldn’t want to turn away in battle, he helps feed her confidence by always edging her own (rather it be banter or insist in some mean way she can do better). He hates to lose and more so he hates turning tail and running away. As well he tends to motivate Aisling away from sitting all day in her dorm by edging her to go practice more and more each day.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?
For the longest time Aisling could see them and at first she thought they were nothing more than fairies like the stories she was told. They were mischievous in nature, doing things like pulling pranks, causing trouble, even scaring the cat. She used to make up stories about them, about how they were her secret fairy friends. It wasn’t until their pranks started to go too far that Aisling realized that they were darker, more benevolent than faires. They once pushed her neighbor out of the treehouse causing a broken arm, they would blow up the tv, they would dart in front of cars causing wrecks. They were evil, and to Aisling such evil had to be stopped, so she did her best to stop them from harming others. Of course this lead to the disaster of them ruining her life, and on the day when everything fell apart she offered a new job with Deus.

Weapon Ability
Haunted Moor – The Mind
A charged attack where Lochlan starts to glow and causes the viewer to see multiple illusions of him in weapon form to trick the attacker.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Originally blue, but weres pink/purple colored contacts
Hair Colour/Style: Light sandy brown with a pink to purple strip in the bangs. Usually kept about chin length, bangs usually pulled back. Like the ref.
Skin Colour: Slightly tanned with a gold triforce tattoo (somewhere on her body except face)
Clothing Style/Colours: Mist hunter jacket, long with a hood on it (sort of like a traveling hood/jacket). As long as it has a hood its really up to artist <3
Purple/pinkish (like her eyes) scarf, long in length. Can be loosely wrapped around her neck.
Extra: Something similar to her ref in clothing below, cute lacey leggings, frilly like skirt, leather vest, choker around her neck with Celtic pendant, gloves. Feel free to use the colors on the ref pic! She does have slightly point ears from “elfin ears surgery”). There should be two piercing along her earlobe and a cuff just below her pointed ear cartilage.
Aisling’s weapon is a Shillelagh (or a traditional Irish Cudgel). It should look sort of like it was carved out of wood even though it is metal alloy base with runes up the base to the top of the club. Black handle with purplish/pinkish top/club area.
Shillelagh images

References: Aisling