Name: Alaric Falkekönig

Nicknames: That guy with the flute, the pest magnet, the kid with the mice, ect...
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Font: Talking/Thinking

Faction: Reaper
Race: Pied Piper

Natural Ability: Enchanting Melody - When Alaric plays his flute, nearby creatures stop what they're doing and follow him around. Since he does not, as of yet, have good control of his fear, he can only make small (about mouse sized) minis and creatures follow him. He cannot control any animal shaped familiars.

Iron will: Once he has made up his mind, no one will change it, at least without fighting about it to exhaustion.

Calm and quiet: Alaric will very rarely talk, and even then it will be in a quiet tone. In addition to that, even when angry, he will always keep calm. If there is ever a case in which he picks up his voice or looses his calm, that is a sign that he is about to or has already snapped.

Animals first: Alaric prefers the company of animals over other creeple, so he tends to be shy and stand-offish when meeting new creeple, creeple that he knows, on the other hand, he will open up to more and more the better he gets to know them.

No touching the flute: If you know what's good for you, just don't. Alaric will immediately take offense if anyone touches it, except if it is on accident and, even then, only sometimes.

Pacifist to a point: Alaric will go out of his way to avoid fights except in two cases: if an animal is being harmed or if someone is touching his flute.

Never without music: Whenever Alaric is not otherwise occupied, he will usually be playing his flute. He prefers doing that over anything else.

Druid Envy: As his best friends are animals and minis, Alaric envies anyone who can actually speak to them in their own language.

Mother-Hilda-Pied Piper- As opposed to most pipers, she tends to have a more fiery spirit and be quite loud. Alaric inherited his iron will from her, so when the two of them were on opposing sides in an argument, the fights could get nasty.
Father-Arnulf-Druid- As fiery and loud as his wife is, he is calm and quiet, two traits which Alaric inherited from him. Knowing that his wife and his son tended to be at odds with each other and tended to be a bit thick-skulled, he clears out of the area when they start fighting.
Sister-Frida-Druid- Having a fiery spirit like her mother, but a quiet temperament like her father and, despite her spirit, she hates fighting, so, when fighting starts she clears out of the way.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
For all of his life, Alaric had gotten along better with animals than other creeple. This may have been due to the fact that his dad, Arnulf, was a druid and his mom, Hilda, was a piper like him, meaning that, regardless of other circumstances, he was born to be a reaper attached to animals. Because both of them also tended to prefer the companionship of animals, excluding their own family of course, his parents had thought nothing of it, or at least that was the case until some of Alaric's mice helped themselves to the unfinished birthday cake meant for his sister Frida's eighth birthday.

At that point, Alaric's mother forced all of the animals outside and confronted Alaric, who had no one to help him since his father and sister had fled with the animals. What ensued was a loud debate between mother and son, though 90% of the shouting was from his mother, since Alaric rarely raised his voice, but at the end a final ultimatum was issued: "You need to spend more time with other creeple, so either you send away your animal friends when you're inside the house or you go with them." Glaring at his mother, Alaric then dashed up the stairs and locked himself in his room. Hilda had assumed that meant that she had won the argument and that he would comply with the first part of her order, which is exactly why she was stunned the next morning when she walked into the kitchen to find a very simple and short note on the table in Alaric's handwriting. In extremely large letters was one word and one word only: FINE! Not quite sure what this meant, but acknowledging that there were no animals in the house, she set about making breakfast.

She did not realize what that note truly meant until she called everyone to breakfast and one person was missing. Figuring that Alaric was sulking, she stormed up to his room to force him to come down to breakfast. When she first opened his door, what she found, or rather did not find, took a few moments to process, but when it did she fell to her knees at the door. Alaric was not there and neither was his blanket, pillow, any of the clothes in his dresser or closet (both of which were standing open), nor his bag that he took when their family went on long hikes. "Fine" had he had decided to go away from the house with his animals. When shock had finally run its course, anger and fear took over, anger because she was mad at him leaving and fear over what could happen to him on his own, after all, he did not have proper control over his fear yet.

Calming herself and walking back downstairs, she found two sets of eyes on her. Arnulf and Frida had expected to hear quite a bit of yelling from her and then see both of them come down together, since that was what usually happened when Alaric sulked in his room. When she came down alone, looking slightly defeated, they knew something was wrong. After some quiet questioning, to find out what had happened, Arnulf went outside and questioned his familiar and the other nearby animals to find out if they had seen Alaric leave. As it turned out, shortly after they had headed to bed, Alaric had snuck down to the kitchen, grabbed some food, left the note, and dashed out the kitchen door with his minor entourage in tow.

Still infuriated that he had left and determined to drag Alaric back to their house, Hilda started out of the house, only to be stopped by her husband. Quietly, he handed her the enrollment form for Amityville Academy and asked, "Would this be a good compromise? It would allow him to meet other creeple, learn to control his fear, allow him to keep his animals, and keep his animals out of your kitchen." She turned towards him in thought, and then she smiled, it was a perfect compromise.

Later that day, Alaric was playing his flute in the forest, contently entertaining the nearby animals, when a eagle landed in front of him with two papers attached. Since he immediately recognized the eagle both as his father's familiar and as one of the few creatures neither he nor his mother could control, he quickly grabbed the papers knowing they were meant for him and had either come from his father or had come from his mother with his father's permission. Either way, it meant he would not be reading an angry letter. Looking at the inner sheet, he was confused to see an enrollment form, so he read the letter. Not quite understanding what it was saying, more from shock than anything, he read it quite a few times until the meaning of what was written sunk in. He was none too enthused at the prospect about being around so many other creeple, but it would ensure that he would have both his animals and a roof over his head. Plus there was the little warning his mother had tacked on at the end:"If you don't go I will drag you back here by force."

Knowing his mother's temperament quite well, he signed the form and asked his father's eagle to deliver it to the school and told it that he would be headed that way as well. The eagle, since it had been instructed to do just that, if Alaric accepted, immediately took off, but it watched Alaric for a while, to make sure he was also setting off, before it made its way to the school.

FEAR Ability: Burst Note (The Mind type fear) - Alaric blows a really loud and sharp note on his flute, temporarily damaging the ears of those in range and causing them to be minorly disoriented.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour/Style: Long dark brown pulled back into a ponytail (Like this but looser and with the two long bits in front only long enough to frame his face)
Skin Colour: Light tan
Clothing Style/Colours: He wears a medieval emerald green tunic with darker green pants and boots that come 3/4ths of the way up his calf (Kinda like this).
Extra: He always has his flute either in his hands or to his lips. His flute is about the length of his arm, wooden, brown, and designed to be played held sideways (like this). All of the inlay on the flute is in silver, but I'll leave the design of the inlay up to the artist.
Also, he generally has a calm smile (when he's not playing his flute) and wears a dark green (a little darker than his pants) hooded cloak, but the cloak's hood is almost never pulled up.
References:Something like this