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Reply 07. ✿ - - - Chatterbox [COME SPAM!]

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Invisible Fairy

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:33 am

I just got some art and saved it twice to photobucket. How do I resize one to get it to fit in my sig?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:40 am


If the image is uploaded to your photobucket account, look on the right-hand
side of the page where it says "Media Options" Click 'Edit'.

Now you should be on the edit page with the picture you want to resize.
The sixth option should be resize. From there, you can make the image as
big and small as you want.

I wouldn't replace it as the original (A save option) just in case the
picture is too big/small on your signature. That way you can do it again.

Fuit Gummy

Sweet Gaian


Invisible Fairy

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:52 am


If the image is uploaded to your photobucket account, look on the right-hand
side of the page where it says "Media Options" Click 'Edit'.

Now you should be on the edit page with the picture you want to resize.
The sixth option should be resize. From there, you can make the image as
big and small as you want.

I wouldn't replace it as the original (A save option) just in case the
picture is too big/small on your signature. That way you can do it again.

Ok thanks! My question is, though, what size?? What numbers should I type in?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:01 pm



Well, ultimately, it's up to you.
I generally go with width: 200-300 pixels
(and let the length resize automatically)

Generally between 200 and 300, the image isn't too big or too small.
But like I said, you can resize it as much as you want to whatever size
you'd like.

Fuit Gummy

Sweet Gaian


Invisible Fairy

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:04 pm



Well, ultimately, it's up to you.
I generally go with width: 200-300 pixels
(and let the length resize automatically)

Generally between 200 and 300, the image isn't too big or too small.
But like I said, you can resize it as much as you want to whatever size
you'd like.

K...well I put 270. Let's see what it looks like.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:22 pm



Well, ultimately, it's up to you.
I generally go with width: 200-300 pixels
(and let the length resize automatically)

Generally between 200 and 300, the image isn't too big or too small.
But like I said, you can resize it as much as you want to whatever size
you'd like.

How much should I pay for it??


Invisible Fairy

Fuit Gummy

Sweet Gaian

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:01 pm


Pay? O.o
PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:11 pm


Pay? O.o

Well, it's a good piece of art. I gave 400k for it.
No worries. I have plenty left.


Invisible Fairy

07. ✿ - - - Chatterbox [COME SPAM!]

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