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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HH 2v1] Blood of the First (Shikeen + Gale) Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:25 pm
For a variety of reasons, Shik didn't like being confined in the Haunted House: it was too random for his tastes, for one, always shifting the inside of its contents; for another, there was not always room to maneuver thanks to furniture and other obstructions; and for a third, odd things tended to happen there that he could not control.

No, for this operation, he had suggested that they stake out in the dead forest surrounding the area.

Stealth was not normally Shik's style, but he knew very well what a hit from a full rank hunter meant; and while he and Shaheen were now elders, he did not want one risk to come into play. And so the pair had staked out day after day, watching patrols unseen and leaving them unmolested (save for the occasional prank to spook one); their patrols were far more sporadic than usual, and some days they never saw anyone. It chafed on the executioner's call for blood, but the horsemen had been lying low for a long enough while that they probably were not even registered as a continual threat--and thus they had to use that to their advantage and catch one off guard.

This particular day, he was stationed up in the tree as usual, crouched stiff and cold but alert. The fog was thicker than usual, but he could still see the lay of the land for the most part. Not for the first time Shik prayed that a hunter, in its infinite stupidity and pride, took on a patrol alone. He wasn't sure how much longer he could play the waiting game before he pounced on the next available target regardless of numbers.

Shifting slightly, he glanced in Shaheen's direction, his wings curled close around his body like a cloak.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:04 pm
The haunted house. A place full of memories, all of them bad verging on absolutely terrible. Shaheen had no argument against staying outside of it in the twisted, blackened tree's surrounding the place. While her insanity had become a part of her now almost as natural to her as breathing, it did not mean she felt like she could trust it, or what might happen if she were to be surrounded by it in such an environment again. She'd like to think she'd become strong enough now to fight it, and that whatever enchantment Medea put on her bracelet was enough but...well....

One could never be too careful, and in any case, she was much more comfortable perched up within a tree anyways, her wings wrapped around her body as much for warmth as for balance and comfort. Her sword was summoned, but was stabbed into the branch of the tree in front of her, and her golden gaze remained steady on the haunted house itself, waiting as they so often had done now, for that one opportunity, for that one hunter that might just make their way, alone, out that door and into the war horsemen's trap.

Reaching out from beyond feathers that surrounded her, Shaheen placed a hand on top of the hilt of her sword before letting her gaze flick towards Shik, who was perched in his own tree some distance from hers. She was bored, this was boring, but she was also patient enough to be able to do it all day. Her eyes locked with his briefly before she turned head back towards the house, her wings adjusting slightly, the tips of her feathers broken and grey, their own mist falling to that which was gathered below.

Paging Gale Gentry <3


Ice-Cold Hunter


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:18 pm
The Haunted House, while a viable source of investigation for many a hunter, had not been a place frequented by Gale in quite some time. Other than his encounter (for lack of a better word) with the frost demon, Gale had done well in keeping with his deal with Mei. Still, he couldn't avoid the place forever, especially considering that he had little to no control over the duty rosters.

Which meant that on this particular day, he was assigned to patrol the Haunted House. He'd spent several hours already walking along its darkened corridors, which meant that it was time to leave. Jinhai was still summoned, of course, as a precaution the long white rifle held in Gale's hands as he stepped out of the front door of the great house, his coat billowing around him. He brushed a few specks of dust from his sleeve and narrowed his eyes a little, eyes sweeping the rickety steps and the cobwebbed porch.

<< Nice, quiet patrol today. Just the way I like 'em. >>

No monsters, nothing. At least not this time, Gale thought, as he stepped down the broken, splintered front steps of the house, one hand already digging inside his coat for the pendant he knew would take him back to Deus.


medigel rolled 2 10-sided dice: 8, 7 Total: 15 (2-20)
PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:40 pm
There. Something broke the uniformity of gray fog. Shik's eyes narrowed upon the small figure in white and gold before glancing back to Shaheen, a feral grin curling his lips. Finally.

Making a small sign with his hand to show he was moving in, the executioner took to the air, and flew as high as he dared as he made his way over, taking the time to skirt around the large house to the opposite direction. Once ready, Shik pinned his wings to his body and divebombed, fanning them back out only at the last second to do a fly-by attack. Time to distract the little thing and soften it up.

He barked a laugh in passing as he leveled out, turning to face the hunter with a smirk. "Stunted as you are, you'll do."

HP: 50
Damage: 9



Anxious Spirit

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 1, 10 Total: 11 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:00 pm

Shaheen was already moving, rising from her crouched position with wings opening up behind her slightly. She gave Shik a precursory glance, if only to make sure he saw what she did through the fog, and was ready to move.

His nod was returned with a half cocked smirk, and once he was off in the air, so was she, climbing into the skies silently before also folding her wings into a dive. It all came so naturally, to work with another, as she had once done as a warrior. To strategize without the need to speak, to just instinctively know what it was she should do.

As Shik went one direction, she went another, slashing at the hunter with her own blade with a laugh, aiming to knock the pendant, his source of escape, out of his hand. Instead of sticking to the air, however, she landed in a crouch, knowing she could take to the air again easily if necessary.

Rising to her full height, she looked down on the hunter with a smirk of her own, features marred by a grey to match the fog that surrounded them.

Her voice was dripping with disdain, however, when she spoke. "Are you sure? We were told to take one of great strength and power and well..." She let her eyes roam up and down his form. "He doesn't look like much to me."

HP: 50
Damage: 5

kuropeco rolled 2 12-sided dice: 1, 10 Total: 11 (2-24)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:48 pm
They came at him so fast he almost didn't have time to respond.

A slightly delayed shout of << GALE! >> from Jinhai was Gale's only warning, and he swung the rifle up to defend himself without having the time to do so. The horsemen dropped in front of him and something raked into him from the side, a flurry of wings spinning in Gale's line of vision. He twisted around and gave a hiss of pain as the second appeared.

There was a flash of silver - the pendant went flying -

Gale pointed the rifle at the blonde one, his lips drawing back in a sneer. "Looks aren't everything," he snapped, and fired.

[ HP: 46 / 60
DMG: 6 ]




Dramatic Marshmallow

medigel rolled 2 10-sided dice: 8, 2 Total: 10 (2-20)


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:58 pm
"If he is unsuitable as a target, then he will at least be a suitable plaything, no?" he said to Shaheen conversationally. "We will let her decide when we are ready."

It would not be enough to simply physically tear down their target. War was about the anger and the passion of life, drawing out the inner conflict every living being held inside. A proper tribute needed to be enraged as far as Shik was concerned--if not, it would just be boring.

As the pendant sailed in the air, Shik swooped in and caught it, keeping afloat while Shaheen stayed on the ground. With a woflish grin, he made a show of dangling it high above the hunter. "Are they not, little boil? Why not focus on me, then? Or do you truly not care about your means of escape? Summoning his dagger, the executioner flung it down.

HP: 50
Damage: 4

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 3, 10 Total: 13 (2-20)
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:12 am
Shaheen took the bullet in the shoulder with a light hiss, and then more laughter, as if the pain were more enjoyable then anything. And it was, really. There was no war without pain, no battles won without some hits taken or sacrifices made. As she brandished her sword, she debated concentrating her Fear into an attack on the small boy. Or was he a man? It was so hard to tell, given his size and physical features.

But she decided against it. No, that would be ending it all too soon, and as Shikoba said, if it turned out that this little hunter was not suitable for Medea's needs, then he would at least make a fine little toy to play with. Her teeth bared, she glanced upwards to where Shikoba fairly floated in the air, the pendant she had knocked out of the hunters hand clutched in his own clawed one.

"Are you trying to say I'm not a worthy opponent for him to focus his attentions on?" She purred, before rushing forward with a flap of her wings, her sword slashing out at the hunter. "I would beg to differ. Choose wisely who you attack next, you disgusting bag of human filth. But if you attack him I promise you my sword will find your unsavory little hunter heart." This last was said in a low growl, and she didn't bother distancing herself from him, but instead reached out as though to grab for his weapon to pull him closer, with the look of a feral animal in her eyes.

HP: 44
Damage: 7
Distortion Obtained: 2



Ice-Cold Hunter

kuropeco rolled 2 12-sided dice: 10, 1 Total: 11 (2-24)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:02 pm
"I am not," Gale snarled, "your plaything."

His shot had hit the female of the two, the bullet not quite as strong as he'd wanted it to be. The pendant - his only source of escape - flew through the air, and as Gale made a grab for it, it slipped through his fingers and landed in the male horseman's, who looked entirely smug, a feral grin on his painted face.

This was bad. This was very bad.

"I'd rather kill you both than escape," Gale snapped. "And you don't get to tell me what to do, sorry," he added, firing off a volley of bullets towards the dark skinned male horseman.

[ HP: 35
DMG: 5 ]


medigel rolled 2 10-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-20)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:11 pm
Even through the volley of bullets, Shik's barks of laughter rang through, lazily raising an arm to block them from nipping at his chest, more to incite further anger from the little hunter than anything else. "What was that, runt? I couldn't quite hear you from up here," he taunted, brushing off the attack. "And now you've gone and made her mad. I am aware the humans have a saying: hell hath no fury."

Something shifted in his grasp as the executioner swiftly flew over their target, the pendant a hopeful glint in his other hand. Where the dagger would have been summoned, instead there was a sword comprised entirely of familiar gray fog with several bright jewels near the base. Dive-bombing, Shik growled like a predator on the move, once more doing a fly-by attack and sharply veering back into the air, leaving the hunter in the middle of them once more.

"You are a fool who has more hot air than sense if you believe you have any choice in your fate."

HP: 45
Damage: 3 + 6 (using Insanity Sword) = 9



Anxious Spirit

Seussi rolled 9 4-sided dice: 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3 Total: 24 (9-36)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:22 pm
Shaheen was mad, both because the hunter attacked Shik and because now she was feeling ignored.

And all the gods knew that she hated to be ignored. It made her feel...unimportant. Not worth worrying about. Well, she knew how to get back the lost attention!

With a flare of Fear, her sword began to glow. "I warned you." She hissed, her golden eyes glittering dangerously. She lunged towards him, then, ready to strike him down.

And somehow, her fear managed to falter. Her sword lost the energy that imbued it and she stumbled in her step, incredulous. Was it her rage that caused her to lose concentration? It may have been likely.

Regaining her footing, she new she could not pause. She needed to strike, with a weapon that had never failed her before.

Reaching behind her in a swift movement, she drew a sword. It was the twin of that which Shikoba currently wielded, and with it, she thrust it's blade at her opponent, aiming for his heart, as she said she would, with a snarl.

HP: 44
Damage: 6-using insanity sword because Shaheen sure does suck.
Distortion: idk 3 ?

kuropeco rolled 2 12-sided dice: 5, 1 Total: 6 (2-24)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:10 pm
Each breath he took had begun to hurt. The male Horseman sunk into him, wings obscuring Gale's view as a gasp of pain escaped his throat, the FEAR shield around him beginning to weaken, splinter and break. He pushed hard, trying to free himself from between them, because being stuck in the middle meant that he would have a harder time defending himself.

The barrel of the gun felt cold, but the sting of the knife across his chest felt hot. Gale staggered backwards several steps, inhaling a sharp, terrible breath, and collapsed down to one knee, twisting the gun up.

"I'm not afraid of you," he hissed.

[ HP: 20
DMG: A++++ ]




Dramatic Marshmallow

medigel rolled 2 10-sided dice: 2, 10 Total: 12 (2-20)


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:16 pm
Ah, it was always a treat to see Shaheen fly into a rage: every muscle taut, the strike so precise, the glint in her eyes sharp as a dagger. Beautiful. It spoke of how little Shik thought of their target that he spent more than a split second admiring his partner, especially with one of those carry-on cannons locked and loaded.

He remembered Kat's smaller ones and smirked even more. Hunters always acted as if they were better somehow with their technology, but in the end they were glorified toys wielded by glorified cattle. And much like with the female, this one too would run away with a mark from their encounter.

Assuming Medea allowed him to live.

"Says the worm kneeling on the ground," Shik sneered, pursuing him relentlessly.

The hunter's weapon was barely mounted on the ground when he knifed downwards and yanked it and his prey up, tossing them into the air. With a howl of laughter, Shik touched the ground and leaped back up, catching the boil with a taloned hand that gripped through the collar of his coat and into his skin and hair.

"Then let us give you a reason to," the executioner purred. The sharpened nails of his other hand raked at the blond's back, wings beating harder to bring them to higher heights. He turned his head to Shaheen, grinning toothily. "Remember that game we played with the fruit?"

He hoped so, because one Death Hunter was hurled her way.

HP: 44 (voluntarily taking damage for grabbing the weapon)
Damage: 6

Seussi rolled 7 4-sided dice: 1, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1 Total: 16 (7-28)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:36 pm
Shaheen took several steps back when Shik intervened, a sneer pulling back her upper lip. He said he wasn't afraid of them, but that was fine, because he would be, and it was always the ones most unwilling to break that gave off the sweetest Fear when they were faced with the end, with their imminent death hanging above them.

She watched as the executioner had his bit of fun, sword held at the ready to strike whenever necessary. This time she would succeed, this time her Fear would not falter. Her blade began to glow again...

"...... Fruit?" For some reason his words startled her, and when the hunter was tossed her way, her blades glow dimmed and dulled until it was no longer present.

She let it unsummon as she debated whether or not to catch the hunter, or let him fall in the dirt. Time was running out , however, and she instinctively grabbed for him, fingers curling into the jacket at his shoulders, before she spun in a circle, wings flaring, lifting her partially off of the ground before her rotation came to its fullest point.

And then she let him go flying through the air, back towards Shik.

HP: 44
Damage: ahahahahahaha /tears
Distortion: 3

phone tag


Ice-Cold Hunter

kuropeco rolled 2 12-sided dice: 6, 12 Total: 18 (2-24)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:57 pm
He didn't have time to move

He didn't have time to react before Shikoba's claws sank into the front of his shirt, dragging him physically up off of the ground, and something pressed into his ribcage, pushed through his skin and into his stomach. A hiss, a gasp of pain, Gale's face whitening from the effort of just breathing, and he was airborne for a moment before he was caught again, talons digging into the back of his skull.

<< Gale. GALE. >>

I'm still here.

Pain raked down his back, and Gale fought the scream that threatened to escape, clenched his teeth so tightly it hurt, his jaw aching with the effort of reeling it back in. He was thrown back to the female and then once more to the male, his head snapping back painfully.

He forced a grin, a trickle of blood sliding down the side of his face.

"Still...not afraid."

The barrel of the gun pressed into Shikoba's ribcage, a volley of bullets exploding outwards.

[ HP: 14
DMG: 12 ]


{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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