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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[OPEN CLASS] Contract...? OwO (Kettil) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:45 am
NAME OF CLASS: Make a legal document and...

General information: Professor Q. B. is a renowned Halloween citizen that has traveled both Halloween and the Human World in their study of the Fear arts and has guest lectured in many established Halloween academies. Their specialty is of course, helping manifest Fear to a stronger form in desperate battle situations. Students will be learning how to make themselves stronger by invoking their hidden powers within!

Mechanics: The course itself is simply a classroom, with no chairs, or tables, or anything, in fact, it seems to be just one big white room. There is a large black swirling hole at the base of the room and upon jumping in-

- You suddenly feel very magical. You are wearing way more colour than you are used to, and good Jack, are those frills? Yes all boys yes, yes you are also wearing a skirt.

Before you can ponder this horrible and slightly traumatic change of events, you look around: you seem to be in a strange bizzare dimension where everything seems jaunty and disjointed. An eerie chanting echoes in the background along with what seems like thousands of ringing bells. Small equally disjointed creatures, some sporting entirely random limbs but no head, others with only a pair of eyes, a nose, even just a single eye scuttle by, brushing against your legs. As you take a step forward, the path in front of you begins to warp and spin, colours turning into shapes and into shadows, the cycle repeating spontaneously and endlessly.

At last, after what seems like forever, you reach the end. A creature awaits you: for each person it is different, at first it is simply a large butterfly unfurling its wings as it attempts to break out of its chrysalis until what emerges is what students themselves fear the most, from their relatives, to an Amityville professor, to even a Hunter. The outline however, of the shape, blurs and distorts, at times it is that figure, at other times, it is simply a blur of black shadows and uneven colours and textures.

And then, as you feel you are being consumed by the figure, everything blurring together at once into a mound of chaos, you can't even remember who you are, until a voice calls to you.

"Invoke your Fear, remember yourselves, and fight back!"

Intimidated, you take a step back, and then realize, in a circle around you is a ring of simple swords. If you are a reaper, you may choose to use your own weapon instead and summon it at this point. You hear the voice again, telling you to manifest your Fear into the sword to make it work, and you try to focus, focusing your powers, attempting to transfer your Fear ability onto the blade. Finally, some success, the blade of the sword flickers, weakly, with an aura corresponding to your own Fear. As you swing it experimentally, the sword unleashes an arc of your Fear, from a shadowy dark black to a flaming blaze of fire, or even just even a stronger blow that knocks everything back. You feel powerful, and the music in the background seems to have changed to something a little more upbeat.


- You are fighting the strange things scuttling around your legs, the boss is still too far away! You use your sword to strike them around you, satisfied as some scuttle away.
- You must rp out each post
- You need to clear 5 waves of familiars. Roll 2d12 and subtract 6 from the result, you CANNOT use your Fear attack (as this is manifesting/combined with your sword at the moment). You cannot heal or do anything other than roll the 2d12 -6.
- If your rolled result is higher than a 6 you clear one wave.
- Every time you roll, you take 3 damage, even if you miss! Make sure at the bottom of each of your rolls to post your damage you do (success or miss) and then your total hp value.
- After five SUCCESSFUL clears you move on to round 2. BEFORE CLEARING YOU GET A FREE HEAL. Roll 2d20 to determine your heal.
- If you hit 0 HP you immediately warp out! You are back in the white room, and have to TRY EVERYTHING AGAIN.

- The boss seems to practically be waiting for you. Its one disjointed arm summons you forward, its figure suddenly focused. You feel as if you are fighting your greatest opponent, and that in this moment of desperation, every move you made mattered.
- You must rp out each post
- THE BOSS HAS 50 HP. Roll 2d12 and subtract 6 from the result, you CANNOT use your Fear attack (as this is manifesting/combined with your sword at the moment). You cannot heal or do anything other than roll the 2d12 -6. At the end of each roll post, make sure to post your current HP, and the HP of the boss.
- Every time you roll, you take 5 damage from the boss, even if you miss!
- If you hit 0 HP you immediately warp out! You are back in the white room, and have to TRY EVERYTHING AGAIN.
- If the boss HP hits 0, you have defeated it! If you AND the boss hit 0, there is a moment of silence, the boss takes one step back and... you are warped back before you see the result ): too bad you have to try again (fail).


- The boss simple freezes up, the world around you stopping, the colours bleeding to black. Then, with a loud crackle and a whoosh, everything condenses together into one small object. As you go to examine it, the object itself splits in two, a small shadow escaping from it before dissipating into nothingness. On the bright side, the music has also stopped and you are at least dressed normally again.

You don't notice the pair of blinking red eyes staring at you from the corner, or do you?

Bonus Mechanics
Bonus Mechanics:
- If you are a REAPER or DEMON you do an additional +1 damage after damage calculations to everything.
- If you are an UNDEAD or MONSTER you do - 1 damage after damage calculations to everything
- If you are a GHOST you take -1 damage every time you roll


You defeat the boss, duh
Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 1, 12 Total: 13 (2-24)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:49 am
Kettil had wandered into the classroom with the intention of trying the course. He wasn't prepared to be in a white room, it was unnerving with how sterile it looked but even more unnerving was the large swirling black hole and with no other option he went on through.

On the other side he was feeling ... strange. Strange and drafty.

When he looked down at himself he realized he was ... dressed as a magical girl with faint themes nodding to his native culture. Kettil tugged at the short skirt and his face skewed with a little bit of distaste. "Can't pull this off as nicely as Freya can," he muttered softly to himself.

He was pretty sure many others could pull this off much more nicely than he could.

The boil didn't get long enough to contemplate things any further as he suddenly realized that this place seemed much more strange than room all in white with a black hole inside it. Kettil frowned and shifted uncomfortably as he wandered forward, hoping the heels he wore wouldn't give out from under him (or that he wouldn't lose his balance). Everything that brushed past him made his skin crawl and made his stomach lurch uncomfortably.

When he got to the end there was something there though he couldn't quite make it out at first until it broke free of the chrysalis - a strange and disjointed version of a figure he'd seen in a dream once: a disjointed form of Endzela with a spike piercing through her chest.

Much larger than the Endzela he knew.

The figure represented his fear of failure, his fear of lost direction, his fear of losing those close to him.

His fear of not being able to live up to what he was raised to do and believe as a Muut.

The figure let out a screech and suddenly everything happened at once. Kettil almost lost himself to the chaos until he heard the voice urging him to not forget himself even as tempting as it was, he managed to step back and ...


Or should he use his familiar to fight? He bit onto his bottom lip before he snagged a sword and then dove into the throng after he took a few practice swings with the weapon.

HP: 47
WAVE ONE: Clear  


Demonic Gatekeeper

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 11, 4 Total: 15 (2-24)


Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:52 am
The Familiars that attacked him made him feel an odd sense of hopelessness, but he refused to give into it. With a clenching of his teeth he fought on and through the masses trying to get his way close to the one that was threatening to consume all that he was and had.

I never fight alone. Even if I don't call her...

His thought was unfinished as he almost got blindsided and needed to protect his unprotected flank at that point.

HP: 44
WAVE TWO: Clear  
Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 7, 9 Total: 16 (2-24)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:53 am
Never fight alone...

It felt like there was an unfinished part to the equation. An unfinished feeling that he was missing.

He wasn't sure why but he felt that it was important to connect this thought to something within his heart. The handle of his sword felt heavy and unwieldy as he cut through seemingly relentless waves of creatures.

HP: 41


Demonic Gatekeeper

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 11, 2 Total: 13 (2-24)


Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:54 am
Determination he was quite known for. Fighting in a skirt? Not so much. The skirt went up every chance it got and he barely bothered to tug it back down.

Part of him was glad he was alone as he fought.

...Or was he? OwO

HP: 38
WAVE FOUR: Clear  
Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 10, 11 Total: 21 (2-24)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:56 am
He cut through the last wave trying not to feel suddenly so self-conscious about what he was wearing. It was a like the occasional drafts of wind caused by the familiars would remind him that he certainly wasn't wearing his normal outfit.


HP: 35


Demonic Gatekeeper

Pales rolled 2 20-sided dice: 4, 17 Total: 21 (2-40)


Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:57 am
He took a moment to center himself again before he faced off against the biggest foe before him. Kettil managed to pull is fear into a healing form and he felt a little bit better than he did a moment ago - this was a bonus.

Taking a deep breath he pulled up the sword once more and squared his shoulders.

It was time to bring this down. The unfinished thought in his mind kept dancing about as if to remind him that there was something unresolved...

HEAL: 21
HP: 50  
Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 4, 1 Total: 5 (2-24)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:59 am
He was so distracted by his own missing thoughts that the haunting figure of future and past failures lunged at him and got a good attack in on him. It didn't do anything to help his self confidence as he stumbled back and almost dropped the sword down to the ground.

Kettil worked his expression into a stern one hoping to intimidate the figure.

It didn't work.



Demonic Gatekeeper

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 5, 2 Total: 7 (2-24)


Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:02 am
Kettil lunged forward and tried an attack. He may as well have been tickling the figure for all the good it did him. In fact it even giggled a little in a strange voice that sounded raspy and strange. It made it's next attack against the Reaper.


The boil's brow furrowed as he tried to tighten the grip on the hilt of his sword, "I'll show you fail..."

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 2, 9 Total: 11 (2-24)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:09 am
"Showshowputonashow." Came what was almost a chorus from seemingly from everywhere but no where at the same time.

Kettil just responded by lunging forward and hitting harder than he had a few moments prior. He was rewarded with a nice clawed shove back from the tormentor before him.



Demonic Gatekeeper

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 3, 2 Total: 5 (2-24)


Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:10 am
"Do you think ? Do you remember? Remember all the times you cannot help, cannot do." It chortled cheerfully as it moved to injure more than just Kettil's body but his psyche as well.

It hit him harder than expected as the weapon suddenly felt too heavy to swing, "S..Stop it..."

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 10, 1 Total: 11 (2-24)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:11 am
"Stop trying. Stop doing. Stop." It mocked back at him. "Give up. Give up." It tore into him mercilessly, taking each weakness as an opportunity to tear in.

Kettil growled as he lunged in for his next attack, "You're nothing but an oversized parrot. You don't know anything about me."



Demonic Gatekeeper

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 2, 3 Total: 5 (2-24)


Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:12 am
"Know anything about your sweet little parrot? La-la-la~," It chimed in a mockery of sweetness as it attacked him. "Bet you don't....~"

Kettil was taken aback again for a moment, he tripped in the heels he wore trying to fight and ended up falling to his knees instead. He felt so strange and weak. The sword fell with a hard clatter.

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 12, 12 Total: 24 (2-24)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:14 am
"Know nothing." It tsked softly as it swiped him down.

Kettil recovered from the swipe within a few moments and grabbed up the sword and flung himself forward recklessly, "I know what I need to know. I know I can make it through whatever you throw at me," he panted as his hit struck home hard enough to make the creature howl in pain.

It was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.



Demonic Gatekeeper

Pales rolled 2 12-sided dice: 8, 4 Total: 12 (2-24)


Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:15 am
It let out a sudden desperate screech once it felt as if the tide was starting to turn and lashed out at Kettil. Kettil returned the favor with a hit of his own. The battle had turned into a sudden desperate tearing of two wild animals.

No thoughts. Just empty anger.

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