Hel did love having favors owed, it was a not so secret pleasure…especially when a favor owed came from a hunter. The thought of what she’d do with a favor from a Hunter though had been rolling around in her mind. What could a hunter possibly do for her…? That was on par with life sparing? It was a puzzling thing…

Puzzling thoughts which turned into curiosities and questions, and the more she sat on the idea, the more it formed into something. Something… Of course, when Hel had something in mind, she just went for it, and going for it meant locating the Hunter that owed her…Easier said than done, of course. Luckily Hel was in Halloween Town on business, and thus slipping into Amity to roam the halls until it took her to the Haunted House wasn’t hard.

What was, however, was impatiently going from room to room, hoping to run across that one Sun Hunter in particular. Hel threw open the door, revealing a large stone hall out of a medieval castle, and paused.

“…HELLO?” Her voice echoed.
