(WARNING: There may be some type discrimination, but given the nature of this particular item, it cannot be avoided.)

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((Also, Dark digivolution cannot be used to get Megidramon, I just thought the picture best explained the system's purpose))

So, I'm noticing that there are a lot of problems arising from a misunderstanding of Dark Digivolution. Firstly, let's look at what the actual item says and does. Let it be known, I am not upset or annoyed, just adding extra emphasis to get the point across.


4. Dark Digivolve!
Description: Digivolves any Digimon to its dark/black/Virus variation besides its normal version.
Cost: 1,150 TP for [F]
Cost: 1,300 TP for [T]
Cost: 1,400 TP for [R]
Cost: 1,900 TP for [C]
Cost: 2,400 TP for
Digimon Partner Required: Any except [M], [A] and [H]

First thing to note about this item:
*might not work for some Digimon
This means that not every Digimon will be able to take advantage of this item.

Second thing to note about this item:
Digivolves any Digimon to its dark/black/Virus variation besides its normal version.
This means that in order for a digimon to use this it has to have:

A) A Dark variation of it's normal line:
Ex. Agumon --> DarkTyrannomon

B) A Black variation of its normal line:
Ex. Guilmon --> BlackGrowlmon
Agumon --> BlackGreymon (yes agumon can abuse the crap out of dark digivolution)
NOTE: Some digimon may be able to use Dark digivolve and not become a virus type:
Example: Terriermon, a Vaccine can Dark Digivolve into a BlackGargomon that is still a vaccine type.

C) A Virus variation of its normal line:
Ex. Seadramon --> WaruSeadramon (Seadramon usually digivolves to a Data-type MegaSeadramon, but WaruSeadramon is a Virus variation)

HOWEVER there some areas that may seem like they would work, but they do not.

#1 Using Dark Digivolve on something that already digivolves into a Virus type. Unless the digimon has Dark, Black, or Waru in its name, Dark Digivolution does not work for it. In lamest terms, a large majority Virus type digimon cannot dark digivolve. (sorry, but that's just how it works.)
Example: WarGrowlmon --DarkDigivolve--> Megidramon

#2 Using Dark Digivolution to digivolve into a dark colored variation. Though It may look darker, if the result isn't Black---mon, Dark---mon, or a virus alternate of a non-virus digimon, it doesn't work.
Example: Renamon --> Youkoumon

(If you have any more questions pertaining Dark Digivolution, please inbox -InsertEgoHere- Liger and I will get back to you as soon as possible.)

Please note: This counts as the first warning to EVERYONE (mods included) if you have a question, PLEASE message me, don't assume.