Title: Touching the Invisible
Date: Saturday, February 21 - 23, 2014
Subtitle or Event: Weekend Meetings based on the book: Touching the Invisible By Norman Grubb
Speaker: Emanuel Esh
Category: Faith
Description: How Can I have Christ's power in my everyday life? Until we know how to recognize God's voice, we are unsure of His will, uncertain in our prayers, and infective in our Christian service. This teaching opens the reality of living secretly with God, whose invisible resources become more real than the visible world around us. The answers here have revolutionized the lives of thousands, providing practical help for those who desire a life of power; the heritage of all who are "Hidden with Christ in God."

1. The First Secret We Learned
2. The Key to Success
3. The Technique of Faith
4. How to Obtain Guidance
5. The Lie of the Ages
6. The Adventure of Adversity
7. Almighty Meekness
8. How to Maintain Unity
9. The Key to a Released Personality
10. The Law of Spiritual Harvest