"The Fae"

The Fae(fay, fairy; faery, faerie, ect)

Fairies are generally described as human in appearance and having magical powers. There are many type of fae creatures and each have there own different likes,dislikes, powers ect.

for the sake of this story we will have a main King, and Queen of all fae.

Mith-Tanya Queen of the UnSeelie & Adeon Ainmire King of the Seelies
these are the rulers of all the fae(and i do mean all)

The fae folk will fall into one of the two "Courts" of fae.

The sidhe are the royal line usually taller,stronger, and more powerful then other faes. They can be of the seelie, or unseelie court, or in rare cases of both courts.
((the sidhe of the royal lines will be npc controlled by cTheAngelofMusic. so that there is no confusion,))

The Seelie(the blessed)

Fae's of Spring, and Summer. Light and Illusion.
The Seelie court are known to seek help from humans, to warn those who had accidentally offended them, and to return human kindness with favors of their own. Still, a fairy belonging to this court will avenge insults and could be prone to mischief. The most common time of day to see them is twilight. Other names for the Seelie court are 'The Shining Thron' or 'The Golden ones' and 'The light Court'. The categorization of fairies based on court is whether or not a fairy is light or dark. Light fairies are known for playing pranks on humans and having a light hearted attitude, forgetting their sorrows quickly and not realizing how they might be affecting the humans they play pranks on.

The Unseelie Court(unblessed)

Fae's of Fall and Winter, Storm and Shadow
Unlike the Seelie Court, no offense is necessary to bring down their assaults. As a group (or "host"), they appear at night and assault travelers, often carrying them through the air, beating them, and forcing them to commit such acts as shooting at cattle.
Like the beings of the Seelie Court who are not always benevolent, neither are the fairies of the Unseelie Court always malevolent. Most Unseelies can become fond of a particular human if they are viewed as respectful, and would choose to make them something of a pet.

Fae creatures:

The Cù-Sìth(fae-hound)
they appearance as a great wolf, or dog. Its fur is shaggy, and usually cited as being dark green, black, white(having red ears and tail). Its tail is described as being long and either coiled up or plaited (braided).
The Cù-Sìth was feared as a harbinger of death and would appear to bear away the soul of a person to the afterlife,
According to legend, the creature was capable of hunting silently, but would occasionally let out three terrifying bays, and only three, that could be heard for miles by those listening for it, even far out at sea. Those who hear the baying of the Cù-Sìth must reach safety by the third bark or be overcome with terror to the point of death.

minor fae
usually tiny small fae that are elemental or part of nature(nature spirit like) attached to a tree or flower, normally have small butterfly like wings. they tend to the changing of the seasons and make sure all the plants and such are "painted" for the change of seasons. seen at twilight, and night dancing in there faery rings or "painting" the flowers and such of the earth.
small, quite, shy things, dont like to interact with humans. though they will go out of there way to play a trick if they are in the mood.

A brownie/brounie or urisk
A small brown/or coal black humanoid creature.
a brownie resembles the hob, similar to a hobgoblin. Brownies are said to inhabit houses, and or coal sheds and aid in tasks around the house.
However, they do not like to be seen and will only work at night, traditionally in exchange for small gifts of food. Among food, they especially enjoy porridge and honey. They usually abandon the house if their gifts are called payments, or if the owners of the house misuse them.
found of tricks, but normally helpful with respect. if the gift was laid on the counter or door steep the brownie would take the gift and clean ones house and such seeing all was well. however if the brownie was offended or such he would leave small coal dusty foot prints all over everything*even the ceiling). and trash the house and cause other tricky things to happen.




Puca,( pooka, phouka, phooka, phooca or púka)
Considered to be bringers both of good and bad fortune, they could either help or hinder rural and marine communities. The creatures were said to be shape changers which could take the appearance of black horses, goats, rabbits, dog. No matter what shape the púca takes, its fur is almost always dark. It most commonly takes the form of a sleek black horse with a flowing mane and luminescent golden eyes

Selkies (also known as silkies or selchies)
Selkies are said to live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land.Male selkies are described as being very handsome in their human form, and having great seductive powers over human women. They typically seek those who are dissatisfied with their life, such as married women waiting for their fishermen husbands. If a woman wishes to make contact with a selkie male, she must shed seven tears into the sea. If a man steals a female selkie's skin she is in his power and is forced to become his wife. Female selkies are said to make excellent wives, but because their true home is the sea, they will often be seen gazing longingly at the ocean. If she finds her skin she will immediately return to her true home, and sometimes to her selkie husband, in the sea. Sometimes, a selkie maiden is taken as a wife by a human man and she has several children by him. In these stories, it is one of her children who discovers her sealskin (often unwitting of its significance) and she soon returns to the sea. The selkie woman usually avoids seeing her human husband again but is sometimes shown visiting her children and playing with them in the waves.

Some of the most common characters in the Unseelie Court are
Bogies, Bogles, Boggarts, Abbey Lubbers and Buttery Spirits,
Bean Sidhe, or banshee, Kelpee
((if you have any questions about what a fae is or does, or question about the fae let me know i shall answer all to the best i can)

Shape shifting
so for the sake of the story, we shall say all these creatures can take a human like form though usually child like size for the minor fae's, pixies, spirits ect


the ability to shape the mist/glamor a illusion of magick that makes things appear as they are not. most humans can not see past the mist expect for a rare few. others can break a glamor by waring there jackets inside out or having cold iron in there pockets.

elemental control((fire,water,earth,air,shadow,light,))
depending on the Court of the fae. the fae could have control of shadows, or light. then also then one of the five elements. remember all of theses elements balance, and each have there own weaknesses.

silent walk
fae steeps, they can remain unseen/noticed by normal folk and can walk unheard. its not infallible. if your quick of eye and sharp of hearing maybe you will see the fae sneaking about wink

weakness: all fae have weakness:
they CAN NOT LIE,...they would loss all there magick powers and immortal instantly. they are born of deep magick. though they can not lie they can twist words and are vary cunning tricksters.

cold iron will ward off fae, or even poison them.

though immortal they can be killed by deep magick, by breaking oaths, lying. to them losing there immortality is death, and after that point there pretty much human and the weaknesses of the Humani be upon them.