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[PRP] How do the war pony do? (Lan and Shaboobs) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:31 pm
She had no idea. She knew how to go about the older way, the art of years and years of careful seduction, aclimation, the slow gradual intimacy that was courtship. Yet across clan lines things move differently. Even in her own clan, things moved faster now, and she felt like she'd been running, even since she'd had the horrible, terrible, utterly wonderfully sinful act of kissing his cheek.

Lan had no idea how to flirt with him beyond asking him to escort her places.

Plus, what did death do? How did death show interest because hell if she understood it.

So Lan needed advice.

And where better to go then to the one who'd managed to tie down the most...interesting of partners.

It was in the woods where Lan sought her friend, looking up this time.
"Shaheen? Shaheen?" She called out, arms folded into her robes.

At least, she hoped Shaheen was in trees. That was where war did 'hang out' wasn't it?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:49 pm
And up a tree is where Shaheen could be found, using a dagger to carve away at some chunk of wood that she had picked up off of the forest floor, trying her hand at making something pretty. A gift, of sorts, for her ridiculously stubborn, jack a** of a...husband? Man. Her man...thing. Bear. Man-thing-bear.


Truth be told, she was not doing a very good job of it. Her hands were not skilled for art of any kind, and what she was carving looked more like it might be suitable for firewood kindling then anything else. Frustrated, she stood up, and threw the damn thing deep into the forest.

And that's when she heard her name, called out from below.

"Yes!?" She shouted back, from high up in her perch, and should Lan happen to be directly under her, she might catch a glimpse of the golden glory that was Shaheen's underwear.



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:14 pm
Lan looked up, catching indeed, the small flash of gold.
She wasn't even surprised.

"There you are!" Lan motioned for her to come down. "I'd join you but, lack of wings and all."

She smiled, backing away to give the war chieftain her landing space. "How are things? Er, with him? You ah, partner? Shikoba?" She said it without malice for once.

Point for her.
"I uh... was hoping, having a partner you might have a greater insight on certain..matters." Lan's face had begun the slow decent from pale peach to pink.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:31 pm
Golden eyes flicked down as Shaheen eased herself into a sitting position on the thick branch, her legs dangling over it's edge. "You could always try to climb." She pointed out, "Though I wouldn't want you to dirty your precious clothes." There was no bite to the comment, only amusement as Shaheen pushed herself from her perch only to land in a crouched position, not far from where Lan stood.

Brushing herself off, she straightened, head cocking to the side at Lan's questions, which at first seemed quite normal. A simple inquiry to Shaheen's well being. But then she continued, and Shaheen blinked, her face going blank for a span of several seconds before she replied.

"Partner...." Yes, that worked better then husband-man-bear-thing. "Things are going well. We got married in the Wonderland game, which I thought was quite pointless and silly, but he made it more interesting by being drunk and oddly affectionate." She smiled at the memory, but then stopped and gave her head a small shake, frowning, because since when did Lan care about anything to do with Shikoba?

But then the story became a little more clear, and Shaheen smiled again, though this time it was a flash of teeth combined with a wicked glint in her eye.

"You've found a man!" She proclaimed, lifting a finger to point down at the woman. "Have you proven yourself able to defeat him in one on one combat yet?"



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:17 pm
Lan's clothes were always a priority. Vanity was her sin and curse and alas, she would have had a hard time even justifying why she'd even try to attempt climbing a tree in half the outfits she owned let alone wore. At least Shaheen understood her. Or rather had come to understand that Lan was not one to ever get really down and dirty.

"Yes, your Partner. Or..husband. I was not sure if your clan had such a ceremony as ours does. Or if.. wonderland.. counted." She sighed. "I did not think it such, else Mengyao and Lifen and I will be having a very odd... relationship to say the least." She shuddered, wanting no part in any sort of romantic or martial relation to a man she saw as a brother more than anything.

To bad for all idle chatter, Shaheen had seen all too quickly just why Lan had come seeking her.

Prompting Lan's face to change to such a vibrant shade of red that any orchid would envy. "I- I have found nothing! And no of course not! I' want to court him not kill him!" She slapped a hand over her mouth, shaking with embarrassment and sinking to the ground.

"I wanted... to know... how one goes about seducing. Flirting like... most mares do." Her face was hot with shame, eyes down cast.
She'd sworn off stallions yet now here she was.
Because of one.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:36 pm
"Partner works. We have decided on a...well, a lifelong commitment with each other I suppose, something that is mutually beneficial." She did not admit that to her, it was more then just that. There were feelings involved, deep feelings that had existed for quite some time, though she had only more recently begun to understand them.

"He is my oldest friend, my closest ally, and physically I find him very acceptable, so our union seemed to be a very obvious course to take." She continued, as if explaining away any hints that it was anything more then just that, though it seemed rather silly to not just admit what was really there to Lan, of all horsemen. Surely the young conquest noble would understand!

But this was not about Shaheen and her relationship anymore. Oh no. Lan had let something slip, and Shaheen's wicked grin grew as she began to stalk around Lan, circling her as she let out a wild laugh.

"I am most certain that your ways are not the same as my ways, Lan, but I find a good way to show affection is by giving them a good punch to the jaw!" She demonstrated by punching the palm of her hand quite enthusiastically.



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:01 pm
Lan let out a very small whine. Plus a small pout as she looked up at Shaheen. "The only part acceptable is the part I'd want to kick." But it wasn't hateful just a small admittance that her and Shik would likely, remain antagonistic with each other.

"But-" Lan held up her fist. "He's so... quiet. The stallion I am mooning over. I mean, he speaks but he is very mindful of his words? He's not one I would see thinking raising my bow to him was out of desire. I- oh gods." She slumped.

"I kissed him Shaheen. I went and kissed him. He must know of my interest yet he is being a gentleman of it and he's held my hand even and I just don't know how to... you know." Lan shook her head. "How to tell him without.. telling him."

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:15 pm
Shaheen was not bothered by Lan's apparent hostility towards Shik. In fact, she found it quite amusing, and her smile grew at the admittance the other woman gave. Often it seemed as though the other woman hid her true feelings, likely for Shaheen's benefit, but she knew who she had partnered herself with for life, knew better then anybody, and had spent nearly a lifetime hating him quite fervently herself.

Now she just considered his hateful qualities as part of his charm.

The war chieftain went quite silent as Lan continued on about her interest, handing over a few more details. Shaheen couldn't help but try and picture him in her head. She knew only but a few from Death with any amount of familiarity. There was Nergui and Soren, Bastion and Mjoll, and of course Thrain.....

She blinked as Lan admitted to kissing him.

"But you...you did beat him into submission first, right?"

That's what Shaheen had done. That was the proper way!



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:51 pm
Lan smothered her face in her hands, Backing herself into a tree to lean against. "Gods no. I- I just- Oh he was so.. handsome standing there Shaheen. He was kind and polite and in the moment all I could think about was how much I wanted to tell him that I favored him and wouldn't be opposed to a courtship and I am sure Invictus would approve of him! I mean, usually he doesn't care about my affairs but he is my elder and my family head me no longer under my father's hand. I just wanted to and it felt so right and freeing and good and-" Lan bit her lip, a girlish whine escaping her.

"I... should I beat him? Let him beat me? Is there some sort of way to signal my interest in battle? Let him see a slip of my wrist? Bare the nape of my neck? Do I fire an arrow into his chest then offer to remove it? It all seems just so physical to battle."

Lan's mouth was in overdrive. As were all her emotions.

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 3:44 pm
Shaheen crossed her arms over her chest as she listened to Lan ramble on and on about Mr. Handsome, polite, quiet and kind, blah blah blah. She wondered momentarily if this is all that horsewomen of conquest ever did, gossiping and gabbing away about boys as though that were all there was in the world.

And then she remembered that most of her past conversations with Lifen had been about either Shik or Meng and realized that she had also been guilty of this terrible affliction once. So, without even breathing out the long sigh she could feel building up inside of her, Shaheen flopped to the ground, crossing her legs and resting her chin in her hand as she continued to listen, like a good friend should, no matter how dull or vomit inducing the topic.

She couldn't decide which category this particular conversation fell under.

"Sometimes getting a bit rough with a man is the only thing they understand." She mused, finally given an opportunity to speak. "I like the arrow in the chest idea, maybe you should go with that and....Oh, maybe get him right in the heart! That would be perfect!" She had a wild gleam in her eye again as she spoke the words, one that often showed up when the promise of violence arose.

And then she suddenly frowned, her cheerfulness suddenly wiped away as her eyes narrowed at the other woman.

".......Do you have a problem with how much of my body I keep bare, Lan?"



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 2:39 pm
Lan stopped and looked at Shaheen like she'd grown two heads. "Why would I?" Then it hit her. Like a fool she'd rambled off again. "Oh- no no no. For one of War to bare one's skin is common as is natural. For your clan, it is not the same as..mine. If you covered it all up would be more odd. I mean think to what I normally wear." Lan spun.

Next to nothing was exposed.
"I mean... my breasts? That is within the fashion, but my wrists? My ankles? My legs? Nobility is so limiting at times!" She huffed.
"Certain actions and settings have so many meanings and while yes pulling up my sleeves is a modest move, to just expose the wrist? I can't just... show him all the goods! I must be coy, treat him as if all he shall see is what I allow him to see...." It was somewhat better in her view- her in control. Naturally anything that put her in power was a good thing.

"..........If I fought him.. what should I wear?"

A new problem.
"Things were easier when I could just.. fight and didn't need to think on how to win a stallion's favor."
PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:03 pm
Shaheen had never been so confused in her life. It was okay, because it was within fashion, to expose one's breasts, but was considered appropriate to hide everything else? She gave the other woman an incredulous look, a single blonde eyebrow arched and raised high as arms crossed over her chest again. The effect of the look was perhaps slightly lost since she was sitting down, but still she judged, and she judged hard, even from her position on the ground.

"But he is of death and his customs might be far different from your own. An exposed wrist may have little to no effect on him at all, where as your exposed chest might be giving him completely the wrong idea altogether." She pointed out, frowning to herself.

"To be safe? I would suggest stripping down to the bare essentials. That way, all of you is exposed at once and you no longer have anything to debate over."

There. Problem solved. Shaheen was such a good friend.

"What is his name, by the way?"

It would seem that girlish curiosity had eventually won out after all.



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:10 pm
Lan held her hand over her eyes and she slumped down to Shaheen's level. "Thats the thing he...he knows conquest's custom. He understand some of our ways- better than most. His mother was of our clan and... would that work? I mean in death they care only for what works and what does not in a sense..but he know such a thing for me would be suspect?" It was with a Heavy sigh that Lan finally sat, dress fanning around her as she gave up.

"....." Leaning close she muttered as silently at she could. "Aeron."

"But promise me you won't tell? No one must know- I mean there are already rumors enough I don't need more gossip."

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:07 pm
Aeron?? Shaheen knew that name, had met that man on at least one occasion before. He had wandered onto her plot of land that she shared with Shikoba whilst searching for the head priestess, and then shortly afterwards they had found themselves in the human world at Medea's behest, killing grey coated hunters and searching for one of the red shards of destruction.

Shaking her head lightly at the brief flash back of a memory, Shaheen's eyes narrowed.

"Rumors? What does that matter. If no one must know then how do you intend to seduce him and keep him?"

Those of conquest were far more confusing then Shaheen could have ever imagined. She preferred her much more simpler methods of doing things.



Ice-Cold Hunter




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:49 am
Lan sunk further into herself.
"I... technically am not head of my own house and am under the hand of my elders." Her cousin mostly. "Nobility makes everything complicated. Unlike Mengyao I cannot just... court and marry whom I choose. I have a position that might require me to make certain political alliances, and often for someone in a position such as mine... that would mean a marriage." She paused.

"I am thinking too much about this."

Lan had resigned herself to thinking about all these reasons and possible things that really-

"Besides I would kill anyone who proved too much a rival. Or maybe just make them go away for a very long extended stay in a very very remote lair maybe for a few hundred years."

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