[ Premise/Foreword ]
It was a sudden and fierce storm that brought you into the Wolfhollow cave, that dreadful day. And it seems you, are the only one to find the cave. With a loud crack, and rumble, you soon find yourself trapped in the cave....
[ Setting Information/Background ]
[ Game Introduction/Plot ]
This is a field test of a few ideas; I have for another game I am working on. So it will be quick and dirty, clear end and beginning. But, I still hope it is entertaining as well. Again this is only a test of a few things. It matters little if everyone stays together or drifts apart to find their own way. If I feel they work out, then the new stuff will be added to a future game I am working on.
[ Character Creation ]
Available Sources: Players Handbook, and the complete series.
Banned Resources: Any, else that doesn't have my okay.
ECL: 2 Gestalt
Gold: Double Base for level
Races: Standard player's handbook.
Ability Scores*: 4d6 no dropping, or 32 point buy
Hit Points: Max
Alignments: Open
Pantheon: Any
Backgrounds: Not needed
[ House/Optional Rules ]
1] Recharge magic will be used. Same with Metamagic Components
2] Prestige class and feat requirements for; saves, BAB, Skills, Spell levels or level, are halved. But, NOT Specific spells, spellcaster or feats. On the topic of prestige classes, you need at least one level in a normal(1-20) class.
3] Feats that give +# to a skill point, that skill is now a class skill.