So after all this time, I have finally decided to make a character to fill the role of Muggle Music and Music professor. For those of you who are unfamiliar with why I said after all this time, I'm actually currently studying to become a music teacher. If all goes well, I'll even be starting to teach some lessons next semester.

Anyways, I've taken notice that there's quite a few musically talented individuals, and so I'd like to bring two canon organizations back into the guild. That would be the Choir and Orchestra.

Now, they'll be run like clubs, cause, well, at least in America, most ensemble playing starts at fourth grade, and first years are as old as our fifth graders. If they were run like electives, well, things would get complicated.

I'd also like to have different music for each Hogwarts year to work on. There will be some things that are repeated (like this). You may be a member of both if you are so inclined. Just remember, I am actually studying for this. I know what's in an orchestra, I know what a typical vocal range is. Please don't be offended if I tell you your soprano cannot hit the F an octave below middle C. It's highly rare for a range to be that big, especially in classical works.

If you guys have any suggestions for repertoire, I'd be glad to take a listen!