I'm looking to experience a story; something deliberate and world-building. I'd like someone who is at least moderately literate, and would be willing to write more than a couple lines of text.

Here's a premise I've wanted to do for a long time:

A vampire/human,other monster/human, vampire/other monster or vampire/vampire tale, set in the modern day world, (nothing at all like Twilight, please). Who we are and where we meet is entirely negotiable, as are the inclusion of other creatures. It could be a club we frequent, a place of work, or maybe a college/high school setting.

In addition to our main characters, we'd have a cast of secondary ones as well. My reason for this is to enrich the experience, and make for a more complex story. Enemies and story scenarios can be decided upon discussion as well, and we would take turns putting the focus whichever character we chose.

This could continue for as long as we're happy playing. I'm thinking we could play on here, and take any of the more "risque" parts to PMs.

If any of this interests you, please message me privately so that we may discuss the details!