Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:40 pm
aka thread madness ~Latonia de la Courtel~ Cajmera ~Latonia de la Courtel~ *slinks toward Caj's journal to look* Tepee link is in my sig! And...ten of my Soquilis have their bios up to date in there >>; if you want to know anything about the Soquilis whose bios are currently blank, feel free to ask me! Ausdauer: *pokes his section of the teepee* I can't believe I'm still blank, while THAT has a whole bio posting *glances over at where Bile is slinking around the edge of the thread*Bile: *notices the glance, and hisses in reply* emotion_donotwant Well...Bile was pretty easy >>;
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:41 pm
~Latonia de la Courtel~ Cajmera ~Latonia de la Courtel~ No eating the soq though, Bile... I like her, wicked femme that she is... >.>
*eyes Ausdauer* OK I DON'T KNOW: Babes _ Need _ Love ?
Ausdauer: Dang, why choose? There's enough of me to go around cool Robelia: *nonchalantly whistles her way past Ausdauer-KNEECAP STRIKE OF DOOOOOOOOM-then whistles her way on by* cool Ausdauer: crying gonk UNCALLED FOR! Robelia: I believe you mean totally called for *flips her mane* mrgreen
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:43 pm
~Latonia de la Courtel~ Cajmera @Lat: Well, almost the whole herd is up for rp, in some fashion or another. I'd actually love to get Antony some rp, even though he's maxed out *pats him* Poor guy had to have a near death experience, but his muse is back ^^ Antony: Which is a good thing, near-death part aside *chuckles* But I have this great scar now *shows off the massive Kalona-bite-shaped scar in his neck* Guilian: *chuckles* The mares do often seem to like a stallion with scars...not that I would recommend any try with Tony wink @Caj: I LOVE Antony, always have. He's just all around awesomeness. *winks back at Guilian* Watchout handsome, scar or no you're not so bad yourself.
Masque: Wait, they gawk at him just because he has a scar? Isn't that barbaric? *eyes Antony, because he seems proud of the mark, and then glances back to Guilian* So... Don't look at him? *somewhat confused*
Aure sheltered his little princess a litte too much?
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:47 pm
~Latonia de la Courtel~ Cajmera Ausdauer: Dang, why choose? There's enough of me to go around cool Robelia: *nonchalantly whistles her way past Ausdauer-KNEECAP STRIKE OF DOOOOOOOOM-then whistles her way on by* cool Ausdauer: crying gonk UNCALLED FOR! Robelia: I believe you mean totally called for *flips her mane* mrgreen Kaishara, Maque & Daliu: *blinks at him as he struts, then giggle Robelia*
Kaishara: *watches the knee strike and then holds up a sign with a 10 on it*
Masque: *snickers at the two of them talking and hold up 9.5s* >.>
Daliu: Are you ok? o.O
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:49 pm
Cajmera ~Latonia de la Courtel~ @Caj: I LOVE Antony, always have. He's just all around awesomeness. *winks back at Guilian* Watchout handsome, scar or no you're not so bad yourself.
Masque: Wait, they gawk at him just because he has a scar? Isn't that barbaric? *eyes Antony, because he seems proud of the mark, and then glances back to Guilian* So... Don't look at him? *somewhat confused*
Aure sheltered his little princess a litte too much?
Antony: Aww, shucks ^^Guilian: *winks back at Latonia* Well, where do you think Tony got it from? wink *chuckles, then smiles at Masque* You would be surprised what some mares find attractive, Chica; for many, scars are appealing because they show the stallion has survived a tough fight. And you may look at my son all you want; I was merely commenting that it would be sad for mares to be attracted to him, scar or otherwise, because he is happily settled into monogamy ^^Antony: *smiles at Masque* Thank you for your concern over propriety; honestly, I'm used to it being stared at, so I don't mind. It's a curse of having a white coat! But yeah; my Loveless wouldn't take kindly to anyone paying me any amorous attention these days XD
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:50 pm
~Latonia de la Courtel~ Hey handsome, I just tell it like it is. ^.~ *giggles at Guilian* I'm sorry, of course. What was I thinking?
Masque: Oh, I see. I imagine some of the younger mares swoon and sigh at him when he goes by, but if he's happily settled we all know how to keep our noses out of things. As striking as the scar is, and as amazing it is that he survived such a fight, I imagine he's handsome without it too. Part of someone's appeal should lie in their personality, in the heart behind it all, and that would be far more impressive than any scar. *glances at Antony with a shy smile* For what it is worth, you are most dashing... And very brave to have survived what you did. I mean this in a strictly amorous-less way, and please do not let me offend your partner or yourself.. Just, commenting. ^.^;; ~Latonia de la Courtel~ Cajmera Robelia: I believe you mean totally called for *flips her mane* mrgreen *lets Raikinti out to make (harmless) calf eyes at Robelia*
Raikinti: *looks suitably shell-shocked* eek
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:51 pm
Cajmera ~Latonia de la Courtel~ Kaishara, Maque & Daliu: *blinks at him as he struts, then giggle Robelia*
Kaishara: *watches the knee strike and then holds up a sign with a 10 on it*
Masque: *snickers at the two of them talking and hold up 9.5s* >.>
Daliu: Are you ok? o.O
Ausdauer: Ok, now I'm being ganged up on. Surely you mares can't feel pleased with such an underhooved assault, especially one so...unprovoked crying *sad face at Daliu* I think I will be, after I've had time to recover. Some mares are so brutal; and she knows I can't fight back. Robelia: Oh please *grins at Masque and Kaishara* We're not fooled, are we girls? *nudges Daliu* Don't fall for his sad act; he's totally fine. I could have hit all four knees and he'd still be fine, the phony blaugh
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:53 pm
Cajmera ~Latonia de la Courtel~ Hey handsome, I just tell it like it is. ^.~ *giggles at Guilian* I'm sorry, of course. What was I thinking?
Masque: Oh, I see. I imagine some of the younger mares swoon and sigh at him when he goes by, but if he's happily settled we all know how to keep our noses out of things. As striking as the scar is, and as amazing it is that he survived such a fight, I imagine he's handsome without it too. Part of someone's appeal should lie in their personality, in the heart behind it all, and that would be far more impressive than any scar. *glances at Antony with a shy smile* For what it is worth, you are most dashing... And very brave to have survived what you did. I mean this in a strictly amorous-less way, and please do not let me offend your partner or yourself.. Just, commenting. ^.^;; Guilian: *smiles* Well said, Chica. We are all beautiful creatures, in our own ways, and should not be measured solely by our skins. Antony: *smiles* Thank you for the compliment, and don't worry. Loveless isn't irrational, and she's not going to bite anyone's head off for innocent comments ^^ Nor am I, for that matter. And thank you, though it isn't my own bravery you should praise. If it wasn't for my mate and my son, and a well-placed alicorn, I would be worm food by now. Corsant: *is the son in question, and grimmaces* Let's not go into that now, though, shall we? *still has no mane and is sporting a massively ugly scar on the top left half of his head*
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:54 pm
~Latonia de la Courtel~ Cajmera Ausdauer: Ok, now I'm being ganged up on. Surely you mares can't feel pleased with such an underhooved assault, especially one so...unprovoked crying *sad face at Daliu* I think I will be, after I've had time to recover. Some mares are so brutal; and she knows I can't fight back. Robelia: Oh please *grins at Masque and Kaishara* We're not fooled, are we girls? *nudges Daliu* Don't fall for his sad act; he's totally fine. I could have hit all four knees and he'd still be fine, the phony blaugh *momentarily distracted by swooning over Hayalet and sobbing into her pillow over his fabulous hair* crying heart
Kaishara: Somehow, I think you'll survive.. Even if a couple little girls team up to deflate your ego. *gives him an innocent look and then ruins it with a wicked little laugh*
Masque: *just hides behind her hair and laughs for a moment, then glances to Robelia* You used to this one then? You sound like you're long immune to his antics...
Daliu: *eyes him with concern, then glances to Robelia* Oh? *glances back to Ausdauer with slightly narrowed eyes* She doesn't really look brutal... She seems a bit small to take someone as glorious as you out with a tiny little kick...
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:56 pm
Cajmera [ Guilian: *smiles* Well said, Chica. We are all beautiful creatures, in our own ways, and should not be measured solely by our skins. Antony: *smiles* Thank you for the compliment, and don't worry. Loveless isn't irrational, and she's not going to bite anyone's head off for innocent comments ^^ Nor am I, for that matter. And thank you, though it isn't my own bravery you should praise. If it wasn't for my mate and my son, and a well-placed alicorn, I would be worm food by now. Corsant: *is the son in question, and grimmaces* Let's not go into that now, though, shall we? *still has no mane and is sporting a massively ugly scar on the top left half of his head* @Phoenix: Well, I'm going to be 27 next week, and I have no kids. I still think I'm young XD Are you trying to kill me by trotting out this many generations of favorite? I'm fangirling over here. *sob*
Masque: *beams at him, pleased* I like to think so... Some of us are relatively plain until we fly, or we talk and tell a story, we dream, we heal, we become someone's friend... There's more to us than faces and hides, yes? *looks to Antony and visibly relaxes* That is, good... I would rather not be eaten today, and an irate mate is a terrifying thing. *glances to Corsant, somewhat surprised at his appearance in the discussion* Oh, hello... You are one of the other brave souls, I gather? A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:57 pm
Cajmera ~Latonia de la Courtel~ *momentarily distracted by swooning over Hayalet and sobbing into her pillow over his fabulous hair* crying heart
Kaishara: Somehow, I think you'll survive.. Even if a couple little girls team up to deflate your ego. *gives him an innocent look and then ruins it with a wicked little laugh*
Masque: *just hides behind her hair and laughs for a moment, then glances to Robelia* You used to this one then? You sound like you're long immune to his antics...
Daliu: *eyes him with concern, then glances to Robelia* Oh? *glances back to Ausdauer with slightly narrowed eyes* She doesn't really look brutal... She seems a bit small to take someone as glorious as you out with a tiny little kick... @Phoeniz: Well, that just means you got the jump on me on life things. My hubby and I are celebrating two years on Monday heart Hayalet: Careful, there are spiders in that hair. And a pair of flutters...I think *has so much hair he sometimes looses track of its contents* Oo; Ausdauer: Well, that seems like a sexist comment; I think little girls can do a lot of damage, if they set their minds to it. *to Daliu* And she might be small, but she has sharp hooves >>; Robbie: *notices Raikinti and grins at him* You'd better blink, or your eyes might dry out! *laughs, then shakes her head at Masque* Not specifically him, but I have eight older brothers and spend a lot of time around stallions back at my home herd. Some things are universal!
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:58 pm
*sneaks forward and picks a twig out of Hayalet's hair, fingercombs a section real quick, and then dashes up a tree* @.@ <3
Daliu: I didn't say a girl couldn't hurt you.. I said she seemed small to do such damage with a small amount of force. I'm quite sure if a mare wanted to hurt you, we could.
Masque: Indeed, especially if we brought friends. *grins at Robelia* She's Daliu, I'm Masque and that's my sister Kaishara... If you need help keeping your brother's in line, you can always give us a call...
Kaishara: It sounds like it would be fun.. *agrees readily*
Raikinti: *inner fanboys, just a little, blinks and blushes, hiding behind his bangs* Oh. Err.. >.> Sorry.
I'm open for more casual if anyone wants to grab someone out of my plot thread (link in sig) or pick someone I've already thrown in here.. ^.^
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:00 pm
Cajmera ~Latonia de la Courtel~ Are you trying to kill me by trotting out this many generations of favorite? I'm fangirling over here. *sob*
Masque: *beams at him, pleased* I like to think so... Some of us are relatively plain until we fly, or we talk and tell a story, we dream, we heal, we become someone's friend... There's more to us than faces and hides, yes? *looks to Antony and visibly relaxes* That is, good... I would rather not be eaten today, and an irate mate is a terrifying thing. *glances to Corsant, somewhat surprised at his appearance in the discussion* Oh, hello... You are one of the other brave souls, I gather? A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Hi and bye, Mew! *belatedly fluffs* Well, I'm out of generations now, if that helps, Lat! Though I could go laterally, seeing as how I own...*thinks* three more of Guilian's sons, one of his daughters, and five of his grandkids XD And technically, Guilian has at least one more breeding now...plus another, if he breeds with a maxed out mare. Just think of the madness! Guilian: *nods right along with Masque* Exactly as I feel, Chica; for this reason, I could never embrace monogamy as my son has; there is just too much out there to admire! But I still respect those who choose that life ^^Antony: *chuckles* If you knew my Lessy, you would really know how appropriate that statement is! And yes...this is my son Corsant *smiles at him* Corsant: *nods at Masque* Hi. But don't mind me, I just didn't want Dad to reopen any old wounds. Really, I'm not even here *vanishes* Antony: *sighs* He's taken all of this worst of all of us, I'm afraid. That sentence is the most I've heard from him in months >>; *pauses, realizing he's getting a bit deep, and breaks off with a cough* Sorry, never mind all that. (Caj out)