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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[PRP] Cry Havoc

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:33 pm
Things had a way of building up, and the longer they stewed, simmering and festering inside, the worst for when they finally boiled over. It was rather unexpected when Inoue Seiji reached that point. He had been, as far as he'd known, happy. Utterly content. He had his ghoulfriend, he was getting back to classes, everything was looking up! But when Hadiyya had come back from some surprise trip with her side torn open and wrist ******** up, it hadn't been the horsemen he blamed - even if they had caused the entire fiasco - It was the hunter that had caused the damage.


They were a blight, a constant danger that threatened them, not just whenever they wandered away from the school, but even here. He'd run into them in the haunted house. They'd come into Amity and abducted some of his classmates. They were not just some ideal threat, something to be left alone and ignored.

Something had to be done!

Something would be done.

It had started with a few idle questions to those he knew held just as much resentment towards the Hunters as he did. Then idle questions had become a loose plan, something talked about in low voices at the back of classrooms or in the halls. Not yet serious, but growing more and more so as the days turned into weeks.

Finally all that take turned into action. Seiji had made up his mind, something had to be done. Maybe it was foolish, completely reckless, but it had to beat sitting around and waiting for another attack, didn't it? If they could get on the island, if they could see how the damn Hunters traveled, how they organized, maybe they could throw a wrench into the works. Maybe, if thy got lucky, they could cause some real damage.

It was foolish.

But Seiji called for a meeting anyways. Anyone interested in going with him to that jackforsaken island was invited to show up at the gym after 11pm on the following Frightday. The ghost was in attendance, of course, but Yaya had surprised him by turning up as well, and try as he might, he couldn't talk her out of it. If no one else showed up, at the very least he wouldn't be alone.

Funny, having Yaya along did nothing to settle the nerves that seemed to be eating him alive from the inside out.

enoh love




nothing yet
PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:12 pm
It was really no surprise (nor was it even a secret) that Alexander held a lot of resentment, anger, and even hatred towards the hunters. If they had just let him go about his unlife in peace, the story might have been different, but no, they had crossed him too many times, and had gone much too far. They could threaten him all they wanted (and they had, directly and indirectly), but he refused to stop terrorizing them at every chance he got.

He knew that what he did likely only exacerbated the situation between Halloween-kind and Hunters further, but they had drawn first blood, at least in his case. He had not gone to their home until they had invaded his. He had not killed one of their own until they had taken away one of the creeple he held most dear to his unbeating heart, not to mention the countless others they had taken and made into weapons, willingly or unwillingly. Had they only just left him alone, left his friends alone, left the boil he loved alone, things might have been much different.

The zomboil had long thought about going to the island again. Ever since allied siege between Horsemen and Amity, he had thought about it. But with graduation looming and an upcoming wedding to think about, those thoughts had always been set to the back burner, something to consider for another time.

But now it seemed there might be a plan brewing between some students. Alexander was sure it wasn't a good idea, but he thought he would attend the meeting anyways and hear the others out. He had a burning desire to wreak havoc on the hunters, sure, but he wasn't going to be stupid about it! If they had a way to get to the island, that was one thing, but it was getting back without getting caught that was another one entirely. Last time they'd had the numbers, they'd had the horsemen to back them....

Alexander arrived in the gym some time after 11pm that Frightday evening, and shuffled his way to where the only other creeple in the gym stood. Hands shoved in pockets, shoulders slumped forward, hair falling over one eye, he stopped a few feet from the others.

"Hey." He smiled, a grin brightening his features despite the grim circumstances behind the meeting. Straightening his shoulders so that he wasn't quite so hunched, the zomboil cast his glance about.

"Is this it?"

It was hard not to sound disappointed, but he somehow pulled off the usual lilt of cheerful enthusiasm in his voice.



Ice-Cold Hunter


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:36 pm
Piper was scared shitless. It was a foreign feeling to wake up to in the aftermath of what had been basically an almost apocalyptic scenario. Heck, maybe it still was. Her room looked the same, her campus was still the same, but her life definitely was not: the world was way too big all of a sudden.

She had spent two whole days in her room ignoring the outside. When she left, it was for classes and food if she felt like it. It was the dullest Piper had ever felt her life being in ages, but there was a subtle anxiety to her motions even when she was her usual bold self. If there was one thing she had been taught by the encounter, it was that she wasn't enough of something it make it out of school. Not even close.

So in a rash decision to try and fix it, she showed up at the gym at the alloted time. If the rumors were true, then the strikeback would prove she wasn't a coward, she wasn't the person who couldn't lift a finger to stop the giant mass of a thing in the desert. She was Piper freakin' Blacke, and she didn't take s**t lying down.

The ghoul didn't say anything as she approached, her arms loosely crossed and her expression tense. Much like the zombie, she was wondering just how big this group was. Not that she'd bail, even though a small gaggle of students would just make her even more nervous. Maybe they were professionals, though? Or at least upperclassmen, that was for sure.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:53 pm
If there was one thing that screamed TRAP, this was it.

A gathering of those who hated Hunters and wanted to invade their island? Could they have gotten any more ridiculous? Amrita had snorted when she heard about it and simply resolved to avoid the issue entirely. She had enough of Hunters in her life time, and she had no interest in falling for this very obvious, very dangerous trap.

But as it were, she somehow found herself lingering nearby the supposed meeting place, far away to not be entirely noticeable, but close enough to see anyone who entered the gym through the main doors. It must have been important for her to know who was there and what was going on, because she had actually been out there for a few hours on the off chance someone nefarious may sneak in early to hide.

So far, most of those who went in, also left. The exceptions were Seiji, Yaya, Alex, and a very large haired student that she didn't recognize. It was strange, certainly, but the longer she stood there the more she realized that this wasn't really a trap at all, just a very misguided, probably terrible idea.

Which meant, naturally, that she had to go too, if only to look after them (which was quite obviously a lie she told to placate herself, and made her feel justified in putting her neck out there, again). With an annoyed grumble that was mostly directed at herself, she pushed herself off the wall and out of her hiding place and made her way to the gym, casting another careful glance around. Then, finally, she joined the group.

"I think most people thought this was a trap." She shared her observation with the small, humble group.

Enoh Love



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:00 pm
Pacing hadn't helped in the least with the nerves, but it had been something the pass the time as Seiji counted the minutes down to 11:00. Really, the ghost wasn't sure what to expect out of this little gathering. He wasn't the only one furious at the Hunters, he knew that, but he'd always been a little on the reckless side, and this was a very reckless plan. Maybe no one else would show. Maybe they all had a lot more common sense then the boil possessed. That's what the doubts in his head were telling him as he waited, and the the patient silence of the only other student in the gym wasn't helping.

Hadiyya had taken a seat in the bleachers with hands folded neatly in her lap. She was watching Seiji as he walked briskly from the edge of the casketball court to the line that marked the center. Back and forth.

It was a relief when Alex walked in, not just for Seiji, but for Yaya as well. Empathy was filling her with anxiety, and the appearance of the zomboil had the djinn sighing softly in relief.

Seiji's pacing ceased abruptly, and he turned quickly to peg the other boil with a considering gaze before a cool smile flickered into place before melting away. "It's still early," He countered, giving a sharp sniff as muscled arms rose up to fold over his chest. Alex had poked a nerve without knowing it. The ghost boil had been second guessing his plans, wondering if it was really such a good idea(it wasn't).

"Someone else is here, too." A tanned, heavily henna traced hand had lifted to point towards the doors. A smaller figure had slipped in quietly and was moving closer. Seiji blinked, lamented for a time when everyone on campus knew everyone else, and offered the new arrival a softer smile than the last one.

She was very quiet, and very nervous. Seiji opened his mouth to introduce himself, but Hadiyya had climbed down from her perch and beat him to it. "You're Piper, right?" A hand touched her shoulder, soft and comforting. "I know your brother and his wife. I'm Yaya." Her smile was much more inviting. "The big grey brute is Seiji, and beside him is Alex."

Another voice spoke up, and it pulled both the ghost and the demon's attention, the latter perking up and flashing a rather pleased grin. "Amrita!"

"A trap?" The ghost boil frowned, but he had to admit there was a certain logic to that. It wasn't as if strange s**t didn't happen here all the time. A trap wouldn't have been that unreasonable an assumption. "Fair point. At least a few of you showed up though."  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:07 pm
A ghoul Alexander did not recognize had come in shortly after himself, and reaching up to run fingers through his hair, he let his silent gaze rest on each of the other three that now occupied the gymnasium with him, all of which were creeple he barely knew, or did not know at all. However, he gave the big haired girl a nod and what he hoped was a reassuring smile, full of yellow and brown teeth that had not been brushed in at least a week.

And then, another face, but this one far from unfamiliar. Alexander's face broke out into a grin as he turned towards the gym entrance, catching sight of Amrita.

"I guess not everybody is so quick to jump to conclusions as that, Miss Vice President." The zomboil replied to her trap comment, though looking back at it now, he supposed it certainly might have been one, and mentally chastised himself for not being a little more careful.

Having another glance back towards the entrance to see if anybody else might be joining them, Alexander finally shrugged his shoulders. "I showed up....but that doesn't mean I'm going to stay." He admitted. "I thought I would hear you out first. So, what exactly are you trying to do, here?" The zomboil got straight to the point, dead white eyes turning to rest back on Seiji, his usual grin slipping away.

Enoh Love


Ice-Cold Hunter

Enoh Love

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:11 am
"Hi." Amrita grinned back at Yaya, fingers waggling in a wave before turning back toward Seiji. "It practically screams it: What a better way to catch hostiles, right?" Like herself, of course. It was why she had been later to the party, and why, even now, she still had a measure of suspicion about her. She was far from relaxed, and unlikely to ever get over it any time soon. "I guess that means we're all crazy~" A very pointed, but grinning, look was cast towards Alex.

"You're probably right, but at least most of them are." She gestured widely to the group of five, including herself. On the top of her head she could count at least another six who would have been willing to be here, but likely weren't because it was just so very suspicious.

"-And don't call me that." She added, giving Alex's arm a light smack before she leaned on him, using the much taller zomboil as a post because she could.

"But that's why I'm here too. Why are you trying to do this, Seiji? You've got to understand how dangerous that is, right?" Her gaze, like Alex, focused on the ghost. This whole situation made her uncomfortable; and as much as she wanted to see the Hunters suffer to their last, dying breath, she also never wanted to step foot on their terrible, horrible land again.

But if some others were hellbent, then she might have to, if only to try and keep them as safe as she could.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:22 pm
Well, it couldn't be said that the boil was the brightest bulb in the box. Witty, perhaps, with enough bairn power to manage acceptable grades in his classes, but he was a lot more brawn, than brains. He frowned, considering his methods, but there was really no time to dwell on revised planning now for something that was already in play. The only way to go from here was forward, and that was what he would focus on.

Yaya, having been privy to the plans from the get go, had had no reason to be suspicious. She'd gone along with very little question, and had not really bothered to think how anyone not already familiar with the boil might take the proposed meeting.

Resisting the urge to cram his hands into his pockets, Seiji straightened and attempted to gather his thoughts. He had given at least this part of the plan a fair amount of thought, even if the hows were more than a little lacking. "I understand how dangerous it is, but something needs to be done." The boogiemen didn't appear to be doing anything of the sort, and he still didn't trust them after the whole Red thing anyways. "If we can find out how they're getting here, how they travel in general, maybe we can come up with a way to stop them.

"And baring that, if we can cause enough damage before having to get the ******** out of there, maybe they'll be too preoccupied to worry about us for a while." And now here was the part the boil was the proudest for. A truly clever idea, at least in his own opinion. "We could leave the Horsemen's symbol all over. Leave false leads. They'll blame it on them. It shouldn't be that hard to paint the target on their back, not after what they just pulled at the tower."

No, Seiji hadn't been there, but he'd heard all about it.


enoh love




Wrathful Demigod


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 2:45 pm
The fact that Piper didn't consider the idea that the meeting was a trap enhanced the feeling of general stupidity she'd had for a while now. No info on hunters, barely any on horsemen, and now here she was: a second year struggling to understand why the hell she was here at all. To hurt someone? To get an explanation and leave? Both? Piper liked her scrapes, but this was a whole 'nother level...

The ghoul managed a weak smile in return to all of theirs, though the zombie's in particular grossed her out; she took care to breathe through her mouth just in case. Yay a said she knew Kettil, which probably should have made her feel better but honestly was just a reminder that if s**t happened, she could get tattled on. Great, more things for her cousin to get disappointed over. The demon's henna was fabulous, though, and that was what Piper focused on rather than stare too much at Madame Secretary's half face as she listened to them. Her only response to their names was a quick nod.

It was so unlike Piper to be this quiet; her skin itched. Maybe she should have told Ignatius or Brenley about where she was heading...

"Wait." Her higher than normal pitched voice suddenly piped up. "They're...they're coming here?" Piper asked the group nervously. "How? I didn't see humans or anything." If she was going to feel incredibly stupid all night, why not share it with the gang?



Enoh Love
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:37 am
Amrita struggled internally with what was being said. She knew how they got to Halloween. She knew a lot about them, actually; but never spoke out about it, for fear they would find out and hurt her friends. That fear was engrained in her, and even now that her tag was gone, she struggled with saying anything. It was enough of a struggle that she stopped leaning against Alex to hold herself, her hands clutching her upper arms tightly.

It certainly didn't help to hear the nervousness in the underclassmen's voice.

"Yeah, they are." She acknowledged softly, carefully choosing her tone to be as soothing as possible. "For years now." She added, though she knew that wasn't going to help the other girl's nerves. "But they have been...much quieter lately." It was important for her to express that, because it was true; when they first arrived, it was a constant stream of invaders and kidnappers. Lately, it had been...quieter. Scarily so.

"They're not really human, though." On this she was firm. "They're...different. They're...special humans? They have weapons that used to be Halloween like us, and they can heal like we do, but when they die, they die permanently, like a human." A Hunter had told her that once, and she could understand that.

"They get here through portals. There's at least one in the haunted house, but it's so heavily guarded and their island has so little FEAR that it would be real, true suicide to even try..." She trailed off, her voice quiet in an attempt to keep it from shaking. "But they have other portals all over the place. I don't think we can open them from this side...and they use a necklace to teleport themselves back." She stopped holding herself long enough to draw the shape of the pendant in the air; and she hoped those who had Hunter experience would know what she was talking about.

Her attention turned back to the ghost who had started it all, her expression pinched in worry.

"Seiji, I'm all for messing with and destroying those vermin, but this plan is just... We'd be horribly outnumbered if we were caught..."


Enoh Love


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