The N.E.W.T. Exams that xxxEun Yeong Hyeon Hanxxx is taking are...

x E x Charms NEWT
xxxxxxxxxx Always having been somewhat talented in Charms Eun had very little trouble with this Exam, and was able to get an Exceeds Expectations.

x O x Defense Against the Dark Arts NEWT
xxxxxxxxxx Eun's best subject since he started school, he always did quite well in this class and was able to excel in the exam with an Outstanding.

x P x Herbology NEWT
xxxxxxxxxx Herbology never really interested Eun more then he needed to be, but his grade for this class dropped drastically this final year.

x A x Potions NEWT
xxxxxxxxxx Eun did okay in potions, never really being his best subject he seemed to never get a very strong skill in this class though he was able to scrap an Acceptable.

x O x Transfiguration NEWT
xxxxxxxxxx One of Eun's talents, he was always rather skilled at the subject, many of it coming to him with pure effortlessness. He was able to get an Outstanding.

x E x Cursebreaking NEWT
xxxxxxxxxx Eun was fascinated by this class and did his best in it. He did quite well, but still only got an Exceeds Expectations.