The mansion/lounge layout

Lower level 4

- hot springs with view of a volcanic river blocked by special glass

Lower level 3

- ballroom
- concert hall

Lower level 2

- storage facility (Bogard family access only)

Lower level 1

- Joe Higashi's apartment suite.

Main level

- Bogard family kitchen
- arcades
- gymnasium
- access to Bogard family swimming pool
- emergency bathroom
- public telephone
- access to upper and lower levels

Upper level 1

- Bogard family bedrooms
- access to lounge
- access to lower levels
- Bogard family bathrooms

Upper level 2

- The lounge/restaurant
- Tournament fighting arena
- Public bathrooms
- Trash ride
- access to upper and lower levels

Remaining upper levels

- water slide access to the beach
- public bedrooms aka the hotel
- access to lower and upper levels


- upper level 99
- for inactive members

Top floor

-wedding chapel
- the ultimate water slide access to the beach

The roof

- air traffic parkade

The background information

Dee and Terry have remodeled their mansion for the ultimate tourist attraction within living quarters.

What you do

Post like you would in a story.

Cannon characters

Terry Bogard - married to empress dee
Andy Bogard - married to Raditz the saiyan
Raditz the saiyan - married to Andy Bogard
Joe Higashi - the mechanic, the flirt, the prankster.

When to start?



Dee woke up on this fine summery day and began cleaning the lounge after doing her morning duties. She then waited in the bedroom for Terry Bogard, her husband to wake up.