[Please note that this has not only yuri but yaoi stuff. I am too lazy to edit out the yaoi. All in all, most if not all of these things can be yuri plots.]

Hello, I'm a long lover of role playing. I am over the age of 18, so I'm fine with mature plots.(Depending on where we are role playing. All rules are different)

I do not like role plays that do not have a plot. In this list I will post some of my likes, some photo inspirations, fandom plots and whatever else I feel like. I am a F/F or M/M role player. I will do M/F very rarely. But I'm fine with there being M/F minor characters/side characters.

I can role play through Skype, AOL, MSN, YIM and a couple different RP forums. (I won't list any names, but we can discuss details through a PM)

[If you like one of these, give me some of your ideas. Message me if you are serious!]

Likes/Willing to Write:
Willing to write/Likes]
Some sex/naughty bits (if it fits the role play and within rules of where we are Rping. I hate PWP.)
Some age differences
Romance**** [I'm a big sucker for romance]
(Twins, Bro/Bro, Sis/Sis, step/step, cousin/cousin)
Modern "Coming of age"
High school
(I love mermaids like H20 style or My Little Mermaid style)

+ More!

PWP That means "Plot? What Plot?" and is basically an excuse for cyber sex.
Parent/Child Incest I'm fine with most any kind of incest, it's all fiction anyway, but Parent/Child rubs me the wrong way.
One Liners I just don't feel like they give me enough to want to continue!
Helpless, Whiny Characters Self Explanatory.
Super Dark/Super Abusive Characters I want to have fun, not have my character being beat to death all the time!
Characters who do not advance the plot Don't make me do everything!
Too Submissive characters I find it boring

Fandoms I Like:
Fandoms I like](I don't like OC x Canon, just Canon x Canon. Some fandoms may have exceptions.)

Charmed (Do like the M/F canon, but also admit to considering F/F incest pairings or Lady Godiva/Phoebe like a remake of the episode where Lady Godiva comes back. I love Charmed. Will do almost anything if it is canon x canon!)

Buffy/Angel (F/F or M/F. Buffy/Willow, Willow/Tara, Spike/Angel (Souled versions of them), Xander/Andrew. M/F as side pairings are fine.)

H20: Just Add Water (Totally F/F here, but M/F as side pairings are fine.)

Mako Mermaids (Lyla/Nixie or any variation of the females on the show)

Resident Evil (Anything here. Pairing wise, Alice/Claire, Claire/K-mart, Alice/K-mart, Alice/Jill probably mostly in a AU setting pre zombies or when the zombies have been eradicated and everything seems to be going back to normal... then all Hell breaks loose again. )

Harry Potter (F/F, M/M Pretty open with plot. Can take place somewhere during the store, can be AU, can be post Harry Potter. I'm open minded about the pairings as well, but enjoy F/F and M/M the most. )

Lord of the Rings (Same as above)

Old Nick/Disney shows (Pretty open here. If there is a show you want to RP, PM me and I might know it!)

Sabrina the Teenage Witch (Sabrina/Libby, or Sabrina/Jenny, Libby/Jenny, Libby/Valerie, Sabrina/Valerie... just a big Sabrina F/F sucker)

Frozen (I do like Elsa/Anna. Something cute and fluffy, maybe something where Anna discovers she has a power over fire. )

Tangled/Frozen crossover (Elsa/Rapunzel or Anna/Rapunzel)

+ more!

My Rules:
My Rules]Rules:
1. No whiny, helpless, wimpy characters and please try to be interesting. Don't make your character too submissive or boring. :/ 3 good paragraphs or more, please.
2. Don't ask me what position I'm playing. I'm not playing a position, I'm playing a person. I don't like forcing sub/dom/uke/seme on characters. This goes for F/F, M/M and even M/F. Shesh!
3. Help me come up with ideas, make things happen, make up NPCs or new problems, please don't make me do everything to run the RP. I will get bored and drop the rp.
4. Being active is fun, but if you have to be gone for a while, please tell me and I'll do the same. Normally, expect a post a day, but I do have a life outside the Internet. smile
5. Message me if you are interested, but give me some input. Don't just say "i wanna rp" or answer my questions with robotic sounding responses.

Note: Life is crazy and I may forget an RP. I do not mind being bumped, but don't do it every hour or what not. One per 24 hour period is enough.


They say a photo is worth 1000 words, so here are some photo inspired role play ideas!


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Plot]I have no real plot for this. I just saw this picture on my Facebook news feed and really liked it. It can be M/M or F/F. The setting is in more darker, fantasy era. (Maybe when there are dragons, magic, vampires and the like) or it can also be more modern, but a town that has a big, creepy castle that looks like it is from the past. It could even be a Beauty & The Beast rewrite, but with a twist.

There are two characters of importance to start. One would be the master of the castle and the other would be someone from the town. This could be a vampire/demon story. It could be about the master being under some sort of curse. We could really come up with anything. (No Master/Slave or anything like that)

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Plot/Character Sheet:
Plot/Character Sheet] The world has ended, she is the only survivor among her dance studio. She has escaped with a pair of jeans (stolen) and a shovel (also stolen) and is still wearing her ballet slippers and her dance top. Why has the world ended?

Name: Rena
Age: 18 (I can change her age if you want)
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[Her hair is very long, slightly wavy and light brown, so light that it is almost blonde]

Rena is an only child and had a traumatic up bringing. Her parents were murdered when she was three years old and she witnessed it. It was a break-in gone bad. She was adopted soon after and to help her channel some of her feelings, her adopted parents thought it would be a good idea to put her into dance class. She is trained in most forms of dance, but her dance of choice is ballet, even going as far as wearing some form of ballet item in her every day life, not just at school, such as wearing her ballet slippers, leotards or pointe shoes. Her feet have become accustomed to the pointe shoes and she claims, they are more comfortable than normal shoes. It is not unusual to see her doing some of her pointe warms ups when she is out and about.

At the age of 16, she was accepted into a modern day ballet dance school, where they do the typical ballet shows, but also unique ones. She has danced at the studio for a couple of years getting more recognized and sponsors for bigger and better things in the ballet world. [Would make her 18 at start of role play]

She was at class when the chaos started to happen around her. Only by luck was she able to run out and find shelter. As far as she knows, nobody in her class made it. On the way out, she was able to grab a few things, her backpack that is full of her extra pointe shoes and ballet slippers, leotards, tutus and bottle water, high energy snacks she keeps on hand, a pile of clothing (turns out to be from one of the male dancers) which consists of a pair of jeans and t-shirts, boxers and socks and as she passed the maintenance shed, she had the sense to grab a shovel.

There were "things" on the street. Things that were attacking other people, but they were very slow. Most people were caught and attacked because they panicked, but a calmness had come over her, so she did not panic. Maybe it was because of her control when she dances, or from the memory of her parents murder. She is very agile and is able to jump, climb and outrun, dart and dodge any of the things that notice her. She runs to her neighborhood and goes to her home, where she is now at the start of the role play. Her adoptive parents are not home, and she has sense enough to know there was a high chance that they were gone.
Notes: This will be F/F and M/M We'd each play several characters. It will be about survival, romance and yes, death. The main characters are girls aka F/F love. The secondary pairing can be M/M. I might consider M/F if you convince me.

First Post:
First Post/Sample of my writing]
On her way to ballet class, Rena noticed that there were three traffic accidents. One of them were right near her home, one of them was at the halfway mark on her walk to class, and one of them was just a block from the building she danced in. She also noticed that it seemed eerily quiet, despite the accidents and nobody seemed to be in the cars or around. Rena figured rescue had already came and gone, but it was strange that they had not blocked off the areas where the cars crashed. There was blood and glass all over the pavement. Why hadn’t the police blocked it off? She wondered if the cleaning crew would have it cleared before her class ended.

Accidents happened, so she tried not to think on it too much, but could not help but feel sorry for the people in the cars. How many of them had died? Had they suffered any pain before dying or did their death come quickly? If there had been any casualties, she hoped they had been instant.

She could not stand the idea of pain and suffering. Rena had enough of it in her life and did not want to see it around her anymore. Even though she had been three at the time, she still vividly recalled the way her mother and father were brutally stabbed and shot by two burglars who had broken into their home. That memory would always be with her. The last thing her parents did before dying was to hide her in the closet the moment they heard someone breaking in through the front window.

The burglars had seemed surprised to find her parents home. Rena watched through the slats on the closet door as the male intruder reacted as if by instinct, grabbing a knife out of his belt and thrusting it into her father’s stomach. Her mom had looked at the closet, knowing Rena could see them, her eyes begged her to not make a sound, so she had forced herself not to cry as she watched the female burglar pull out a gun and shoot her mom once in the chest and twice in her lower stomach. By the fate of God, Rena had not been discovered as they robbed the house.

When they left, Rena left the closet and called 911 as she had been taught to do in case of emergency.

Rena shook away the old memory and walked into the dance studio. She frowned when she noticed only a handful of people had shown up. That was odd. Her classmates were all very serious about their work and almost never missed a day.


“Did you notice anything strange today?” Rena asked her dance partner. He looked over at her as he was doing his warm up stretches. She watched as he turned to face her. “I mean I’ve never seen the place so deserted and I saw 3 traffic accidents on the way, but could not find anyone around, no one blocked the areas off, either.”

“I think a lot of people are out with the flu,” he answered.


The next event was a blur to Rena. There was screaming and people were running around. She saw someone laying on the floor, gurgling up blood and someone… some person was biting her dance partner’s throat. Her first thought was really ridiculous. “Vampires.” But she did not believe in things like that.

Rena did not even remember how she got to point A to point B. One minute she was doing warm ups and the next everything was in chaos. It was as if the whole town suddenly woke up and were going crazy.

She took a deep breath and told herself to calm down.

“Remember mom and dad,” she whispered to herself. ‘I need to be calm and collected like I was during their murder. I need to keep my head.’

She dodged the person… creature that had been attacking her dance partner and started to take action. She needed to get out of here and somewhere safe. She grabbed her backpack that had all her dance supplies, water and energy food and also grabbed a pile of clothing. They weren’t hers, but their owner was now….

Rena looked over to where her partner was twitching on the floor. He was dead but starting move! How did that even make sense? She stuffed everything into her backpack, but managed to pull his jeans on over her leotards. Still wearing her pointe ballet shoes, she ran out the door.

It was like the world had turned into the set of a horror movie. People who looked dead were shambling about, making groaning noises and if they got close to someone who was not dead, they attacked. Luckily, they were really slow, so Rena was able to dodge them. She passed the maintenance shed and grabbed a shovel, just in case she needed a weapon.

“It’s just like in all the movies… but how in the world can something like this happen so fast? How long has it been going on?” She murmured to herself as she carefully walked the streets back to her home. Once she got there, Rena was not sure what her next step would be.


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Plot] This girl is a fairy. In this tale, fairies are human size, not Tinkerbell size. Normally, mortals can not see them, but this girl has been banned from the fairy realm because the forest she was in charge of protecting was cut down and burned by mortals. She was unable to use her magic to stop them, when it should have been too easy! She tumbles into YC life unexpectedly. She still has the use of some magics and she still has her wings, but she knows nothing about humans. F/F romance.

Character Sheet:
Character Sheet]
Name: Eolande (Means Violet Flower) (Eeh oh lahnd)
Age: Her body looks like a 18 year old female human, but in fairy years she is much older and considered still a child (innocent-like)
Appearance: User Image
Gender: Female
Personality: She is very care-free and curious by nature. She is innocent and does not understand human inventions. She does not have a filter and will say whatever is on her mind. Despite all this, she can have a temper, but it is rare.
Bio: Eolande was a guardian forest fairy. Normally, mortals can not see them, but this girl has been banned from the fairy realm because the forest she was in charge of protecting was cut down and burned by mortals. She was unable to use her magic to stop them, when it should have been too easy! She suddenly finds herself in the human realm, but she still has her wings and fairy magic. It does not make any sense. Why would her powers not work when she needed them, but after she is banned, they work like they are supposed to? Why didn't the fairy elders also ban her powers?

She understands nothing about the mortal world and is going to need help really soon.
Misc Info: Fairies do not care about gender when it comes to love. They do not have taboos like humans do. Her hair is very long and has a golden blonde color. It is straight but curls at the very ends. She is fairly tall and thin. She has power over animals and nature. Can understand animals and talk in their language. In the fairy realm, fairies are human sized, but they can shape shift into the more small typical size when the need arises. She can still use the shape-shifting power in the mortal realm, but she can not use her cloaking power for some reason.

Her wings are made out of flower petals.


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Plot] She is a water spirit. In spirit form, she looks like she is made of water, transparent and blue/green in color. She can change from human form to water and to her water form at will. She loves everything to do with water and nature, of course, but she is also curious about the human world. She is quite young in spirit years. This picture is her human form. When in human form, she still has an unusual blue/green skin tone/hair, but she can manipulate herself to look "normal" if she wants to. Her "normal" look is pale white skin that is unblemished and long, wavy black hair.

When the last drops of her pond finally dries up, she is trust into the mortal world, on her quest to find a new water source that calls to her. She is very open about telling people who she is and what she does for water and nature, so she is getting a lot of attention and is one step away from being put in the looney bin. That is until a mythology nerd finds her and recognizes her for what she is. They bring her back and try to help her fit in. The human's property is right next to the most beautiful lake that the spirit has ever seen (of course she has only ever seen her own pond before). The lake is currently missing a water spirit to take care of it, so she is eager to make it her home, but she is also fascinated by the human and wants to live with them, too.


I'll add more photo inspirations as I find them~


Fandom Plots:

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Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Fandom-Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Romance-Action-Drama-F/F-M/M-AU] Buffy was never called as the slayer, instead Willow was. Instead of Angel coming to Sunnydale to guide Willow, it is resouled vampire Buffy. Instead if it being Xander and Willow as best mates, it is Xander and human Angel (Or we can call him Liam since that is his human name) Just Buffy the Vampire Slayer if things had been switched around a little. Joyce is now Joyce Rosenburg, Willow's mother. Giles has the same role as a stuffy watcher.
I play Willow, you play Buffy = Romance
I play Liam, you play Xander = Maybe romance. Xander has always had a crush on Liam.

Buffy has the same past as Angel on the show. Though when evil, she went by her middle name “Anne” because she thought Buffy was a stupid name. Now that she is no longer evil, she never wants to be called “Anne” again. In the past it was Buffy and Darla. Darla sired Buffy and they were lovers for a time, then came Dru and Spike.


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Fandom: Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Fandom:Sabrina The Teenage Witch, F/F Romance]I'll love you forever if you want to try a Libby/Sabrina role play. I'm better at playing Sabrina.

The plot would be something simple, and a little lighthearted and fluffy.

Takes place after Valarie leaves the show (Sabrina is around 16). Libby stays at Westbridge High instead of leaving. (No witch hunter stuff or Dreama stuff)

Sabrina is fed up with Libby being Libby and decides to cast a spell on her. Though you know how tricky some spells can turn out to be. It backfires, basically making it so that Sabrina and Libby can not be more than 5 feet from each other. Libby doesn't understand what is going on, but has no choice but to go along with it, because she literally can not walk away from the blonde. Secretly, she is thrilled because she has always been attracted to Sabrina. It is one of the reasons she picks on her so much. They are alone a lot and slowly Libby opens up and shows her real self, that she has a heart and can be a real "person" and not just the stuck up cheerleader she is at school.

Eventually Libby will confess her feelings and Sabrina will confess that she is a witch.


It does not have to be this exact plot. We can work something out together that would be to both of our likings.


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Fandom: Harry Potter
Fandom - Harry Potter - F/F - M/F - Romance- AU]
I do not have a real thought out plot, but I never really cared for the canon pairings that were in Harry Potter. So I just want to do something where Harry and Hermione gravitate toward each other instead of H/Ginny or Hermione/Ron. Also with the F/F pairing of Ginny/Luna. It can be set at any time in the books, AU setting or after the end of the last book, minus the epilogue of the book.

I play Hermione
You play Harry

I can either play Ginny, you play Luna or vise versa. Doesn't matter that much.

The other characters would be NPC.


4 Writing Samples:

Writing Sample 1]
Nixie stood on the docks, her long wavy hair blowing behind her. She put her hand above her forehead and tried to block the sunlight from her eyes. Of course, she had forgotten her sunglasses on a day like this; at least the sun was going down soon. She and three of her classmates in their Environmental Studies class were supposed to meet up to start working on a project their teacher assigned them to do. They were supposed to get some test samples of the ocean water in various points around Mako Island. Mako Island was home to an inactive volcano and not much was known about the it, other than some rumors the coastal town had about it being haunted. People did not like to visit it. Though it was different for Nixie and her family. They visited the island once a year for a picnic. Secretly, she visited it more often. For some reason, the island had always called to her, almost as if she could hear a voice beckoning her to come closer.

The girls in her project group were widely different from each other. They weren't really friends and barely knew each other, except in passing, despite having lived in the small town for a very long time. People on the coast was close nit. Everyone knew each other by at least name and face. It was nice. Nixie usually liked it, but it also meant there was no privacy.

"Where are they?" Nixie mumbled. She twisted her dyed light blue hair between her fingers, while she looked at the small boat they would be taking. It belonged to one of her friends. He was the one who took her to the island whenever she asked, but today he was unable to take them, so she decided to borrow it. She knew how to drive it, so it really should be no problem.

Nixie adjusted her light blue sundress and tapped her foot impatiently. They should have decided to leave earlier. In a couple hours, it would be pitch black.

Grabbing the bag of test tubes, Nixie went ahead and gently got into the boat, sitting down in the drivers seat. She patted her pockets, making sure she had her cell phone, just in case. All that was left was to wait for everyone else.

While she waited, she could not help but think of how cool it was that they lived in a place that allowed them to do things like this. Everyone in the coastal town was very protective of the environment; even Nixie’s hair dye was made from natural products that would not be toxic if it got in the water. If they did not take care of their lands, waters and animal life, than who would?

Speaking of animals, Nixie straightened up in her seat when she noticed “the friendly neighborhood” dolphin a yard away from the boat. She waved at it and laughed when it waved back. It had recently been released from the Aquatic Animal Rescue Center and always came back for a visit. The town had a couple aquatic centers; one was the rescue center for hurt or sick animals and the other was part of an animal theme park. They both had study programs that studied and learned more about the animals of the sea.

“Come on guys… it’s going to get dark.” She looked up at the sky and shrugged. “At least it’s a full moon tonight.”

Writing Sample 2]“Gee whiz, look at the time! Bid Daddy, I'm off now.” Hanging up his apron in his locker, Shawn gave the aging cook a wave. He grabbed his jacket, throwing it on as he started to leave. His shift ended an hour ago, but he always got caught up in the rush and ended up leaving when it was dark outside. It should not be a big deal, but a black man like himself should not be out on the streets after curfew.

The place he worked at was the only colored diner in town, not that there was a sign that said “no whites allowed.” The owners would not mind at all if some peaceful white folk wanted to come inside to dine. Shawn doubted that would happen anytime soon.

Shelly was a tall gal and her husband Randy was a short guy with a huge fro to make him seem taller. Shawn thought they were the grooviest couple he knew. He was older than both of them by at least ten years. They often teased him because he did not have a lady friend and he was pushing thirty.

“Just a moment, Shawn.”

Pausing, he turned around to see the cook walking over to him. The cook placed a bag in his hands. Shawn grinned, feeling a flush come to his cheeks. All the money he had was used to pay his rent and to care for his little sister. There were many days when Shawn went without eating so that she could. Big Daddy knew this.

“Thank you, Leroy.”

Leroy was like a father to Shawn. He was nearly seventy, though he didn't let that stop him.

“There is enough there for you and a lady friend.”

Shawn rolled his eyes. “Oh daddy'o, you know I don't have a sweetie in my life.” Everyone thought Leroy was somewhat “out to lunch” but he was a great guy. Shawn took the food, knowing it would be his only meal until tomorrow night.

“If you write more of your fancy music, you can reel one in,” Leroy said with a barking laugh.

Next to his sister, music was Shawn's life. He could play almost anything and even had a decent voice, if he thought so himself. Everyone at the diner always asked about his music.

“I'll keep that in mind,” He told him. Leaving the store, he looked around, wary of what could be waiting around the corner. He was not a huge man, though not a small man by any means either and he knew a thing or two about defending himself. His Momma made sure they learned young. He hadn't been targeted in his adult years, but he remembered as a child, how often he would get teased and in the worst cases beat to a bloody pulp.

If a black kid hit a white kid, he'd find himself in loads of trouble, but if a white kid hit a black kid, it seemed nobody cared, or else everyone was too afraid to do anything about it.

Not Shawn. He'd defend a kid, even an adult, if he saw someone messing with them.

About to turn the corner that would lead to his street, his ears pick up something they shouldn't be hearing, at least three guys hooting and hollering and the sound of a girl pleading for them to leave her alone.

'I won't let this go. It's a low blow for anyone to be ganging up on a woman, no matter her skin color.'

When he ran around the corner, he got a big shock, because the boys were white as he expected, but the girl was white as well.

'Picking on their own kind?' He took one look at the woman and saw that her dress had been ripped, she had a bruise on her cheek and her things were scattered around her feet. The boys looked about fifteen or sixteen, all smartly dressed. Rich kids.

'They are aiming to gang-' He couldn't even finish his thought. The idea was too repulsive for him to think.

'I have to make sure she is safe! I have to step in. Think about this being your sister. You would hope someone helped her! How can they do this to her?' Shawn put down his package, cracked his knuckles and ran head first into the main kid, the one who looked to be the leader. Everyone was shocked to see a big black guy pop out of nowhere. To these boys he must really seem huge, because now that he was closer, he saw that they were just skinny little kids.

He could only imagine the terror that must be in the girl's eyes, but he hoped she realized he was trying to help. Most whites distrust blacks. Shawn couldn't blame her if she felt wary. It was how they were raised.

The first kid got a punch to the gut. He doubled over in pain and Shawn held back, giving him a chance to run. The other two seem unsure if they should attack him or flee.

“Go,” He grunted to them. “Now.”

The sound in his voice got the two followers moving. They looked at each other with wide frightened eyes and raced away, leaving their leader cursing after them. The leader took a step toward Shawn as if to attack, but stopped.

Taking a step back, he glanced at the girl quickly to make sure she was out of harms way, almost missing the knife the kid pulled. He came toward him with a yell.

“Big mistake.” And it was a big mistake, because now his life had been threatened and his only choice was to protect myself. He sidestepped, grabbed the arm that held the knife and twisted. He heard a crunch.

'I know I broke something. Part of me regrets having to go that far and I can only hope the girl doesn't think I'm a monster.'

The boy dropped to the ground, tears coming to his eyes.

“Don't ever do this again, you hear me? You go home and you tell your friends.” He nudged him, bent down and picked up the dropped knife. “Go. Rethink your values.”

The boy stood up and ran as if the devil chased after him. He looked again at the girl, trying to figure out if her terror was because of what he had done to the boy or because of what the kids might have done to her if he had not showed up.

He went over to her. “Are you all right lady?” He offered her his hand, knowing the chance of her taking it was not very good.

Writing Sample 3]
A week ago - School Library

"Look at her; she thinks she is so high and mighty. Little Miss Ice Queen too good to talk to people who are not part of her Freak Squad." The girl talking was a cheerleader wannabe from a grade higher than Nixie. She dressed like she was sixteen not thirteen and rumor had it, she had already started dating by the time she was ten years old. Nixie was 11 and still thought most boys were stupid. She kept her nose pressed in her book, ignoring the other, barely even flinching when the girl got closer to her and touched her bare shoulder.

"Ouch! And she is even cold as ice! What a weirdo." The girl rolled her eyes and her and her friends started to laugh. Nixie pressed her nose closer to the pages in her book. She knew her skin had an unnaturally freezing temperature, but it was not so cold that it would hurt someone. People are so dumb.

Present Day - Haunted House

Around her friends, Nixie was really energetic and usually went with the flow. She was more of a follower, but nobody seemed to mind. She was the baby of the group and the smallest. She looked around the entrance of the so-called haunted mansion and narrowed her eyes. Sure, it was dark, and she felt a strange chill swirling through her veins, it felt like ice. It did not bother her much. She preferred the cold over anything else because of her condition.

"Did anyone else notice a weird icy feeling?" She walked over to a floor length mirror that was hanging on the wall. The mirror was oddly lacking dust. Had somebody been through here recently? Nixie looked into it and jumped when she saw a crow take off from behind a shelf and fly out of a broken window. She spun around, hoping it had been something that happened for real and not something that just happened in the mirror.

Rubbing her hands together nervously, she chuckled.

The stair banisters caught her eye. The stairs that led up to another story were very eloquent looking and she could imagine what they must have looked like when this place was brand new. There was what looked like red carpet on the stairs, but it was so stained and tattered, that it was hard to be sure of the color.

"Maybe we should find a bathroom. Do you think there is even running water?" She twisted up her noise at the idea of the smell if they all went to the bathroom and could not flush the toilet. Ew.

Writing Sample 4]Dear End of the World Journal,

It’s Olivia. Duh, who else would still be keeping a record during a time like this? That's a thirteen year old girl for you. Last time I talked about how we were going to drive to the next town over, remember? Susan didn't tell me the name of the town or I can’t remember. The name isn't important, though.

Everyone is dead. It happened so fast. I remember it so clearly and I doubt I will ever forget it. Susan is usually a very reserved type of person and I don't think I've ever heard her use harsh language, but when we got to that road block, I heard her say a curse word for the first time. I’m not going to repeat it, because even though my family is dead, I remember how father and mother told me not to repeat bad words. I might be thirteen and I can think for myself, but I still want to honor the things I was taught.

It wasn't the worst word she could have used. I've heard worse words coming from Daniel and the other guys, but it was enough to make everyone stop what they were doing and look up, seeing the road block, too.

“We have to get out and move those cars,” Daniel said. He groaned because out of the five adults, only he and Susan had any strength left. They were married once, but I think before all this started, they had a divorce. The other adults were Natalie, who was seventy years old and had arthritis, Jackie and Jed. I think Jackie is fifty and his brother Jed is much older, but I’m not even sure how old. I do know that both of them were a little on the odd side. Susan told me that Jackie had some sort of cancer, so his body was very weak, and that Jed was just so old, he couldn't do much at all.

They wouldn’t let us kids do much, even shoot a gun, even though I told them I knew how to. There were five others older than me, Jill, Ryan, Tim, Amanda and Tracy. I don’t know their exact ages, but I think they were between 14 and 17.

Daniel made them get out to help and told me to stay in the car with the children. There were five of them, all from an orphanage we came across a few nights ago. I don’t know all their names, because some of them won't even speak, but two of them said they were called Cho (a Chinese girl) and Aldo (I think he was Russian). They were between 4 and 8 years old.

When Daniel, Susan and the teenagers got out to push the cars to the side, Natalie, Jackie and Jed insisted on trying to help, despite their handicaps, so they got out too. There was no sign of undead, so everyone seemed almost too relaxed.

Olivia stopped writing in her journal. The redhead wiped a tear off her cheek. She crawled out from the porch she had been hiding under. She was alone now and had somehow managed to climb over the roadblock and get to the small town she was now in. There had been a few of the slow moving undead, but she was quick enough to skirt past them. She took Daniel's gun and extra ammo. It had been all she could grab, before those things were on top of her.

She hadn't known them long, but was very sad that everyone was dead.

"What am I going to do?" She looked beyond the few houses in the town, toward the looming forest. Those things were probably roaming around out there, not to mention the town.

"I want to call out for the living, but I'm afraid only the dead will answer."