Hi everyone ! It has been a long time that I've read Nana by Ai Yazawa.
I was a teenager back then and I believe it's the only shoujo manga that shows life,love,friendships and dreams in all its complicated aspects... It is not the typical shoujo manga where the main characters have no flaws and there's that amazing love and romance story.

Characters all have their own flaws just like in real life no one is perfect and the love stories are so complicated...

The story is on hiatus... I hope one day Ai Yazawa will get the time to finish it.

I want to talk about the characters with you and if you can share your opinion it's great. Be aware that I'll be talking about the characters and there will be spoilers.

Takumi is the character that I hated the most. I hate playboys. He is just a playboy that loves to sleep with women. It is the type of guy I avoid in real life.
What I liked about him is that he loves Reira and protect her like a sister, but somewhere in the manga he will sleep with her and Reira will regret it.

I don't really understand Reira, she loves Takumi, but he ''loves her as a sister'', so she would date and sleep with other guys. She also likes Shin...
After, she slept with Takumi. She regret it, this I don't understand her. Did she just realize she loves Takumi just like a brother and didn't want to have *** with him?
I also found silly that she paid Shin to sleep with her, because she feels lonely, but in fact, she loves him too.

Nana Komatsu or Hachiko is a character that I didn't really like because she is not very clever in choices that she makes. I don't like how she falls easily into men. I felt sad for her when her boyfriend cheated on her. I also feel pity because when she found the man that really loves her and treats her well, she got pregnant from another man Takumi...

My favorite character was Nana Osaki, her life is full of mystery, I wanted her to be with Ren so badly but then he dies. gonk I believe she likes Yasu...but I guess it's just like a sister/brother relationship. I think I like her because she is the opposite of hachiko.

Nobuo was the light of hope in Nana K.'s happiness; however it didn't work out for them. I find crazy that he will date Yuri a porn star that has a face similar than Nana K. because I find unacceptable if my love partner sleep with other people. Anyways, does love can surpass boundaries ?

Now, the last character that I would talk about Shinichi Okazaki. He was a cute character that capture my attention, he got into drugs,alcohol and prostitution. I was shocked at first, because it was the first time that I read a story of a MALE prostitute. I don't know why I didn't feel so disgusted because seriously I don't remember why maybe it was pity. Maybe I didn't take it seriously.