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[OPEN CLASS] Arts and Crafts 101 [Marcy/Mia] (FIN) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:14 pm
NAME OF CLASS: Arts and Crafts 101
PROFESSOR NAME: Professor Zixil Braxton

General information:
The Arts and Crafts room is tucked away in the corner - one way in and out, which is just how the teacher likes it. The classroom looks normal enough from the outside, with its standard door and numberplate (with an added addendum by the teacher, his name and the class title added on a piece of Muck Tape). The inside, however, looks like someone found all of the weird, eclectic stuff within a five mile radius, ate it, and then vomited it all up. The teacher has either completely lost his mind, or is trying way, way too hard. The cabinets that line the walls are partially filled with beginner art supplies: slime-based paints, earwax crayons, and...glitter, a thing so evil that it can be known by no other name.

Your Most Excellent Professor isn't going to fill your head with crazy ideas. That's all up to you!

Upon entering the class, roll 1d100 to determine your Muse Level (ML).

Muse Level 1-20

Woah, you can't make art with a Muse Level this low! Go stare longingly at your first crush, or listen to emotional music, or cry it out! We can't have you making anything that's worth less than 20 silver seeds beneath your actual capabilities.

Muse Level 21-50

Did you dip yourself in paint and roll your face over the canvas? That's not going to be acceptable. Nobody will want to buy this. Or look at it. Not even kind of.

Muse Level 51-80

Looks like you might have the right idea. Go ahead and give it a shot. I guess the worst thing that could happen is you ruin everything, but that's okay.

Muse Level 81-100

Got a real overachiever here! Creativity is oozing from your pores (seriously clean that stuff up please)!

If you roll 1-50, you will need to make another attempt. A roll of 51-100 allows you to proceed. The above information correlating to your ML gives you a good idea of how your student will be approaching this assignment.

If you succeeded in developing a passable Muse Level, you will then need to roll a 1d10 to determine to overall success of your drawing/painting/sculpture etc. Feel free to pick whatever medium you'd like!

1-3 You really poured yourself into this one, but the Professor isn't quite feeling it. Take it home and pin it on your wall, because that's all you're getting. (Fail. You'll have to make another attempt!)
4-9 You paid careful attention to details, color schemes, and - most importantly - marketability. Professor Braxton smashes a sickly note to your body with a sloppy "A" written on it, because ruining the art would be a travesty. As far as you can tell, you've done a good thing. (Pass!)
10 You are a prodigy! This thing belongs in a museum! Or the home of the highest bidder! Your artwork will be displayed in front of the entire class. Hope you're not shy. (SUPER-PASS!)

You must RP your student creating their...well, whatever they make.

Bonus Mechanics:
•If you include a DRAWN representation of the piece of art that your student creates, you can automatically add 2 to your success roll, ultimately bringing up their final score. These drawings do not have to be anything fantastic, and can be as detailed or non-detailed as you want.

•Any student who is able to use magic to create illusions can roll 1d4 to determine how amazing their artwork appears. Which is what matters. If you roll even, you can add 1 point. If you roll odd, no points can be added. This can not be combined with the 2 points you can add when including an image.

•Any student who lacks dexterity (lookin' at you, claw-handed monsters) can roll 1d4 to determine their ability to talk Professor Braxton into believing that the piece of art's concept is going over his head and is, in fact, a true masterpiece. If you roll even, you can add 1 point. If you roll odd, no points can be added. This can not be combined with the 2 points you can add when including an image.

Each visit to the classroom has the potential to span multiple posts due to the amount of dice rolls. You can interact with other students, try to steal their concepts - whatever you'd like to play out!


You pass the class!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:21 pm
After having to deal with overgrown shrubbery that seemed to have a mind of its own, teethy flowers, vipers, overgrown gators, SPIDERS, shadowy creatures and crumbling temples, Mia desperately needed a break from all the choas and excitement, and what better than a nice and quiet class where you worked with things that didn't try to bite you head off?

Besides, Mia often took pride in her inner creativity, and these open classes were nice and simple.
"It's a nice breather from all having to run for you life, is it not, Marcy?"




Dangerous Hunter



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:48 pm
"Yes, it is," Marcy agreed. As much fun as she'd had on their little trip, she had to admit that it was a little stressful...all the things that tried to hurt them. Though there were explanations for it, she was sure. The gator was hungry, the snakes....were just mean.

"So, where are we going to now?" Marcy was glad she was getting to spend more time with Mia, but she had already forgotten what they were off to do.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:56 pm
Yes, Mia was quite tired of being eaten, and really, being dissipated that much didn't do well for anyone, especially for a first-year like Marcy (really, she was looking out for your well-being, and definitely not worrying about her own clothes nope).

"You'll see."
She gave a knowing smile, walking down the hall and turning a right, walking into an open classroom filled with paper, art supplies and... well. It kinda looked like something exploded in here, but surely there wasn't anything that would KILL them or anything.
... ok so maybe the preyons might bite but all in all, a whole lot better than giant gators.




Dangerous Hunter



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:01 pm
"Ooooh!" Who loved surprises? Marcy loved surprises. And she knew Mia would only take her to the best of places.

Something that was proven a moment later as they stepped inside a very busy room. Busy as in...it had a lot of decoration and stuff.

"Oh, wow! Look at that! And this! And...what is this? Ohhh. Mia, what are we doing here? Do we get to play with all of these things?"  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:28 pm
"But of course." she beamed, and gestured to room.
"Welcome to the arts and crafts room, where we put our creativity to use. After all, a sharp mind can also be a powerful weapon."



Dangerous Hunter



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:51 pm
"Ooohhh!" It was Marcy's word of the day.

"I like art! I like crafts!" She moved toward a pile of wires. "Um, where do we start?"

Mia sounded like she'd done this before. She was a very wise and well-versed Reaper. Marcy would have to buy her some nice tea as a thank you. Yes indeed.  
[A.V.] rolled 1 100-sided dice: 50 Total: 50 (1-100)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:45 pm
Mia couldn't help but laugh at the ghoul's enthusiasm. It seemed she had picked the right class, but of course, she always knew what was best (at least... most of the time).

"Mm, well, anywhere, I guess! There's no restriction on what you have to start with, or where to start. That's all up to you."
As for herself, hmm...
She pulled a few things out, testing some of the paints, and frowned.
Nope, this wasn't what she wanted.



Dangerous Hunter

Grifferie rolled 1 100-sided dice: 66 Total: 66 (1-100)



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:01 pm
"You mean...I get to do anything I want?" Marcy followed suit with Mia and grabbed herself some paints. Painting was a quiet hobby, and something she kind of wanted to try. It went well with her other hobbies, she reasoned.

She only grabbed a couple colors, white and blue (well, three shades of blue) and some paper. And a brush, can't forget the brush.

Marcy took a moment to watch Mia, taking cues from her about how to set things up. Then she dipped her own brush into the slime-paint, the darkest of the blue, and dabbed it onto the paper. "Hmm."

It was fun. So far.

So she dipped the brush in the next blob of paint. Oooh. Look at how those colors mixed!  
[A.V.] rolled 1 100-sided dice: 100 Total: 100 (1-100)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:21 pm
Well, it seemed like Marcy was getting the hang of it, and having a good time. Mia decided she didn't... feel like working with paint, and decided to try preyons instead, even if... they did bring back some unpleasant memories.
They did hiss at her at first, but she glared at them, scaring them into submission before she picked some up, and doodled a few things on a piece of paper. It was a lot less messy than paint, and glided pretty well, and Mia found herself quite absorbed into whatever it was she was doing.



Dangerous Hunter

Grifferie rolled 1 10-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-10)



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:29 pm
Marcy rather liked the way the blue paint met with the darker blue. And if she mixed it just so it would blend together, creating a very pretty gradient. Marcy pretty much covered the whole paper, with the darker blue at the bottom and the lighter blue at the top. It was some tough work mixing the colors smoothly across the whole middle of the whole page, and really, the blended line ended up slanting, but she did it.

And then she went for the darker blue, making the bottom the page even darker. It was like shadows. Shadows in deep water. Darker water. Yes. Perfect.

Next was a gray blue. Hrm. Marcy realized she had to wash the brush off first. She didn't want the darkest blue tainting the grayblue. Slime paint didn't want to come off the brush, so she had to fight with it. But soon enough, she had a clean, clean brush.

Which she dipped in the bluegray paint.

And next came the tricky part. Marcy painted a shark into her water screen. A nice friendly shark, with a happyface. It took a lot of concentration, and she couldn't remember how many fins sharks had, but she did her very best.

After a very a long time, she rose again, to wash the brush. She needed to use the white. Time to hightlight! She added some sunlight to the shark's back, and some foamy waves to the top.

"Mia! Look! I finished it!"  
[A.V.] rolled 1 10-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-10)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:42 pm
Taking a peek at Marcy from the corner of her eye, she smiled, seeing as the ghoul seemed to thoroughly enjoy herself with that slimepaint. Part of her was curious to see what she painting and judging by the colours she chose, Mia made a guess that she was probably painting the sky or sea, or maybe even her dress. Marcy was a calm yet bubbly ghoul, and she wouldn't put it past her to paint something fun and happy.

She on the other hand...
Well, she wouldn't deny that she could be rather happy at times, but lately, she had been feeling mostly moody and depressed, and it reflected in her drawing. She used mostly dark colours, which consisted of black, dark purple and blue, and at first, her strokes were mostly harsh ones, as she used the tools as a way of venting the frustration she felt over the past year. But then, near the end, when she had gotten all that pent-up anger out, she did feel a bit more calm and relaxed, and... she suppose things DID start getting better near the end, especially when she met Marcy.
While the ghoul could be rather... overly exuberant and absent-minded at times, her calm, sweet cheeriness helped quell the darkness within her, and for that, Mia was thankful.

And so, at the very end, she used some light colours, mostly white and baby blue to accent the parts she hadn't completely covered with the darker colours, but since preyons were rather waxy, it layered on quite nicely.

With the piece finished, the preyons started getting restless, attempting to bite at her fingers, or even her sheet, but Mia flicked them away, glaring at some that dared ruin her MASTERPIECE, and it seemed her death gaze was able to scare some preyons back into their box. Some were broken and well... sacrifices were necessary.

"Oh, Marcy, perfect timing! I've just about finished also."
She held up her masterpiece. At least, to her it was.
Even if it was a bit... abstract.



Dangerous Hunter



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:28 pm
"Ooohhh! I like it!" Marcy was staring at Mia's piece with much admiration. The color scheme was somewhat similar to her own, which only told Marcy how alike they were. "What is it?"

Marcy might have realized, too late, it wasn't the most...polite of questions. But she really didn't understand art sometimes. Not that she had seen tons of art. Just a little. But she was partial to scenes and things that were easy to make out.

Mia was given a very expectant look, Marcy's eyes wide. She really wanted to understand. She really, really did.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:58 pm
Mia had expected as much, and couldn't help smiling at Marcy's picture, though... she wasn't sure if a shark had that many fins.
... that was a shark, right?
And she had also expected Marcy to be confused with her picture. To be honest, it probably wouldn't make sense to anyone except herself.
"Ah, it's a little abstract, so it isn't really a thing, but... it's my emotions. Or at least, how I've been feeling."
She pointed at the dark parts.
"The black is depression, anger... frustration. There's a bit of color, but they're also dark since... I guess I've let myself become really bitter lately. Even when I've tried to move on or do things to cheer myself up, I still felt really empty and hollow inside."
She pointed to the lighter parts.
"This is... how I've been feeling now. I guess I've learned to move past all the bad and negative things, and things are starting to clear up. The light bits of blue... are you, since you've helped me see past all the sad and dark things, and that there is still some good in this world, and for that... I thank you."
To be honest, it was a little embarrassing admitting something like that, but she was thankful for letting Marcy. It helped keep her mind off things, and despite the strange shenanigans they got themselves into, it was still fun.



Dangerous Hunter



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:20 pm
Marcy's shark was an over achiever, and she had decided the extra (if they were indeed extra, she still didn't know) helped it to swim faster. This would, of course, make her (yes it was as she) one of the most fearsome predators in all the oceans. Even with her lovely, friendly face. At least that's what Marcy told herself.

But for the moment, she was much more engrossed in Mia's explanation of her piece. "Emotions? Oh." She stared at it, trying to see.

She....had not realized Mia was feeling so bad. Angry? Hollow? Oh, dear. "I had no idea..." She was looking at Mia, a very sad expression on her face. She felt for her friend.

But her eyes went back to the drawing as Mia continued. "M-me? Those are me?" She looked at the blue, then back to Mia, then back to the art. So...she had been helping? Without even trying? Really? That was...that was great! She wanted desperately to be a good friend. And good friends helped, right? And talked about boils, too, like Alette said, but they helped. They did things together. Like art class. "I...You're welcome. But Mia, I'm...I'm so happy to hear you say that! I'm happy that you've gotten less sad."

Next came the hugging. Marcy...just felt it was the right time for hug.  
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