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[PRP] Can we find true love? (Eshkol x Gariean) Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:47 pm
This roleplay was originally named "I will hear everying you want to say", but I changed the title when I moved it over to avoid confusing the two links. I'm going to copy/paste all the posts myself rather than Reoakee have to do it with me. Here's a link to the roleplay in the old guild if staff want to check the authenticity.

Total word counts
jinxgirl5: ??
Reoakee: ??

Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 206

User Image
Gariean kept walking down the little path. On either side of him the land sloped up in gentle hills obscuring his vision of most of the forest that was off to the left and river that was to the right. Occasionally he would try to hum a tune but it often ended him losing the beat in his mind and giving up a bit frustrated. He liked to keep in open areas after an incident in a forest where fox had pounced on him due to his smell. Gariean found out that he smelled like cookies and that was something that made most foxes want to see if he tasted like them. He didn’t, but for some reason they never believed him until they tried it themselves. It was because of one of these instances that he realized he didn’t mind males tasting him as much as females. The fact made him feel a bit awkward around males since then. His tail twitched at the memory of several conversations that ended with Gariean feeling embarrassed and ashamed. Sighing he kept moving forward not really knowing what else to do with his life. He was feeling a bit down but assumed the feeling would pass with time.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:52 pm
Word count: 251

User ImageKol was slowly wandering through a hilly region, the grass-covered mounds sloping gently enough that it was no strain to walk for long periods of him but were high enough that you couldn’t see past the next hill until you’d climbed it. It reminded him a little of home, where they had a tiny area of hills that separated ocean from forest and mountains.

He wasn’t paying much attention to where his feet carried him, feeling thoroughly depressed and quite sure there had to be something wrong with him. Okay, so plenty of foxes out there were anti-social or loners. And yea, he was sure there were plenty of foxes out there who dated a lot and had several duds before they found “the one”. Heck, by the standards of one of those foxes Kol’s strike list probably seemed like he was doing just fine!

None of this was helping to cheer him up though. Was he just that unable to maintain a relationship? First Reisa, then Fleur. Heck, he didn’t even keep up with any of his family! It made Kol want to just flop down where he stood and just stay there until he withered away. A little overly dramatic, perhaps, but he was felt like indulging in a little drama at this moment.

He heaved a sigh and continued forward, so lost in his own little world that while he thought his path was aimless he was subconsciously following a delicious smell drifting towards him on the wind.


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:54 pm
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 254

While the day wasn’t dead silent Gariean did start to hear a noise. He wasn’t sure what it was or how long it had been following him but after he started to notice it he found that he couldn’t focus on anything else. It was like being told that there was something on his fur and he wasn’t supposed to look. Like most foxes he had a habit of looking. Finding this sound was no different. His ears swiveled about and he stood still to listen. Not being a very good tracker he had no idea the sound was coming from behind him until even a kit could have told that there was a fox coming up. Turning his head he saw the other male without meaning to he flinched back surprised.

It wasn’t that the male was offensive or too close in the least. Rather Gari’s heart stopped and flopped about in his chest at the sight of the male. It was something that the cookie fox had not expected and he wasn’t sure how to react. He knew he wasn’t attractive to most male foxes so he never really had the chance to figure out how to compliment or flatter. He didn’t know how to preen for a potential mate or any of the other things that were so common. He was just himself and that was a normal hopeless fox. Realizing he was staring he cleared his throat. “Ah hello?” He was incredibly nervous, and he didn’t even know this male!
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:56 pm
Word count: 161

Kol jumped at the sudden and unexpected noise. If the male in front of his wasn’t good at tracking, at least he had an excuse; Kol was passably decent at tracking and should more than have been able to spot the male that must have been in sight for several minutes as he walked. Or maybe not, as he gave the male a second and more thorough look. After all it wasn’t like the landscape around here was all greens, and the speckled brown coat would make for excellent camouflage. That didn’t lessen his sense of chagrin at all though…

“I’m so sorry,” he squeaked, then stopped and cleared his throat, blushing at the tone of his voice. “I’m sorry,” he repeated again, in calmer, even tones. “I was completely zoned out and not paying any attention to my surroundings.” He flushed again. “I hope I didn’t startle you, I promise I’m not some sort of creep or anything like that.”


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:57 pm
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 165

The high pitched voice made Geri’s ears perk straight up. The second time the phrase was repeated it was in a deeper calmer drone that made Geri’s fur right between his shoulder blades give a twitch. It was pleasing to hear and it made him want to smile. “I wish I could say that you didn’t startle me, but I’m not very brave. You not only startled me but scared the life half out of me.” He ducked his head embarrassed but at least glad he can be honest about it. In truth he wanted to say so much more.

The one he was looking at was so incredibly handsome it was hard to talk to him. He was glad he could get out what he had. He mumbled trying to say that he didn’t think the other male was a creep but it was quite so he didn’t even know if the other male heard him or not. That made him blush admitting it.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:58 pm
Word count: 170

Kol felt his entire face burning as he flushed with shame, though he spared a moment of thankfulness that his fur was so dark and hid most of it. He couldn’t even wander morosely without upsetting someone. His self-worth took another hit and plummeted a few more notches down from its already low vantage point.

“I’m really very sorry,” he apologized again, forcing himself to speak clearly and with a normal tone of voice when what he would have preferred to do was mumble. It would have been unspeakable rude to do so though, especially after learning how badly he’d frightened the other male, so he put his preferences on the back-burner in favor of manners. “I’ll do my best to pay more attention to where I’m going. It’s really kind of you to be so understanding about my mistake.”

He offered a tentative, weary and slightly sad smile. “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I feel quite bad for scaring you like that.”


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:59 pm
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 158

Oh he’d messed this up too. He could tell by the way the male didn’t seem all that happy but was being very very polite. That only happened when Gari had messed up really bad. “No. Don’t be sorry.” He shook his head emphatically. “I wasn’t paying attention I hardly ever do but that’s more my problem than anyone else’s, I just.” No he really didn’t need to burden this male with his troubles when he had just caused a misunderstanding with his careless words. “I just have a lot on my mind. I’ll try to be more attentive too. I’m sorry about the trouble. It’s really nice of you to offer to help but there’s really nothing you can do for me, well unless you can figure out how to turn me in to mate worthy material.” He laughed weakly trying to make a joke. He was beyond hopeless and he really should accept it by now.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:00 pm
Word count: 196

Kol’s answering smile was as weak as the male’s laugh had been. “I’m afraid that’s the one thing I probably can’t help you on. I don’t seem to be doing too well in that department myself,” he said, trying make his voice light and carefree like the matter was of no import to him when it was the precise thing that had been eating him up so much inside that it was the reason why he’d startled the male in the first place!

“Having a lot of worries rattling around in your brain, I can empathize with though,” he said, his smile just a touch sad now. “Maybe I can still find a way to help. They say that getting your troubles out into the open instead of bottling them up can help to make the troubles if not vanish then at least feel not as burdening as they used to.”

And there was a bit of charming sweetness in his smile and concern in those blue eyes, so that no matter if the offer seemed to be little more than a way to make amends Kol actually did care and wasn’t making the offer lightly.


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:02 pm
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 194

That light tone the other male used just made Gari’s heart since more. Here was a male who admitted he had problems in his life of love but wasn’t being as much of a down in the dumps dirt clod as Gari. He just felt pathetic. Still the offer to listen to him was so very kind. The other male looked like he knew what he was talking about. Then there was that word, empathy, the other male didn’t use sympathy. So he did know what Gari was going though? Probably not exactly the same. After all most would think a mate problem as being girl related not male related.

He was feeling a bit flustered. He wanted to tell the male everything, but at the same time he didn’t really want the other male to be disgusted and walk away so soon. “Thank you. I’ll hear anying you want to say too.” His mind processed what he said and he blushed. “I mean anything.” He felt like such an idiot. His ears flipped to the side of head in his embarrassment. Of all the stupid things. Why couldn’t he stop being so pathetic.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:03 pm
Word count: 222

Kol didn’t know whether to smile, shake his head, or cringe. He hadn’t thought the male would reflect his own offer back at him, though if he was pressed for an answer he would have to say he wasn’t really surprised. So far the male had shown to be possessed of manners and had an attitude similar to Kol’s in that it wasn’t quite submissive as it was deferential.

He believed whole-heartedly in what he’d told the male, about how talking about what was troubling one was a good was to relieve the tension from the troubles, so in theory it would also apply to his own troubled state. The thought of pouring out all his worries, no matter how kind and willing the listening ear, made him feel like a petulant child. At the same time it would be highly hypocritical to try to back out of it with an excuse. Quite the dilemma…

“Thank you, for your kind offer,” Kol said, trying to turn the conversation back to the other male without seeming rude. “I may have to take you up on that.” There, that should be a good staller. Not a refusal of the male’s offer, but not some excuse to get out of it. “So, what is it that’s got your thoughts buzzing in your head like bees?”


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:11 pm
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 236

Only the fact that he didn’t really like females as love interests and had no idea how be attractive to a male. Sighing he figured he might as well tell the male and scare him off now. He had offered to listen to the other male so he wouldn’t have to talk about himself but that seemed impossible now. “Well um. I’m not really sure how to start.”

He looked down at his paws and sat down trying to sort his thoughts out. “Maybe my names a good spot?” He took a glance at the other male before he started to talk and it came out a bit faster than he intended. “My n-name is Gariean I didn’t know much about.” He looked a bit shell shocked. “Well anything.” He felt hopeless. “ I was just trying to figure out well exactly what it was that others look for in a mate so that I might be able to improve myself. I don’t want to be alone, but I don’t want to be so hopeless. I want to have a good relationship. I just don’t know where to start or how to.”

He shifted feeling uncomfortable admitting all of this to a complete stranger. He’d never had a love or date of any kind, well other than that one male who had kissed him and the other who had licked him wondering if he tasted like cookies.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:12 pm
Word count: 210

Kol’s face turned into a mask of sympathy. “It seems we share the same problem then, to some extent,” he said, managing to turn his sigh into a small and quiet one rather than the gusty one it wanted to come out as. “I don’t really know if I’ve got any advice to give that could help you. “Be yourself” is something of an over-used cliché, and as far as I can tell it doesn’t really help.” He tried to offer a brave smile, though it probably came out more feeble than he would have liked. “It’s my experience that you can be yourself all you want, but if the one you’re chasing after is incompatible with you then yourself just won’t cut it.”

Kol sighed again, this time a bit more gustily. “Trouble with that saying is, it’s really hard to be anyone else but yourself. Maybe there’s others out there who can put up an act better, but I’ve never been able to do that.”

He ran a paw through his hair, trying to push away depressing thoughts before they could make him any more mopey than he already was. “My name’s Eshkol. No one uses the whole thing unless I’m in trouble though. Just call me Kol.”


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:13 pm
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 193

They had the same problem? He really couldn’t believe it after all this male near him was very very good looking. He nodded to show that he was listening to the male. If being yourself wouldn’t work then he was doomed. His ears dropped down as he kept listening hoping things would get better. He let out a low whine not meaning to. “I don’t think being someone you’re not would be good either. Then isn’t the other fox you’re interested in not in love with you but someone else that isn’t even real?” He didn’t want that in life. He wanted someone to love him for him. Was that why he couldn’t find love?

He committed Eshkol’s name to memory even though he was sure the other male was going to leave anytime. “It’s nice to meet you Kol. Thank you for giving me advice, I know you might not think its much, but every bit helps. If’s it’s any conciliation you’re wonderful.” He shook his head. “I mean I think you’re wonderfully helpful.” The cookie fox wished he could just disappear because now would be a good time to do it.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:14 pm
Word count: 158

“Thanks,” Kol said, managing a genuine smile for Gariean. “It’s nice to know that I can at least do helpful right, if I have nothing else in life.” That was starting to sound a bit morbid rather than thankful, so he closed his lips on anything he might have added before he could make it worse. He didn’t really feel like walking away and continuing his mope fest, so he cast about for anything to say to prolong the conversation. Gariean was actually interesting to talk to, and that helped. Shared misery was apparently a truth.

“So, any stories behind your worry,” he asked curiously. “Like failed relationships, or you just haven’t been able to find anyone yet.” He blushed a little. “I’m sorry, that was horribly forward of me and probably none of my business. You don’t have to answer that, and in fact you’d be entitled to tell me to take my questions and shove ‘em.”


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:15 pm
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 154

The male had such a nice smile. Gariean returned one for him. “I don’t know I’m sure you have more in life other than being a guide.” At Kol’s question to his failed relationships Gari winced and appeared uncomfortable. Shifting his weight he weighed his story. “Honestly I wish I had something even remotely interesting to tell you but I’ve never had a lover or anything like that. Only two foxes have shown any passive interest in me, and while they stirred feelings in me I.” He took a breath. “Wasn’t so interesting to them besides my scent. Apparently smelling of cookies isn’t a normal thing, but it’s also not interesting to stick around for more than a short conversation. So while I can’t answer any of your questions I don’t really have any reason to tell you to shove off.” He shrugged and found the sky very interesting at this point in time.  
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