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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[ 1 v 1 ] Waterfalls (Llyr & Finn)

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kuropeco rolled 1 20-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-20)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:36 pm
He had no recollection of how he'd gotten back to Haunted House, but Llyr was drifting through a hallway somewhere within the maze of corridors that broke off and splintered into several rooms. He'd spent several hours within one particular room only to find himself in another, and by early afternoon, he found he was quite lost.

Llyr was neither fond of the House nor disliked it; it was a strange place, with many questions that were unanswered and confusing, and he couldn't quite form a proper opinion of it when all of the information was skewed (not that he even thought in such advanced terms, more like conflicting feelings of concern and wariness).

He passed through another room, another corridor, until he was somewhere within the heart of the House, completely vague about which direction was which. He supposed he should be getting back soon, but there was no way to tell which direction was out and which direction would lead him further into the House.

Llyr kept walking.

wow this is the lamest intro ever hello
Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 13 Total: 13 (1-20)
PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:45 am
Finn absolutely despised haunted house duty, but in order to stay on his superiors good side, it was entirely necessary that he contributed to the patrol that was the utter bane of his existence. It was always so boring, save for that one time he had run into an actual person (if she could be considered a person, he didn't know what else to call her, really. Creature? She was hot, anyways, and looked completely human.).

Wandering around the house with Trynt summoned, just on the off chance that something interesting should happen, Finn began to idly whistle a tune, before singing under his breath, as he crept around corners, the floorboards creaking beneath his boots, assuredly giving away his presence to anybody who might have been within the near vicinity, which was probably not his most intelligent strategy but at this point? He had basically given in to the idea that he was destined to just another boring, uneventful, patrol.

His wandering was, as always, impossible to keep track of in the house. He could have been going in a straight line forever and still somehow end up right back where he had started. Right at the moment, he was taking every right turn that he came across, which should have rightly sent him in a full circle, but he had yet to come across an area that he'd already seen, peeking into doors that always housed something different then the last time he looked.

He didn't know how long he'd been there, when suddenly something different caught his attention. A glimpse of movement up ahead, the sound of footfalls on the floorboards that weren't his own.

"Hey!" He called out, before thinking wow you idiot what a terrible idea. Trynt felt the need to growl his agreement to that sentiment, and Finn gave him a mental shush before speeding up his steps in an attempt to catch up to whoever or whatever he'd seen.

I outlame your lame anyday


Ice-Cold Hunter


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:20 pm
Footsteps, Llyr thought vaguely to himself, and then, as a voice rang out through the hallway, he stopped walking, held in place with one bare foot slightly raised as though he'd been about to take a step forward. Carefully he lowered it, Llyr turning slowly around, his long dark hair draped over one bare shoulder, loose and tumbling nearly to his knees. He was dressed in a simple outfit, a toga-like white cloth that was held in place on his right shoulder and fell all the way to the floor.

Llyr idly stroked his fingers through his hair.

"Who is there?" he said, and he wasn't shouting; instead his voice was low, almost hesitant, distracted, even, as though he wasn't entirely focused, or maybe just didn't want to know the actual answer.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:16 pm
Whoever (or again, whatever) it was had come to a stop at Finn's shout, and the moon intermediate was quickly able to cover the distance that was between them, booted feet clipping against the floorboards at an accelerated pace as he jogged forward, coming to a stop just a few meters away.

He wasn't quite sure what he'd expected, but a long haired, impressively beautiful man in a toga was not it. There were hints of him not being human, however, unlike the woman he had run into in the haunted house before. Pointed ears peeked out from dark hair, and were those scales on his skin? Oh, and wait, look, there was some weird a** s**t growing out of the things back. Finn was now caught somewhere between finding the creature attractive and disgusting at the same time.

But ultimately, none of that mattered. He was a hunter and he was there on hunter business, pointing his weapon at whatever it was with a deadpan expression on his face and a cold glint in his eye. "That's none of your business, I'm afraid." He took a couple more steps forward, though he kept a wary distance between himself and the creature.

"But you can tell me who you are, and also what the ******** you think you're doing in here?"

I'll maybe attack next post I'm sorry Finn is difficult ;;;;;;


Ice-Cold Hunter


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:43 pm
The chains around his torso clinked gently as Llyr moved. The figure in front of him - a human, not one of his own kind - stood before him, a black patch over one eye, a flat look on his face. It was an obvious contrast to the vague and curious look that Llyr was now giving to the human, still absently fiddling with his hair.

"I suppose not," he said distantly, slanting his head to the side slightly. A few flower petals drifted free of his hair and twirled to the ground where they lay flat, a stark difference between the pale pastel of the petal and the dark, almost black wood of the dusty floor. "I have no business at all, none, none, nope..."

Llyr swayed a little where he stood, the chains clinking again, and swept his long hair off of his partially bare torso and chest. "I am a demon," he said vaguely. "I am here because this is where I am, I'm afraid. I don't really know where I am or where I was going..."

He trailed off, looking a strange combination of lost and curious.

it's ok llyr is a dork
Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 2, 5 Total: 7 (2-20)
PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:00 pm
It wasn't human. That was what Finn had to remember when he looked at the thing standing in front of him. It didn't even have the courtesy of looking completely human, like the woman he had met before. Because of that, despite the fact that it was not acting aggressive in any way whatsoever, the way it tilted it's head to the side, the way it swayed, it's distant words, all of it just seemed so god damn creepy that Finn actually shifted his stance, shuffling back a tiny bit, uncomfortable by it's presence.

A demon. That was, presumably, quite a bad thing.

"I see." Finn gritted his teeth, his stare narrowing down to a glare. Should he attack it? Would it attack him if he didn't?

Wouldn't it be better to be safe rather than sorry?

Still, maybe a test shot, just to see if it would react with violence.

Finn jabbed his lance at it.

HP: 50
Damage: 1
Charge: 1/3



Ice-Cold Hunter

kuropeco rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6, 3 Total: 9 (2-12)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:24 pm
Llyr wandered a little closer, curious in spite of himself. The last time he had seen a human had been the time when he'd been so viciously attacked, he had shut himself away in his room for several days. This was not that hunter, but he did not have the same gentle eyes that Solia had; there was a brusque coldness to him that made Llyr rather sad.

He stretched out a hand, but his impending desire to touch the human's arm out of interest was derailed, as the weapon jabbed into his side. Llyr made a soft noise like a wounded animal and withdrew his fingers, frowning, his long hair falling around his bare shoulders like a cloud.

"Why do you humans always feel the need to hurt?" he asked sadly, and a gust of water expelled unintentionally from his slightly dripping fingertips, spiraling towards the human.

HP: 29
DMG: 3

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9, 10 Total: 19 (2-20)
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:17 pm
He was a bit at odds with himself over this one. While typically Finn would rather not fight if he could get away with it, there was something about knowing that it was a demon, about the way it presented itself, and with how softly it spoke that completely he found incredibly creepy. He didn't want it coming near him, and so stabbing at it felt oddly satisfying, in a way, as it seemed to make it back off.

He really had no answer for the things question. Finn was the last person who should answer that question, because for him, it was true. He liked causing pain. He fantasized about hurting, and even about killing. He had nightmares about it, but sometimes those nightmares made him happy, and didn't that make them more like dreams?

He knew he was ******** up, though. He knew that couldn't be how normal people felt, thought, reacted to the promise of violence and pain. But that didn't mean that he would speak for the rest of the human race here. Instead, he gave a non-committal shrug of his shoulders.

"Just stay awa---" He began, but his words cut off as something shot out at him from the creatures fingers, hissing as he whipped his lance up in an effort to block it. "What the ******** ********>"

Finn spun his lance around in front of him, and brought it down in a sweeping arc aimed to slash down the demon's torso, before whipping it up behind it's ankles, an attempt to take it off of it's feet.

HP: 47
Damage: 13
Charge: 2/3



Ice-Cold Hunter

kuropeco rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 1 Total: 6 (2-12)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:57 pm
He was going to say something, perhaps something in relation to the fact that all he had done was send some water unintentionally towards the human - but before he could get a word in edgewise, the weapon was swinging towards him, and Llyr had a split second to realize what was happening before the blade cracked against his legs. He gave a shout of surprise and tumbled onto the ground with a loud crash, tangled up in his robes; his hair cascaded over his face, obscuring his vision, and the chains wrapped around his torso clinked against his bare chest, scratching at his skin.

Llyr pushed his hair away from his face and sat partially up, his robes slipping over his shoulder, and looked up at the human, his expression wounded again. His cheeks were slightly flushed, though whether from upset or pain was unclear.

"I have yet to do anything to you," he said, in an injured tone of voice.

HP: 16

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 10, 5 Total: 15 (2-20)
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:44 pm
"You just sent some...s**t...shooting out of your fingers at me!" Finn accused, disgruntled, but finding an odd sort of pleasure in the act of attacking the demon thing, in sending it sprawling down on the floor. While he typically didn't feel the need to get violent with these creatures normally, now having done so, and finding himself with the upper hand, it filled him with a remarkable sense of power.

Sort of like dropping the wardrobe on Noemi, or how he woke up feeling after vivid dreams of pouring vials of black acid down his friends throats.

Finn smiled, spinning his lance between his fingers while looking down at the thing on the floor.

And then he suddenly gripped his weapon tighter, lifting it so that it was raised above the creatures body, held vertical in the air, before he jabbed it downwards, stabbing at it with the barbed and spiked end.

HP: 47
Damage: 9



Ice-Cold Hunter

kuropeco rolled 7 4-sided dice: 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4 Total: 20 (7-28)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:12 pm
"It was - "

Llyr started to say water, his lips already forming the word, but he never actually got it out. Instead he had a split second where he could see the smile on the hunter's face - a cold thing, highly reminiscent of the blonde hunter that had come before - before the weapon swung towards him, pointed downwards, and drove into his torso.

He let out a piercing shriek that echoed along the dimly lit corridor, Llyr twisting to get away from the lance, his fingers scrabbling along the blade that was now embedded into his side. He whimpered, a sad, pathetic sound that did not quite work with his appearance, and curled his body, trying in vain to stop the threads of pain that had spread outwards from where the lance was.

"L - leave me alone," Llyr mumbled, pushing his hair out of his face, and he looked up at the hunter, expression a mixture of sadness and frustration mingled with a slightly sharper, unusual edge. "Stop hurting me."

He thrust a hand outwards and water exploded from his palm and his fingertips, directed towards the human's upper body in an attempt at getting him to move away.

HP: 7
DMG: Swift Strikes - 18 /2 = 9

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9, 8 Total: 17 (2-20)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:40 pm
It was just water, allegedly, as if he could trust anything that this creature said to him. But it had said that it was a demon, and while in some ways it was quite a beautiful thing to behold, it was also horrible in just how very inhuman it was. A

And it was weak. That much Finn could discern just by how easily he was managing to slap it around with his lance in comparison to the last creature of Halloween that he had encountered. She could have killed Finn, if given a chance, but this one couldn't.

He could, however, unleash another attack of (supposedly) water that slammed into his upper torso, painfully so, enough that he let out a hiss between clenched teeth, "Mother <********>" his smirk sliding away as he spun his lance around, this time aiming to slam it against the side of the demon's head with it's flat edge.

HP: 38
Damage: 11



Ice-Cold Hunter


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:55 pm
For a moment he thought that maybe he'd done it. Maybe he had managed to get the human away from him, push him back with his water that spurted from the tips of his fingers outwards. The weapon had been pulled from his side, but now Llyr stood there and swayed ominously, his face even paler than usual.

His relief was short lived. The human gave a snarl and the enormous weapon swung towards Llyr again, colliding against his side with a sharp smack and he was thrown sideways, crashing into the wall. His head snapped against the hard wood, and he saw stars explode in front of his eyes, Llyr dropping like a stone to the ground. His hair spread around him like a dark cloud, twisting and splayed on the dusty hardwood floor.

He shouldn't have come here. Why had he come here?

Llyr let out a soft sound, a quiet whimper from the back of his throat, and closed his eyes.

HP: -4

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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