Took some convincing for the demon to even make it out of the dorm this morning, he was struggling with the idea of pants. The smell of bacon, coffee, and tea was filling the apartment up so he had assumed he had slept past his roommate whom had made breakfast for him, though left because he wasn't up yet. He appreciated the gesture, and grateful that the monster didn't wait up for him. He'd feel guilty if the boil decided to wait to begin his day because his roommate was sucky and was sleeping in. Initially, after eating, drinking, cleaning, and showering, the demon had considered staying inside and trying out this 'yoga' thing that his sister had mentioned. The concept was easy, it was relaxing and it helped limber his body, but he could not for the life of him grasp the concept. Even had a book from the library about it! Haven given up on that endeavor, he had decided to go to the gym for a brief work out - something to make him burn a bit, make him feel like he did something, plus he enjoyed it for the most part. However, because it was around mid-day, it would likely be busy with other students and the equipment might all be in use which left him to stand off to the side and wait for an available spot. Changing into his athletic shorts and a clean tank, the demon packed his duffel and headed to the gym.

He was right. He was totally right. The equipment were all used; the runners were running, the lifters were lifting, and even the mats were being occupied by stretchers and creeple socializing. The demon frowned deeply after he exited the boil's lockerroom to find that he was standing off to the side with his arms crossed and glaring at the giggling ghouls and the grunting boils. As much as he enjoyed showing himself off, taking pleasure in the hushed whispers, it bothered him when he saw others doing it. He was sure there was a word for that, but vain and narcissistic wasn't them. Walking past one posing boil who was flexing for a gaggle of ghouls, Uru rolled his eyes as he made his way to the Outdoor Arena. It was there that he was approached by a ghoul, challenging him to a spar.

Normally, he'd stand around, watching others off to the side on his own. No one bothered to come to him, no one came to challenge him, he had figured it was because they were busy or they were afraid (must be his face...), but not this ghoul. She challenged him and he wouldn't turn it down.

"My first spar," he declared. Odd considering it was his third year here at the school, and he had never faced anyone before. Normally, the demon wouldn't go out and challenge people to fights, he saw no point in it, really, but after having read the requirements to graduate... it became necessary. "Would you like the first swing?"

Rolling his wrists, his fingers made audible pops as the hellhound rolled them into fists, pulling one forward and another in front of his face, his legs spaced nicely apart, his tail out for balance, a rumble from his chest declaring his readiness.