"Do you do this while I am gone?" The boil asked as he leaned over the back of the couch, watching the taller, yet younger, boil use the door frame for pull ups.

Uru did the maneuver with soft 'oosh's after each pull. It was a practiced motion, his arms at a 90 degree angle, his attention focused ahead of him, his ankles locked, and knees bent. It was surprising that the pull-up door add-on was holding the demon up let alone the numbers of reps. The pair had woke up at some point in the morning; his roommate before him, going among their own routines; bathroom, getting dressed, breakfast, then whatever else. The monster was sitting on the couch with his tea when his demon roommate had began this session of work out. Normally, the boil would be gone by the time he had woken up - opting to have taken later classes than usual, but today was different. Just so happened that the pair had the day off together and the monster was here to see him using his space as a work out space. He was told that he could make himself at home and, in his dorm, he'd work out a bit before he went on with his day. The gym was an option, but this seemed like a easier and more logical choice to him. "It's not that I do this *oosh* while you're gone *oosh* It's just that your captain cancelled *oosh* Bruteball practice *oosh* today." Uru gave a slight shrug as he came down from a finished rep. This was the least vulnerable state the duo had seen one another in. There were once or twice they may have glanced at the other's butts when they forgot to close the bathroom door or the fact that they slept in their underwear. So this was hardly anything out of the ordinary. The demon liked to work out, it gave him something to do and it got him going with his day. Perhaps more so that he gets wound up and a bit more energetic - but that lasts until he goes on a long run to spend it all. Dropping to the floor with a soft, barefooted thud, he turned to the boil with a panting chest and hands firm on his hips with a questioning look. "You're gonna sit there and watch or we gonna spend today as another day off? Either case, I'm up for anything now." Their days off were normally Spiderday and Spookday, but today was Curseday; Damien's Bruteball practice was cancelled and his meeting with his professor was rescheduled.

"We could stay here and you could keep working out or we could go grocery shopping - ran out of bacon-"

"Then stop eating it in mass." The boil's voice called from their bedroom, changing from his sweaty clothes to more fitting the occasion. Popping his head from the frame, he gave the boil a pointed look.

"Bacon is the food of the Kerberus! Akin to ambrosa of the gods themselves! It is the pinnacle of meats and breakfast foods where no other can even compete! You deny me this, Urubutt, you will find yourself on your tail outside sooner than you can say 'Damien is right no matter what'!" The monster boil ranted passionately, so passionately that he had to place down his cup before continuing on for the rest of it, returning the pointed look he got with a hard pointing finger to the room as if to say 'hurry up and change so we may go'.

Uru rolled his eyes as he retreated into the room, returning as he slung his iconic leather jacket one arm at a time, fluffing the collar to sit against his shoulders nicely. "Not exactly what I had in mind when I said I was up for anything...." He pointed out as he gathered his keys from the counter, pocketing them as he brushed past his roommate. He swore he could hear the monster chuckle at him as he didn't put up much of a fight on the suggestion and simply complied by getting himself ready to go. He could have easily justified that he was getting ready to go out to do the 'anything' that he had suggested, but he'd be lying that he wasn't prepared to go to the shop to get some more food. Two boils, especially carnivorous as they, needed food.


The town was busy; residents of Halloween Town moved about their days with focus, with laughter, with screams, and scares. The pair of hellhounds moved purposely toward the grocery store to restock their place. There were other productive things they could do, but the dorm owner had decided on this task. Uru wasn't going to argue with him. Hands tucked into his leather jacket's pocket, he stayed a step behind and aside the monster who donned on his signature green hoodie. As usual, the demon offered to carry the basket until the groceries began to add up to the point that a cart was necessary. Occasionally the monster would ask for opinions and the demon would give them, though, they were usually biased in the demon's favor. By the end of it, they got their usual dinner preps, coffee and tea accompaniments, and a bulk package of bacon.

The demon stared into the cart of food, contemplating how they managed to get all of this stuff considering that they were just students. He worked hard for his money through tutoring and some personal training sessons at the gym, but Damien seemed to have an endless pocket. Growing up, the demon understood that they were the money makers of the Halloween classes and monsters made meager amounts in comparison. Yet, this was the opposite. Before, he had funding from his pack, while he didn't want to spend it, he was able to afford the basic necessities such as food and clothing. Now he worked harder than he had before to make it along. Damien seemed he was better off. He was still part of a pack.

"Wanna go to the Maul after we drop this off?" Damien inquired with a grin on his face, snapping Uru from his thoughts.

Uru responded with a raise brow as to say 'what for'. The monster was able to read his expressions easily at this point that he hardly needed to speak to get his point across. This was after a long while of the monster poking fun at how expressive his face could get with just his eyebrows alone. To be fair, he regularly glared at people and scowled, but most his other expressions heavily relied on his eyebrows to get the message across.

"Dude, it's our day off. We can do something or we can sit at home and do nothing." The boil threw his hands up exasperated. "Scratch that, we're going to the Maul. Not letting you be a recluse and hide inside all day."

"I go to the gym from time to time."

"When hardly anyone's around. Pfft, hardly counts. Recluse."


Creeple. Creeple everywhere. There were ghouls, there were boils, there were upperclassmen and underclassmen, there were professors, and there were minipets all over. This place was crowded as crowded could be! But it was understandable because it was the place where everything was allocated for basic needs to the more advance hobbyists' needs were met. He had came here a few times to pick out furniture, school supplies, sometimes to get new clothes because he often stripped off his tops and lose them places, and also where he bought his guitar. The place he got it would charge him an arm, a leg, and an eyeball or two to fix his piano, so it remained unfixed at his place. Coming to the Maul, at least for him, was an uncomfortable inconvenience. The amount of bodies in this establishment complex was abundant that it was almost impossible to not bump into someone's shoulders even if he was walking directly behind the monster, let alone that he had wide set shoulders to begin with that even the smallest of contacts was making him rumble with a growl.

"Knock it off, Urubutt. It won't kill you to be out in public from time to time. A low voice came in front of him. Damien didn't bother to turn to speak to his roommate, but just muttered under his breath enough that the demon's higher hearing would able to pick it up. Uru's head lifted lightly, looking at the back of the boil's head and huffed. Averting his attention to something else; perhaps the windows will have something nice to look at while they walked. "Come on, it can't be that bad. Smile more."

Uru forced a smile at him, his pearl-white, pronounced canines sharp and pointed. It was hardly as "charming" as his genuine, half-smile that naturally comes from when he is comfortable and content. This is definitely not one of those situations. "I don't have any silver seeds-"

"Not the point~" the monster sang, smiling over his shoulder.

Uru just responded with an exasperated sigh as he followed closely behind his friend, small talk between them keeping the demon slightly less irritated being there. The monster had stopped at a few places to look at trinkets and things, even encouraging some stores that he would think his roommate would enjoy. Humoring him, Uru ventured into a few places to take a look into certain merchandise that caught his eyes, putting down orders to be picked up the next time he got more seeds.

"See, it wasn't that hard was it?" The green monster grinned, pointing a the dark haired boil's face. He was smiling which quickly turned into a frown when he realized what his face was doing. Traitor.


"Waffles!" The boil crowed as he placed the stack high plate of waffles onto the kitchen island between the two hellhounds with a grin wider than a cheshire's. Uru eyed it up and down as he stared at the breakfast confection - if he dared label it as such. "You said waffles so I made waffles. So dig in!" The green eyed monster called as he rummaged into the fridge for more ingredients which he figure were just more additions to the food.

"Is this enough for the both of us?" Uru questioned as he forked the top half of the stack onto his plate which was promptly swatted at by the cook himself.

"Not if you pig out like you do on it. Come on, there's two of us, leave some for me."

"You know I eat a lot, I warned you. Not my fault you didn't heed it." Uru grinned as he shoved half of a waffle into his maw, muffling most of the comment. To be honest, if it weren't for the monster, Uru would never have been eating as much as he did and as a wide variety. Since moving in, the monster had taken many of his first; crepes, bacon, ice cream, chocolate mint, rocky road, vanilla chai. However, there were times they disagreed. "Damien, must you." Uru narrowed his eyes down at the boil's plate whom looked at him perplexed mid-pour of syrup and a tub of cut fruit which he'd assumed the guy had prepared just for this sort of situation.

"Uh, yeah! This is what it is made for! It has pockets to hold all the syrup and fruit I can put on it! The whip cream for texture and sweetness and - and - and look! It looks jacking awesome! I don't know how you even eat yours as is, it baffles me! And when you asked me to make them crunchy, you must have been joking because you're eating them now."

"That's because you made it that way, I can't tell you to go and make it again. I'd have done it myself." Uru scoffed at the boil's tirade, which, genuinely got a twitch of a smile out of him. "If you didn't make them, I'd end up making myself pancakes. They're eas-"

"Don't finish that sentence. Waffles are better, we have been over this. Waffles or nothing."

If it was one thing, the monster was definitely passionate about his opinions. That was for certain. He recalled the discussion of why waffles were better when Uru had attempted to make the batter and toss it into a pan. There were advantages of the pancake; it was easier and it didn't require another appliance in order to make it. But Damien had a list of reasons why waffles were better because they were structurally made to hold syrup and other add-ins and were less messy to begin with and could be made hard or soft but they were always gonna be better than pancakes. Uru learned that if he was going to argue with the boil, he'd need a better platform. Pretty much summed up why he ended up eating waffles for breakfast.

By the end of it, the kitchen was cleaned up with some teamed effort and everything was put away. Damien had started a kettle for tea while Uru had a carafe for coffee. The time of night for unwinding and relaxing was fast approaching.