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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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Enoh Love

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:26 pm
You enter the classroom, and find it as unremarkable as any other classroom that you have been in. The desks are in (mostly) neat rows that are (somewhat) evenly spaced, the walls an off-white that shows signs of peeling here and there, like the maintenance crew cared just enough to make sure that it was painted, but not enough to make sure it was done right - and, at the front of the room, was a freshly dusted teacher's desk in front of a recently washed black board.

WELCOME, CLASS was written on the blackboard in shaking, uneven strokes of chalk, as if it were written in a hurry.

Welcome, Class!

Welcome to the ??? Class!

Feel free to have your student come in, claim a seat, mill around, and just get themselves settled!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:35 pm
Hollandaise seemed to have a rather uncanny knack for picking out the odder of classes. When she wandered in, she paused, as if waiting for the lights to flicker. When they did not, the ghoul breathed out a sigh of ill-concealed relief. She looked around, yellow eyes taking in the half-peeling paint, the hurried strokes of chalk. There were no plants in the room - and wasn't that a shame.

Carefully, she chose a seat: first row, because like it or not, Hollandaise was short. Slightly to the left of the room, but not on the far-most edge. It was an average seat. She smiled placidly and waited for class to begin.

"Present," she whispered to herself.  

The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:45 pm
Dirge''s first class... that he'd managed to wake up for. Though, waking up may not have been the best phrasing; He slugged in on his nimbus cloud, yawning loudly with eyes closed three quarters of the way. He waved to the ghoul in the room, lazily acknowledging her presence.

"Hiiiiiiaaaaaaauugh." He yawned, smacking his lips. Mother would be so displeased.

The Semblance of Unity
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:54 pm
Lute might not have been the most talkative but she was nearly always present for classes. Just more often than not going unnoticed in them due to being off to the corner by herself, where she could hide in her work. Trailing in slowly she passed the two already present students with a small smile then tuck of head down to stare at the floor.

Finding a seat at the end of the middle row she settled in, rosy orbs locked in a staring match on the tables top.


Mysterious Kitten

Face your demons

Magnetic Detective

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:04 pm
Amarus' presence was preceeded by the sound of her bells, and the soft glow of her aura as she entered the classroom after the creature on its nimbus cloud. She was surprised that its pin allowed for that, as it seemed rather in the way. Her face blank of any expression that would give this displeasure away, Amarus settled as far away from the cloud thing as possible, though also eyed the other student currently in the class with an equally uncomfortable feeling internally: Holly, the student who had picked a fight with her and Zar. Mostly with Zar.

Amarus had gone along for the fun of it.

"Good day to you both," Amarus said, with a nod of her head.

She sat on top of her desk, waiting for class to begin.

-- --

Brand was more than a little out of it. He wandered into the class and sat himself down next to whomever-- his sight was a little fuzzy today, and he seriously hoped no keen and no mice would show up to make him take his smelling salts again. It was such a draaaag.

"Helloooo, which class have I wandered into?" he asked, with a smile, his pale lashes fluttering. He, like Dirge, was having some eye-open problems.


Van did not barrel into the class. No, instead, Van leaned outside the door of the classroom and shut his eyes, though their red glow pulsed through his lids as he concentrated and dimmed the class lights for a moment. After relaxing and doing that a few more times, dimming and letting the lights return, he trotted into class and set himself down at the very, very back. Hopefully behind Hollandaise.

So that he could stare at her with a wicked smile all class.

His tail was wagging behind him in his seat, hands folded up on the desk.

He stopped focusing on the game, however, when he saw Lute was in the class already. He grabbed a piece of paper, scrawled hey you!! i'm trying to scare hollandaise but i see you over there!! and folded it into a paper plane. He glided that plane to Lute, grinning.

Carhop Cavalier
hi o wo

The Semblance of Unity
VAN IS STARING also Brand is just sitting with someone idc who

Tossing a paper plane to Lute!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:15 pm
Mathias really hadn't been doing a very good job of keeping up with his studies lately, but today he decided it was about time to remedy that. Kidnapping and family drama aside, there was really no excuse for his lack of attendance as of late, and so when a new class opened up he made it his mission to arrive, on time (but apparently not first).

His gaze swept the room, searching for a familiar face, skimming over those of ghouls but never lingering on them for long, his eyes finally lowering as he walked through the room and past rows of desks in his three inch heeled boots, which clipped against the hard floor at fast pace. When he came to a stop, it was at the front row of the classroom, and he slid into the seat at the end, black claws tapping against the desk top.

There was nobody in the room that he recognized, and he wasn't normally very sociable, so he linked his hands together and waited for the class to begin.

anybody is free to bug him I don't mind~


Ice-Cold Hunter



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:16 pm
Merry bounded into the classroom with phone in hand, firing off a mass text to a handful of friends.

Text to Nahm~<3:

Text to Lambchop:

Text to Pachuabby:

Text to Za:

nyxstuki moon
Text to Annafluff:

Mass Text to all of the above:

Field class field class field class! Can you make it?

Sent! She tucked her phone away into a back pocket, finally turning bright eyes into the room and onto those already gathered, and was pleased to see some familiar faces right off the jump. "Van! Lute. Hello."


face your demons


Of course Jory was in attendance. The boil was very nearly a model student, and strove for excellent grades. What was strange, or had been strange until recently, was Zaire's presence in the classroom. Blue fingers interlaced with tan, Jory tugged the no doubt sleepy mahamba with him, murmuring promises of snacks and cuddles for later. Positive reinforcement.

Van was immediately spotted upon their arrival, but not heard, and that seemed weird. They'd only had one meeting, but Van and struck the afanc as being the loud, boisterous sort.

With a thoughtful hum he'd give his boilfriend's hand a small squeeze before nodding to a pair of desks beside the demon boil.


face your demons
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:24 pm
A bit intimidated by both the novelty of a real class and by the sudden strangers, Catinka--her arrival announced by the chiming of the tiny bells laced through her hair and strung across the hem of her heavy skirts--half-floated, half-tripped into the room a few minutes after Merry's text arrived. She'd been planning on attending anyway, but the text had been a relief, and not just because she was starting to suspect she'd gotten the day wrong before finding the classroom more or less by mistake.

Shyly, the grim crept up to the chimera and unceremoniously hid her face in Merry's wings, watching Lute and Van over a cluster of bright feathers.



Aged Hater

13,425 Points
  • Unleash the Beast 100
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Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:27 pm
Dirge gave a very undignified yawn in reply to Amarus' greeting, waving with a lazy smile. "Mornin'...I think."

He gave a side eye to the boil who walked in, waving at him as well. "Hiya." He drawled, floating closer to him. "Name's Dirge."

face your demons
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:33 pm
Llyr thought that, now with his new presidency in place, attending classes was most definitely a necessity. After all, it was very important to show that he thought of classes as something for all students to attend, which of course meant that he must attend as well, and that was that.

Hair pulled back into a messy ponytail, Llyr peered into the classroom and then slipped in quietly, a friendly smile on his face he took a seat and carefully folded his fingers together on the desk in front of him.


Alette, on the other hand, bounded into the classroom looking bright eyed and bushy tailed haired, skidding a few extra feet, almost crashed into a desk, and finally swung herself into a chair, plopping down and looking expectantly around at everything else.


Dramatic Marshmallow


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:40 pm
Getting hit on the shoulder with the airplane Lute frowned then bent at the side to scoop the paper up. Unfolding it with a dust of pink across her cheeks she read. A little confused at first until she turned to take in a grinning Van. A very small smile was given to the boil before she promptly turned back around.

Scare someone? That seemed like Van, he sure terrified her on some levels, but Lute had no idea who he was talking about. Poor boil, or ghoul she did feel sorry for them.

A call of name in a ghouls voice had her pink head lifting again, shy gaze on Merry then the ghoul that joined her. A sleeve covered hand rose for a tiny wave to the ghoul she met at fearleading. "H-hello..Merry.." The soft call was given with a bit of pride, she knew someone, someone knew her. It felt a little unreal too that Merry had used her name.

Zaire was only here because of Jory, that much was clear by the look on the monster boils face. Hated wasn't a strong enough word for how much he disliked classes and or attending them. But Jory was here, they were holding hands and he liked that and the promise of snacks.

So he smiled, kind of, at a few creeple before letting Jory lead them to some seats.

A small glance was given to the boil that was near the desk motioned to then of course his gaze was back on Jory. A shrug letting him know he didn't care either way and Zaire was plopping into the seat, tail swaying heavy behind him as his fingers squeezed against Jory's before breaking their hold.


face your demons
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:44 pm
There was enough time in the day for louging with the roommate and inbetween soccer practice, and Damien only had to take a few more classes to be done. The thought of leaving was terrifying but the chance at going into a new feild was on the horizon. One foot led the other back into the classrooms and to the desk after giving the professor a curt nod.

It was a cascaded of letters on the board that got his attention, jade scanning the board as each letter rose and dipped from one to the next in a pattern he could not tell. Secondly he did not recognize anyone sitting at the desks.

"This can't be the same classroom that I know of." the hound muttered, trying to adjust to the new scents and pulled his jacket closer around himself and staring at the others.

creeple watching.  

Bloodlust Dante

Fortunate Hellraiser



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:49 pm
Pale fingers tipped in bright polish wiggled in greeting towards Lute, happy to see the ghoul again after Fearleading tryouts had ended. She didn't know her well, but she seemed very sweet.

The sound of bells gave Tink's arrival away before Merry felt the weight on her wing, and she chuckled, feathers fanning, before wings shifted, pressing in against the dainty body. "Hello there Lambchop." It was sing-songy, and she'd feel the soft loop of a thin tail wrap loosely around her ankle.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:04 pm
Hollandaise had been staring off into space for some minutes, effectively and regrettably missing some greetings, before she felt an overwhelming pressure on her back. The feeling loomed up over her, a black cloud of dread. It was not a physical feeling, but a sense of presence so uncomfortably that she shivered and thought of sleepless nights and shadows that were not shadows. Slowly, carefully, she twisted in her seat, fingers fidgeting with the ends of her hair. And saw Van. Van, whose smile seemed filled with more teeth than possible. Van, whose bright bright eyes seemed to bore holes into her throat. Hollandaise quickly turned back around.

Belatedly, she waved at Dirge, at Amarus. (although, that wave was a little grudging). "Hello, Amarus. Your cohort is not here, I am pleased to note that perhaps you are not a matching set. And hello Dirge, I am Hollandaise." Her eyes, slightly more focused now, wandered the room. She barely recognized creeple - many were not green or large or beautiful and tusly, they were unmemorable. She leaned towards Llyr.

"I like your flowers," she said simply, the flowers in her own hair nodding as if they, too, were agreeing.

Carhop Cavalier

Face your demons


The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:07 pm
There was a small, almost startled looking wince as Mathias was spoken to, his eyes set straight ahead, and the boil that approached only barely seen through his peripheral. Mathias had all but resigned himself to spending a class sitting alone, doing the work alone, and leaving alone to go back to his room alone, since that seemed to be the way of his life, and he didn't know a single person here, and also lacked the social skills necessary to approach any and possibly make small talk.

So it was probably quite lucky that he didn't need to, as somebody else made that first, harrowing step.

Mathias turned in his seat, one arm going up to sit on the back of his chair while the other stayed on his desk top, a single black claw tapping against the wood.

"Guten tag." He greeted the other boil, "My name is Mathias, or sometimes creeple have been calling me Matty." He attempted a smile, his lips lifting above the protrusion of fangs that jutted down half way to his chin.

carhop cavalier
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