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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[Open Class] Porridge (Brenley)

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:24 am

General information: Malcolm had always been one of those professors who always seem to take things to the extremities; this training session was no exception. Held on a mountain that is located just 5 minutes' walk away from the school, there was also something about fighting bears...

The Course:
The Garowl Mountains, located just 5 minutes' walk away from the school. Yes, this mountain had always been there; don't question it.


Phase 1
The climb up the mountain was a really tedious one; it was absolutely freezing, and the strong winds did not help your cause at all. Unless you actually liked the cold, walking to where the training session was supposed to be held was a test in itself...

Note: If your student is cold/frost/ice-based or is used to living is extreme cold, you may skip this phase and move onto phase 2! Just leo strut your way up!
Note 2: If your student is heat/fire-based or cold-blooded, you will use 1d8.
Note 3: Everyone else will use a 1d10!

1 : You were frozen on the spot, resembling a live ice sculpture, as you failed to beat the cold; that night, Malcolm would find you and carry you back to your room to thaw out. Shameeeee. Major fail!
2-5 : You almost got there, but unusually strong winds and what was probably an approaching snow storm nearer to the peak forced you to turn back. Fail!
6-10 : You made it! You're tired (and possibly grumpy) but you made it- Hey, where did your clothing go? If you are a boil, you lost either your shirt or your pants to the winds. If you are a ghoul, your clothing had been ripped up pretty badly by the winds. Pass! But at what cost?

Phase 2
Despite your missing/ruined clothing, you had walked too far to back down. You are a man! A MAN. Or a woman... But you can't spell woman without a MAN. Nearing the ice cave, you could hear faint growling coming from inside as your challenger stepped forward... And give you the grumpiest look known to bear-kind. Hah, what a lousy, weak looking thing...

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 0 : Bearel practically ravaged you, and you might had screamed loudly like a little ghoul in the process. Fail!
2 - 3 : You managed to land a weak hit, but Bearel managed to get the best of you before escaping back into the cave. Pass!
4 > : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, sending Bearel flying back into the cave with tears streaming out of its eyes. I hope you're quite satisfied. Great pass!

Phase 3
Before you could recover from your encounter with Bearel, you hear even a louder, but more feminine growl coming from within the cave. Soon enough, Bearel's mama stepped out of the cave and made a gesture at you with her tint fists of fury; come at her, bro. Funshine is ready for some fun-time...

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 1 : Funshine beats the crap out of you, and you couldn't even land a single hit. Shame... So. Much. Shame. Fail!
2 - 4 : You managed to land a weak hit, but Funshine managed to pretty much put lots of tiny fist-shaped bruises on you before collapsing into the snow. Pass!
5 > : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, sending Funshine stumbling and face-planting into the snow. You feel a small, pitiable sense of pride. Great pass!

Final phase
Just as you thought that your training was over, a series of angry-sounding clicking noises came from the direction of the cave. A second later, an adorably white and furry teddy walked out, picked the fallen Funshine up in its arms, and carrying it back into the cave. It then reemerged from the- OH JACK WHAT IS THAT EVEN?!

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 4 : TeddyWeddy probably beat you senseless and made you scream like a little ghoul while crying for mummy repeatedly. You also feel a sense of shame. Fail!
5-7 : You managed to land a weak hit, but TeddyWeddy had gotten several scratch marks across parts of your body; well, battle scars are cool, right? Even temporary ones? Pass!
8-9 : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, causing TeddyWeddy to go back to its original, cute and harmless form. Great pass!

Optional finale
Having proved your worth and strength as a real MAN of MANLINESS, you were allowed into the cave, where a treasure chest was...

Note: This part is completely optional!
Note 2: Roll 1d10 to determine your prize!

1-2 : A pair of socks, decorated with images of Bearel, knitted by Funshine Mama bear herself. You're steal baby Bearel's socks? )8
3-4 : A giant bear suit. Hey, at least it's warm?
5-6 : A delicious pie with a filling that you like! How mysterious!
7-9 : A trophy with the words "I FOUGHT THE 3 BEARS AND LIVED" on it.
10 : A silver seed! Hurray! Please quote "Dragain" with your Minipet sn for your prize!

You stole from three minipets! I hope you feel fantastic about yourself!

Bonus Mechanics:
THIS IS THE WILDERNESS, TOUGH IT OUT. Oh yeah, these minipets are rather oversized, by the way, but still smaller (and cuter) than you... With baby Bearel being almost minipet-sized and papa TeddyWeddy being close to grizzly size!


You defeat Teddyweddy and drag your a** back to Amityville. Any less is failure because you are not a MAN.

If you fail, that means you have to START OVER to try again! You may do so in the same thread or a new one if you decide to attempt again at a later date.
Smerdle rolled 1 10-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-10)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:27 am
attempt 1

Some time after the shuriken fiasco in the forest, Brenley learned that the experience had truly been a class of sorts after all. A crisp certificate had been slid under his door one morning proclaiming him a master of beginner stealth, and his resulting laugh had startled him, ringing out in his quiet room. He didn't feel any more stealthy. He did, however, feel the need to seek out more of these unconventional classes, and the first one he found involved... bears. Odd, yes. But surely it couldn't be any worse than his last mud-splattered adventure.

He arrived at the base of Garowl Mountain in his everyday clothing, beginning his climb with a shallow shrug. This didn't seem so—



Smerdle rolled 1 10-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-10)



PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:28 am
attempt 2

He awoke the next morning with a chill in his bones, the likes of which he couldn't recall ever having felt in his life. He remembered nearly everything that had happened, all the way up to reaching the mountain's snowy base. He must have frozen, as unbelievable as that was. He was hardly well versed in ice, but surely there was something magical to be learned there.

Either way, Brenley was determined to beat this thing, whatever it was. He curled onto his side and rose from his bed, taking a scalding shower and dressing in the oldest, warmest clothing he could find. It made no difference. Though the way up to the first cave was easy this time, as soon as he got there the wind whipped past, stripping off his shirt and tossing it over the edge.
Smerdle rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2, 1 Total: 3 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:30 am
What in the hell...

He slowly raised his gaze from his naked chest to the cave ahead as a low growl issued from it.


The bear launched its pale blue body at him before he'd fully caught his breath. Brenley yelped and slapped at the creature, failing to remember to summon his weapons before he was knocked unconscious.



Smerdle rolled 1 10-sided dice: 8 Total: 8 (1-10)



PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:32 am
attempt 3

The howl of the wind woke him for the third time since he'd begun this quest, though this time he didn't find himself warm in his bed. At least no more articles of clothing had come off while he'd been out.

Bren pushed himself to his feet and started back up the mountain.
Smerdle rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 6 Total: 9 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:33 am
At the first appearance of Bearel, Bren summoned his blades. He was determined not to be bested again, but that didn't mean he had to fight now that he thought about it. If he could manage to get past without attacking until it was necessary, he could save his strength.

One wild whoop later, the reaper was off, sprinting past the blue bear and further up the mountain.



Smerdle rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 5 Total: 8 (2-12)



PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:35 am
The momentum he had built helped him immensely with his second opponent. Instead of pausing to fight, Brenley held out his blades and sliced Funshine on his way past, pushing the bear over the edge.  
Smerdle rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 4 Total: 7 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:37 am
His good fortune did not last, however. A massive spider-limbed Teddy Weddy confronted him next, waving its arms and screeching its intent. He stopped, brandishing his blades, a mistake that would prove to be his last. Chitinous limbs scooped him out of the snow, and with a pleased chitter, the creature flung Bren off of the edge of the mountain.  



Smerdle rolled 1 10-sided dice: 9 Total: 9 (1-10)



PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:38 am
attempt 4

It wasn't the first time he had awoken in the infirmary and it surely wouldn't be the last. The portion of this particular experience that was unlikely to be repeated was the fact that he had regained consciousness in little more than his underwear.

Brenley rubbed at his eyes and groaned, tempted to remain here indefinitely, or at least until the cot stopped undulating beneath him. But he was on a mission. The reaper rose to his feet, for what he could only hope was the last time, bracing himself against the nearest wall while he caught his breath. The bone-deep chill was still there. He didn't think he could do this again.

Now that he knew its precise location, it only took a matter of minutes to reach the mountain's base. It was rather warm today, but Brenley knew that once he stepped into the foothills, everything would go wrong. He had been raised in the desert. All of this snow was just... unnatural.

He lengthened his stride, refusing to shiver even as his feet went numb to the shin. The wind whipped around the boil and he gathered his one remaining article of clothing—a scarf—close. It didn't help, especially not when a gust of frigid air wrapped its fingers around his torso and tore the offending bit of silk away, flinging it over the edge. He shivered then, but kept walking.
Smerdle rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 6 Total: 9 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:39 am
He summoned his weapons hoping that running through some sort of basic sparring stances while he walked would keep him warm. Not that he knew any. Brenley sighed, a dense puff of fog issuing from between his lips as he did so. This wasn't helping.

He trudged along, hoping something... anything... would happen. By the time Bearel appeared again the boil was twitching with anticipation. Or maybe that was just late stage hypothermia. Bren crouched, brandishing his weapons, then leaped for the bear, blades clanging as they met the creature's claws. Several of those claws met his flesh in turn, but he didn't feel them. His limbs had long ago lost the ability to sense much of anything.

Bren shook a bit of the chill out of his hands quite literally, calling on a couple of the spells he'd imbued into his katar as he lunged forward again, neatly slashing Bearel's forearm. The blades' grips warmed in his palms, and he would have sighed with relief had he been able to spare the time.

He felt even warmer as he barreled forward, slamming into Bearel and launching him back into what was presumably his cave. The mountain seemed to go silent once the boil was alone, but soon after a thin stuttering wail issued from the cave's entrance. Mission complete.



Smerdle rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4, 4 Total: 8 (2-12)



PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:41 am
Once he was certain the little bear was down for the count, Brenley moved on. A flicker of confidence stayed with him as he walked, but his blades did nothing to help his frozen feet, and eventually he stumbled and fell, his weapon slicing into something very, very yellow.

The creature shrieked angrily, momentarily writhing through the snow as it tried to stand. Bren scrambled to his feet and backed away. The treat was beyond coherency, which was understandable when you considered that minipets weren't particularly coherent to begin with and that this one had just been sliced in the leg. It circled Brenley as he pondered the best way to go about attacking it. Eventually, however, the treat preempted any tactical action he might have taken by making the first move. The boil held his ground for a moment longer, then ran forward again in a bit of a panic, this time forcing his opponent over the mountain's edge.

That move was working far better than it should have. Bren was pretty sure it wouldn't be quite so successful against a full-sized creature of FEAR.
Smerdle rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6, 6 Total: 12 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:42 am
Bren stared off the edge of the cliff at the yellow shape in the snow for a little over five minutes until it wiggled angrily and bounced to its feet. It couldn't hurt him from down there, but it raised a tiny fist and shook it at him anyway.

All of this was making the boil rather exhausted, but he knew there was at least one more creature on this mountain that was out to get him. It hadn't been so receptive to the presence of his blades last time, so in a bit of a questionable move he desummoned them as he advanced.

He heard the bear before he saw it, its chipper chitter sounding over the howl of the wind. This was it. Time to dominate this mountain or dissipate horribly. Or both. He hoped there were no more challengers up here or dissipation would be rather inevitable.

The moment the teddy weddy skittered into view, Bren crouched and spread his arms wide, trying to look like a more imposing target than he was. The creature reared back, shrieking a challenge as the boil ran forward again. This time he didn't simply bowl his opponent over, however. Mere inches from the bear Bren summoned his katar once more, stabbing it directly in its gut. The bear-spider screamed and reared back, extra limbs melting away until little more than a fuzzy, harmless toy lay in the snow in front of him.

It was the last thing he remembered.



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