Ahi had returned to his lil home with Žába after the carnival he ignored the warmth of the red coin, his treasure. He had a wonderful lil spot planned for it. It was not a creation he had made, this one he found which made it all the better. Ahi went to where his special red coin was stored every day, polishing it, after a few days it started to seem to get even warmer, and as it got warmer he kept trying to polish it, even if only touching it for a moment.

The less he could touch his treasure the more upset he got, he threw tantrums continuously, his worst being after the treasure burned his hand and left a mark. Ahi spent most of the time that he didn't spend trying to polish the now slightly bubbling coin, creating more treasure, treasure that didn't want to hurt him every time he touched it. As the days passed the red coin radiated more heat and the water around it bubbled so much so that it caught little Žába's attention.

Žába knew better then to get into Ahi's special treasures, so when the coin started bubbling like mad, even more then it had been for the previous few days, he pestered his 'papa' until Ahi stopped making the treasures and went to see. When Ahi went to see it, it was flubbling up dark smoke and Ahi didnt like this, he looked around and found something to hit the coin with knowing it was really hot and not wanting another burn. He hit it till it went into the shallows. But he followed it with child-like curiousity, suddenly having to cover his eyes as the coin becomes brighter in it's burning, burning till it vanished.

Ahi stared at the smoke above the water that was coming out of the bubbles above the now non-existant coin, and then started yelling at it, he didn't even notice at first that the smoke was somewhat pae-shapped he was just upset that his treasure was gone... again! Then there was three glowing posts he coulda sworn they were eyeballs, it gave him a place to focus his yells at. After a fast moment there was a sharp pain in his tummy and he jumped back falling with a screech of pain landing in the water more, looked at himself, there was nothing wrong with him but his tummy hurt! His treasure, or what was left of it... wasn't supposed to hurt him! When he looked back at the smoke there was 3 short red stripes half way up and Ahi had no idea what it was.