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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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[PRP]Uneasiness [Zory ]FIN

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Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:22 pm
Their date had been ruined, Zaire was sure of that obviously, but he didn't want things to turn weird between them, to go bad. Jory was the one that held his affections, which was why he was concerned enough to pull the other boil back to his dorm even when he wasn't sure what he would say. He just knew it was vital to keep things, it felt right when everything else felt wrong within him.

As they entered the dark, cool room he released the hold their fingers had picked up. Turned to lock the door for once, as if it would really keep Jory if he didn't want to stay, then turned to face the other boil. Silent for the moment he stared at Jory. Working through his own confusion to try and find what to say, how to start. A knot of uneasiness formed at the pit of the monsters stomach, causing him to slump back against the door a little.

Looking to the ground, tanned hands shifting up to run through his hair and let it out of the ponytail. The pressure from it's tight hold to much for his head that had started to throb the minute he saw those tears from Helki. "..I said...I would explain..so.." So what do you want to know first? Glowing eyes flickered up, hesitant and waiting on the other. This wasn't easy for him, so he could only imagine how his much more anxious boilfriend was feeling at the moment. But even knowing, all Zaire wanted to do was engulf him in arms and pillows, snuggle.

Because it was how he was, action opposed to words, which meant even as he waited he was trying in little steps and slides to get closer to the other.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:14 pm
When Zaire's fingers slipped away Jory stopped, right there in the middle of the floor, half turned towards door and the boil leaning against it. But his head was down, gaze on the floor, and pail hair had fallen to frame his face leaving it impossible to see his expression from the side.

In a daze, of sorts, he didn't seemed to have shut down, responding only when Zaire spoke, and even then, it was just a tilt of his head. There was plenty he should have been saying, but he couldn't get his thoughts in order, not with the anxiety riding him so heavily. It made it hard to focus on anything helpful, and Zaire would see the tension in the set of his jaw as pale brows pinched.

He didn't move away though, as the monster edged closer. In fact the hand that Zaire had been holding on the walk lifted a few inches, reaching out again.

There was a lot that Jory could piece together for himself. Helki was an ex. Someone Zaire had been with before he'd come to amity. That much was clear. What was also clear was how much the wolf still cared for the taller monster. There was a part of the afanc that really wanted to ask if Zaire still had feelings for Helki, but he couldn't, because he wasn't sure of the answer.

So he would pick something safer.

Licking his lips, shoulders hunched, he flicked baby blues up, briefly, before dropping them to the floor again. "Did...did I steal you away from someone else?" Zaire had stressed that they hadn't been dating, but the wolf boil's reaction... It left a sour note that Jory couldn't shake.




Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:40 pm
The boil before him was someone he hoped to never see again. Twisted, everything felt raw and wrong just looking over the hunched shoulders, the hidden face. It was on purpose, but so was that lift of hand and Zaire latched on. Moving swiftly to curl their fingers once more together, to feel the warmth and know in the moment he could still hold him. Because panic was filling the back of the monsters mind, getting ugly and telling him to run before Jory has a chance, or lie.

But he couldn't, he wasn't a lair, prone to avoidance sure but never a liar.

When question finally came the hand that held hold Jory's gave a gentle tug, aiming to take the boil back to the bed. To pull him onto his lap as he sat so the mahamba could curl around and hold him tight. Snuggle because that's what Zaire selfishly needed if Jory wouldn't pull back.

On a deep sigh, hesitant glowing eyes closed as he answered, "....yes and no.." Zaire's heart speed up a little and tongue peeked out to wet his lips. "Helki...he obviously...is still holding on..." He spoke softly, a clear hurt to his tone that he had in fact hurt the other boil. "But..I let go...the moment I met you.." It was the truth and all he could offer, he just hoped Jory understood, hoped the other wouldn't continue to feel the guilt Zaire knew he likely did.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:01 pm
He let himself get pulled, sinking down to sit on Zaire's lap. Stiffer now, than he'd ever been before, but as strong arms curled around him he couldn't help but relax into it. His eyes closed, and he leaned into the taller boil, head resting on his shoulder as hands tucked between his own knees. He was still tense, but he wasn't pulling away.

Of course the answer didn't make him feel much better, not the first part. He flinched, burying his face against Zaire's neck and tried to will his pulse to slow. He felt dizzy, overwhelmed, and didn't have a damn clue what to do about it.

Hearing that Zaire had let go of someone else, for him, hit like a physical blow. Guilt, heavy and ugly, but at the same time, shock, because who would ever pick him? He was gangly, and awkward, and still didn't quite know how relationships work, but Zaire made him feel special.

That thought was enough to have him turn, straddling the mahamba's lap so he could loop his arms up around the taller boil's neck, clinging to him ever bit as hard as Zaire was clinging back. He didn't want to lose him. Didn't want anyone taking him away. It was so selfish, so jacking selfish, but it was the truth. "Can I stay here tonight?" It was soft, and unsure, and carried with it every insecurity and doubt the poor boil felt.




Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:50 pm
Slowly Zaire was trying to grasp the situation entirely, the stiffness of the boil in his arms helping a lot. While he didn't know how to handle most of this himself, Zaire figured being as open as possible would help. That and physical contact because it always made him better. Strong arms tightened around the tense body in their gasp, then slowly parted to give the hands tucked between knees a rub. After a few attempts to massage the other down, a hand snaked down further to try and settle between Jory's hands, the other going back to wrap tight around his waist.

The change was obvious even to a monster like Zaire, frowning he allowed Jory to hide against him. Giving nothing but a soft humming growl of a noise in hopes to sooth him back down. It wasn't really Jory's fault but he didn't know how to make him understand this. "....Sorry..I'm sorry.." Zaire tried desperately, not really knowing if apologizing was the best way, but he was sorry that Jory was the feeling bad as well. Plus all of this was pretty much his own fault, and that settled like a rock at the bottom of his stomach.

Feeling Jory turning his grip slacked a little, hands moved so the other could turn freely. Staring down into the face before him Zaire's own uncertainty shined through his eyes but was quickly squashed down with the request. Jacking adorable. How could he win against that, even if a part of him wanted the alone time to think, he couldn't turn Jory down. Not now, likely not ever, not when he asked for something.

A tanned hand slid up, cupping a pale cheek and he dipped in close. Whispering before taking a kiss, "good thing...you asked...cause.....I didn't plan...on letting you go." His weight dropped to the bed, pulling Jory with him on a deep sigh.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:20 pm
He hadn't wanted to cry, it was weak, for one, but Just just wasn't much for tears. Odd, maybe, but he just wasn't the sort that broken down, not usually. But today had been hard, really hard, and the weight of that--and the guilt, and the tight pressure that seemed to fill is chest at Zaire's apology--all of it had tears rolling in hot lines down his cheeks as he clung to his boilfriend and shook.

Not just trembling now, but shaking in earnest. All that tension he'd been holding onto, the anxiety, the combating emotions, it all spilled it now, as a soft hand cupped his cheek.

And maybe it would frighten Zaire, those tears, the quick rise and fall of his chest as he dissolved into a quiet break down, but maybe he'd also realize how rare it was, and that it meant Jory felt safe with him. Safer there, than anywhere else.

He couldn't return the kiss, not at first, but a soft whimper trickled out before he could stop it, and as they fell back he was wrapping his arms tight again. Relieved he could stay, that Zaire cared for him, wanted him there, wanted him.




Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:34 pm
Unlike normally when a creature cried in front of him, Zaire didn't shut down. Didn't try to flee on automatic, instead hands wrapped tighter to hold the shuddering body in their grasp. Inhaling deeply one tanned hand slid free to stroke over the back of pale hair, the other holding tightly as his tail swung up to curl around a slender one.

Tightly snuggled around he let Jory have his moment, if only because he could tell this crying was different. It was something that didn't want pity, something the other felt comfortable enough to let out but not comment to and Zaire could respect and appreciate that. A tender kiss was laid to blue forehead before glowing eyes closed tightly.

A soft humming rippled up from his throat then past slightly parted lips. Did they have to do anything else? Talk about more? Because Zaire felt right in the moment just holding Jory, even if he knew right then that it was all over for him. ".....So jacking ...cute.." A soft whisper of a chuckle sounded before both arms moved back to hug tightly around Jory.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:56 pm
A soft brush against the back of his hair. An arm wrapped tightly around him. The coil of a thick tail around his own. Zaire held him, while he cried, and shook, and let out every ounce of distress and anxiety and strain that had boiled over. Whatever restrained he'd managed to maintain, it shredded, and Jory clung to his boilfriend, a desperate, almost panicked grip that spoke volumes.

By the time lips brushed his forehead he was quieting again, tears drying on his cheek, as that thin chest rose and fell in quick pants, breathless.

The hum made him blink, baby blues opening finally to look down at Zaire. There was a moment of unease, embarrassment creeping in for his break down, but it faded as the other boil spoke, and when strong arms curled tighter around him he sank back down, laying against the mahamba's chest.

He looked so content now, as if the rest of the afternoon hadn't happened. Jory frowned, drawing one hand up so he could slip fingers into dark hair. The first kiss against tanned skin was hesitant and soft, but on a nuzzle against tanned cheek he let out a shaky sigh, tension finally leaving his thin body in full.





Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:50 pm
Feeling the other finally settle against chest was nothing short of amazing. All the tension and stress of the day melted from his own bones, allowing the tight grasp to slacken but still hold. It was a strange feeling that overcome him looking into those blues, staring into a frown upon lips he never thought he'd see one on.

One he hadn't felt in awhile.

Zaire was pleased though, just to know he could settle Jory, make him feel safe enough to let everything go. It was new, the feeling of being special to someone, the need of being needed. It was also... scary.

Leaning into the nuzzle a soft low growl was given, but that was it. Zaire wanted to say more, answer more things but they had time for that. Or he hoped they did, just for now the monster just wanted to keep curled around Jory and silent. Closing his eyes a kiss was pressed to blue cheek, then a single request made after moments of silence, "..can we sleep now?"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:45 pm
Jory took deep breaths, slowing his pulse, but also drawing in Zaire's scent with every heavy lungful of air. It was doubly comforting, and pale limbs tightened around that strong body as he nuzzled in against the other boil's cheek. Trying to get closer, as if any space between them was too great. The afanc boil wanted to be enveloped, engulfed, consumed.

The growl gained an answering hum, almost a whine, but it lacked the awful weight of distress it had carried earlier. Now it was a just a soft noise, content, comfortable.

Baby blues had already closed, breathing evening out even before Zaire's question filled the soft silence that had closed in around him. It made him stir, as if coming out of a daze, but he nodded, pressing his face in closer, working unto nose and lips had found the base of a fin ear, where dark hair tickled softly against his cheek. There he stayed, his own breath warm against his face, trapped against soft skin.

He'd drift off within minutes, exhausted from stress of the day, and the break down. Comfortable now, and calm. He clung to the larger boil, even as he slept.




Wrathful Demigod


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