Has anyone else heard of that before?

Maybe I should clarify a little...

I'm a transgender lesbian woman. I was born in a male body, but I'm female, but I don't need no man's p***s to satisfy me (girls' penises are welcome).

The thing is, I really want my c**k and balls taken off. They are three VERY unwelcome guests in my body. I want a vulva. I want a clitoris. I want labia. I want everything that externally says "p***y". But I don't want a v****a hole.

Until technology is sufficiently advanced that I can have a complete, biologically female reproductive system, a hole in my crotch just isn't going to do it for me.

Has anyone ever heard of this being done? Can you get sex confirmation (sex reassignment) surgery without getting a neovagina??? Would a surgeon do that procedure? I haven't been able to find anything via google, and when it's not on google, I turn to Gaia second. Anything, any little scrap of info on this would be much appreciated!