For the first time since he'd arrived at the school, Darren was about to embark on a project that did not warm his heart at all. He needed to desperately write his mother - he'd gotten a letter from her basically wondering if he'd died that he'd not written her every day like he'd promised and how - if she didn't hear word from him in a fortnight, he would be as good as dead.

So he sat there, at his desk, staring down at the blank piece of paper and pen before him. His single eye soaked in the image unblinking - he did not want to write this letter - he had no desire to break his promise to Rosy and tell of her exploits and her "crimes" that she had committed. So with a heavy sigh, he picked up the pen and began to write.

Dearest Mother,

I received your letter yesterday and am very upset that you think that I have forgotten my sworn task. The truth of the matter is that I have been so busy caring to Rosy's needs that I have not had a moment to spare to inform you of how things are going. I have learned much here at Amityville - as you can see by my ability to write without much error.

Rosy is doing well. She is attending all her classes and studying hard. She has made lots of friends with many different kinds of creatures, including a demon boil. He is a very valued friend and she spends a lot of time with him. I have met him and while I do not necessarily approve of his attitude, he is a decent enough creature by all accounts. He makes Rosy smile and to me, that is more important than anything else - even the questionable quality of his character.

I want think, it might be best if I do not return to the Coven when I graduate from Amityville. I want to make my own way. believe it would be best for me to strike out on my own - without the support of yourself, or Rosy and establish my own place in the world so that I do not drain the resources of the Coven upon my return. Amityville has taught me much Mother - more importantly, it has opened my eyes to my true calling and I do not believe that being at the Coven will allow me to follow what I feel is my best chance at happiness. I am sure you agree that the Coven will lose nothing to my not being around - if anything, I'm sure things will improve...

That being said - if Rosy were to ask me to return I would - but that is for her to decide. As you commanded me, I have been doing everything she's asked of me - and I will continue to do so until she tells me my services are no longer required. When that day comes - I will strike out on my own, and you will never see or hear from me again.

So, with that out of the way - there is nothing for you to worry about. Rosy is doing well, I am doing well. We are having fun and learning much from the classes here, and we are meeting new creatures and expanding our horizons. I am sure you will hardly be able to recognize us me should you ever see usme again. More to the point, I don't... think I will be writing any more of these letters. Rosy and I BOTH have phones - you could call us you know, if you... really were that worried about us...

Your son,

Then he took the letter and placed it in an envelope, ready to mail it off the next morning. Then he stood slowly from his desk, and moved over to his eyePhone, picking it up he found his sister's number and typed a quick message.

Rosy... We need to talk - either on the phone or in person, I'd prefer in person if we can... Are you... busy?

He frowned at his phone, and then sent the text off. This was a development that warranted letting Rosy know what had happened and what he'd said - and whether she wanted him to change it or not. If she did he'd have to start all over again - but he didn't mind that. He was half tempted to tear the letter up and just write his mother a complete yarn about how well they were doing and how Rosy didn't spend any time with anybody but him but he knew she wouldn't buy that.

He watched his phone - hoping his sister wasn't... engaged in an activity that would prevent her from seeing his message, before settling down onto his bed and reaching out to gently pet Skitters on the head. He was glad his minipet was there to comfort him - he needed the support.

He just hoped Rosy got his message and was free - so he could see her again. It'd been far too long since he'd seen her - and he was beginning to wonder if she thought he'd died too... With that, he lay back, placed his phone on his forehead, and dozed.