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[PLOT - PRP] A Sword in the Mountains [Malek +Kurt]

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Aged Genius

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:14 pm
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Why had he thought this was a good idea again?


The mountains hadn't sounded so bad back when his grandfather had been explaining where to find the sword. Heck, he'd had a good idea where to go, or so he thought, when he'd started. But he hadn't expected the mountains to be so... well... big.

Seriously, he should have gotten more information first before starting this journey. It was cold enough that he could see his breath and his food rations were starting to fall really, very low. He really ought to get better at this planning ahead thing; never really been a strong point of his. Boy, would he get chastised when he got home.

It's not like he could tell someone where he was going, nor could he leave a note.

This wasn't the first time he'd wandered away for a few days, but for over a week... Yeah... First time. He'd likely get in as much trouble as Hemi did that time he went to the tree to see their uncle. Why would anypae want to go near that place anyways? Crazy. The fact that his family included so many 'others' had recently begun to strike him as odd. How were they even related like that? It had to be adoption, right?

No shetani or the like could ever really be related to a faun.

Family business aside, there was still the immediate problem of being in an unknown place at pretty high altitudes without any real idea of what he was looking for. Alpaca... If he could find one, maybe he'd know he'd gone in the right direction. That was if he could identify one anyways. Maybe his mellon, conveniently sleeping, would wake if anything striking appeared nearby. That would be pleasant.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:18 am
(pre-guardian mission)

Snow, snow, who knew he'd miss the cold? Well, not miss it as much as need. To keep foods fresh and preserve the alpaca goods, he needed refrigeration. This caused him to pause at the food of the mountain and just smile. Thinking back to how it was back in his day, the HQ. The fridge had everything he could ever want. Zofie didn't believe him when he talked about it because it was way before her time. He remembered the food fight, a food fight of all things!

Stuck reminiscing, he almost didn't move at all. Remembering what he was here for, he shook his head off and readjusted his back pack before moving on. Attention to his surroundings wasn't high on his mind as he lived in the past moving forward. Braced for the flight at the the bottom of the mountain, his wings started to go. Feet off the ground, the angel took off.

For the fresh snow he wanted, the bottom of the mountain wouldn't do. Having made this flight before, he didn't take the easy way out. On his way up something happened to catch his eye. The blue against the the stark white stood out and caused him to pause.

Fluttering forward it became easier to make out that it was a hybrid. Clear demon features with feathers? Just by the look of him, Kurt couldn't guess at the parentage but could clearly see the young male didn't seem at home where he was.

"What are you doing up this way?"
Was he looking for snow as he was? It just didn't seem likely as the young male didn't look that equipped. Could he be on the quest for the sword perhaps? Regardless of why he was there, it was impossible for Kurt to go on if there was a way he could help.



Intellectual Mage


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:17 am
The snow was one of the most unwelcome and unexpected things about him for how little the shetani had spent planning this trip. Cold and wet and just... unpleasant. It brought back memories of a few seasons earlier when the winter's winds decided to outstay their welcome; he'd locked himself up even more than had become normal. By now the only reason he could continue was because he'd lost most of the feeling in his feet.

'Tihsenka... C'mon... Help a tired pae out,' he internally groaned as he stopped and sighed. Guardian's... If they really wanted him to complete their quest, why couldn't they send him some sort of direction as to where to go next. He was trying, but he'd simple freeze and starve if he continued wandering aimlessly like this.

Not but a (long) minute later, the sound of rustling broke the silence that the wind had acquainted him with. Looking over, Malek was surprised to see the figure of an angel passing by. Momentarily he looked up, near in awe at the coincidence (or not) of it all before returning to watch the other. He shifted the bag on his back and fumbled a bit closer to meet with him.

What was he doing?

Well... Pausing, he seemed to think before bending down to draw in the snow. He'd seen enough pictures of swords that, even in such conditions, he could at least draw the outline of one.

Once finished, the boy stood upright once more and tilted his head as if silently asking if this new presence had any idea about where he might find such a thing.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:36 am
Not getting a verbal answer, Kurt went in closer landing beside the hybrid. Looking at the outline, it was clear to him what he was looking for. So he was on the guardian quest? "The Sword? I can show you where the battle field is. I've been there twice, once with a young Angel then with my friend Raken." Collecting the snow could wait for now. It wasn't like the frozen water was going anywhere.

This one was lost a bit and there was no way he was going to leave him to wonder around. "Lets get up a little higher, you are a few levels too low." Flying even this high was hard but he knew from experience he could get a little higher before it became impossible. Rolling his shoulders, the angel took off again fighting his way up to a ledge higher up to make a quicker walk to the battle field once more. He trusted the other would try to be behind him. Being angle and demon, all Kurt could do was hope he could fly the same. Raken and himself made it up here so the younger male should be able to do the same, he hoped.



Intellectual Mage


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:59 am
The sword?

Malek smiled and gave a definitive nod in response, pleased that somepae had come to show him the way. Really... Guardians be praised! That was the only way such an encounter could have been possible. His body showed some reaction to his grandfather's name, his eyebrows furrowing for a moment as he put some pieces together.

Friend of his grandfather's... Been to the battlefield... This must be the Kurt he'd talked of!

Turning to catch sight of him taking off, Malek glanced at his own, tired wings and gave them a few stretched. He'd underestimated the distance to get here, forcing him to walk more much of it so as not to strain them too much. After this time without use, though, they seemed to have rested enough. Flapping a couple of time experimentally at first, he shifted his bag to take to the air with a few powerful strokes of his feathered wings. It took a few moments to catch up enough, the thin and cold air doing little to aid in his flight. If it wasn't for his young lungs, he'd probably have had to stop far sooner.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:08 am
For an old guy, working on the ranch kept him in decent condition. Being an Angel helped a lot as well. Best of all, where he wanted to be was right there. The landing zone he picked had a snow covered path to the left. Flying alone probably wouldn't make it stand out but it was fresh in his memory as being distinctive enough. Combined with the fact that he couldn't go on any further if he tried. From his pack he pulled out an alpaca fibered blanket then a second. There was third within as he planned on using the blankets to help isolate the cold ice until he got home. For now, they would serve to help keep himself and his young companion warmer.

Turning to watch and make sure the hybrid made it up, he held out the blanket explaining, "Its Alpaca, will help to keep you warm. From here its a bit of a trek but we are nearly there." The identity of the young male was still a mystery but there had to be a reason why he drew what he wanted instead of just telling him. Maybe he couldn't talk? Rather than push it, he decided not to say anything, waiting to see what the younger male would do.



Intellectual Mage


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:17 am
Malek's lungs practically screamed by the time they touched down, not that he outwardly showed it except his quickened and heavier breathing. The fog coming from his breath in little puffs did little to help him make sense of anything significant in their surroundings, but if this angel was truly sent by the Guardians, there was little more he needed to do but trust him.

Man... When did he get so religious?

Perhaps it was a side-effect of the cold and his frost-bitten limbs.

He'd looked with envy as a blanket was pulled out before blinking twice and awkwardly reaching forward to accept the new token of acquaintanceship. Alpaca... Yes, definitely his grandfather's friend. Looking down, then back up, the shetani smiled brightly as he nodded and puled it around his body and up to his face, pausing a few moments with his hands accepting his breath for warmth.

Grateful for the help at all, he looked up expectantly, almost curiously, for what was to come next.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:23 pm
Wrapped up himself, he waited to move until he was sure the other one was okay as well. Smiling when he saw the younger male wrapped up, he nodded and started to walk. With his hands balled up in the blanket and it securely around his body, he felt pretty okay. A cold blast or two go through but mostly it was not horrible. Oh he hated the cold. What was to be a short trip grew longer but he didn't begrudge the other for the circumstances.

Instead he silently lead the way trudging the path that was familiar.

From the steppe slope panned out to a flat area. If it weren't for glints here and there it would look empty. Instead he saw it for what he knew it to be, a battlefield. It was sobering to look at the exposed icy weapons that peaked out from where the snow drifted away. There was more unseen. How many lost their lives? What were they fighting for?

Shaking his head soberly he told the younger male, "You'll find the sword you want here, might need to dig a bit. I've been around since the beginning." Or rather beginning as he knew it. "I've never once heard of any conflict much less an armed one.." There had been someone good at making weapons, could this be his doing?



Intellectual Mage


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:38 pm
Malek followed his escort in silence up the mountain, obviously unable to offer much in the way of socialization for the journey. Honestly, he was just incredibly thankful that a stranger, though he could assume who he was, would go out of his way to help him on such a quest. It made him feel warm inside, or perhaps that was the alpaca blanket he'd loaned.

Coming to the steppe, he continued to walk forward as his companion stopped and only slowed as he felt a tiny warmth on the back on his neck.

'This is the place...' a sleepy voice softly cooed to him.

'How nice of you to join me,' he joked before looking around. 'A battlefield... huh... What do you suppose they were fighting about...?'

The silence that came as his answer told him that either she didn't know either, or that it was something he might learn in time on his own. His mellon was pretty good at not spoiling him with more information than necessary.

Glancing back to Kurt, he nodded once before turning to approach the field. Aimlessly he seemed to walk before coming to the front of a single sword, handle barely visible above the layer of white. On his knees he went, gripping it with his hands covered by a layer of the blanket before pulling.

Once to no avail, his knees buckling some under the force he exerted.

Twice and he could hear cracks until the tension let out in an instant, sending him fumbling backwards and nearly piercing himself with the still-sharp blade. It was almost intimidating to have a weapon near to him; never had he seen one so close. The engravings that decorated the blade were beautiful, stained only by a peculiar pattern of rust.

Rather than think about it, though, the teenager simply placed the item in his bag and turned around to rendezvous with his guide. He gave him a single nod as he approached, signaling that it was done even if he'd surely been watching the whole time.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:50 pm
He started to move, with only a foot sticking to the ground. He wanted to help the youngster when he fought with getting the blade out but thought against it. It was his quest, his item to earn. Even so he fought with the urge to help as he stood silent guard.

With the sword in hand, he smiled to the young man, "Good job! We'll go back to where we came up. It is much easier going down then it was coming up, I assure you." Chuckling a little bit he turn back and started toward their landing spot. He'd gather snow there. This place..it felt wrong to take anything from it and already he had a sword and a helm he picked up in previous trips.

After his son, he still expected the both of them to pop to life.



Intellectual Mage


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:09 pm
A secondary nod was given to signal that he had understood what Kurt was saying. Frankly, he would be happy to be rid of the snow and the cold; each time it appeared, it just assured him that he was one for the warmer climates, particularly when he hadn't the forethought to pack the appropriate garments.

Following silently, Malek didn't even bother to mentally contemplate what had just happened. Everything had worked out so perfectly, he'd finished collecting all pieces at long last, that he was just mentally ready to check-out.

Still had to get home first, but that would be easier than the first half of the journey had been.

Thankfully, this blanket was doing wonders to rejuvenate his wings. It should assist him quite a bit to be able to glide down the mountain and ride the winds home rather than walking.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:12 pm
Kurt stopped at the point they had landed and placed his backpack down. From there it was packed full of the fresh snow powder. Not all of it would last the flight but any that did would work on doing its job. Once his own task was complete the backpack was flipped to go against his chest.

Looking to the young man with him he gave him a nod and said, "I trust you will be okay getting home?" He couldn't just leave if the other still needed help.



Intellectual Mage


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:53 am
Malek was even quieter than normal as they descended, the weight of his new item prominently forcing itself upon his shoulder. When they arrived to their landing point, he nearly walked into Kurt for how distracted he was. Blinking and taking a few quick steps back afterwards, he calmed himself as he watched the other collect snow to bring back.

How strange.

As they made eye contact, Malek gave a single nod and a slight bow of thanks. He then carefully took the woolen blanket from his back, carefully folded it, and held it out for his new acquaintance to take back. He was truly grateful to have been lent it; only the Guardians know what would have become of him otherwise.

Once either the blanket was returned or was insisted on being kept, the shetani waved for a short while before flexing his wings and taking off on his journey back home.

I left it open-ended for you to have Kurt either have him keep the blanket or not. Either way, the rp will be finished after your next post. :3
:[ The Fifth Age ]:

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