Here is the thing. I have hit writers block and I need inspiration to get it back up and running. You follow my story line. End of story. I'm paying you so this will go my way I have each character lined out and it will be assigned to you. I want you to write as if you were this character without any influence on your end of what you would do. I will be writing along, it will be like a regular rp but it will be god modded.
Must have at least two literate paragraphs. If I don't like your post you will redo it along with my notes. Needs to be active or will be replaced after one day of inactivity without telling me at least a few hours notice.

Only serious inquires. Every twenty posts per character my payment will raise by 50g.

Due to copyright laws I will add that if you accept this task you give up all of your writing willingly. Everything you write will fall under my ownership as I pay you every 20 posts.
There will be a small thanks with your real name noted if you so wish in the back of the book.

The title of the book is named, "The Secret."

All character backgrounds will be explained as you are chosen for your part.

Characters needed:

Jason- age:24 Our main man. Ability to shape shift into a human; has dragon blood in him due to an infusion as an infant of an experiment gone wrong, when anger is sparked he has difficulty keeping his powers under control.
Cunning, Firm but fair, quick temper, protective, street smart, Charming. Has difficulty explaining his feelings, strong willed, secretive and skeptical of people.

Logan- age:21 Our love triangle begins. Logan is our angel. Literally. A long past of loss. Born human, later becomes angel. Looks like human but like Jason has powers when he so chooses.
Smartass, kind, sweet, a hopeless romantic, brave, the giver, the helper, protective, easily speaks with out hesitation, well educated, trusting.

Angie-age:21 Our leading lady. Stubborn, on her own, always finds a reason to be happy, hard to break yet soft and gentle, brave, worries, caring, affectionate, smart (not a dimp), Confident expect nervous around Jason. Passionate. No filter, says what comes to her mind.