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Cocoa Eclair wasn't in the mood to deal with her family. She was so sick and tired of it all, of being around them, of hurting. Normally a joy to be around and energetic, Cocoa Eclair couldn't bring herself to smile about much. Even having her brother Foxglove emerge from his pod thing didn't make her happy. He looked weird, nothing like she remembered, and the news of their mother had really thrown him. She didn't blame him, but she had hoped he'd be the big brother she was needing...

Whatever, it didn't matter. He had left during the hard time and could deal with the news however he wanted. She didn't care. She was done with moping and the sadness. She was done with the fact her mom had gotten 'possessed' and was now out doing whatever the heck possessed things did. If she could get her hands on that stupid spirit oh what she'd do...

She scribbled a quick note on a paper for her Dad. She didn't need them to worry about her, and she explained that. She just needed to get out for a bit and think- figure out these emotions that were raging inside of her. She so desperately wanted to be happy again, but she was just so mad... So mad at how hurt and broken her family was acting. She couldn't blame them for the anger- it was just how she was feeling. Uhg, yeah, she just needed to get away and clear her mind.

Though her family was big, it didn't seem like anyone was around much. It made it easy to write the note, pack a few things, and leave. She didn't have anyone questioning her. It made her a bit sad, wondering how long it would take anyone to notice. On the other hand she was glad she could sneak away and maybe not have a soul come after her. This way she could spend as much time as needed out there.

She wasn't a strong flyer yet, so she switched between walking and flying. She had brought a crude map her father had drawn out from some of his explorations. There were a few spots missing and she wasn't sure how to read it, but she supposed that if she got lost it could bring some kind of comfort. As she walked she stared at it, deciding against an adventure and maybe instead heading somewhere familiar- the water.

Yeah! That got her excited! She pictured her hooves sinking into the sand and the chilly water against her flesh and she got goosebumps. The best part was that she was familiar with the trail- having traveled it with her family. A stab of pain hit her heart and she brushed it off. This was exciting not sad! She'd spend a day, maybe even a night, on the sandy shore. Plus, the place wasn't that far from where she was. This was an added bonus since she didn't want to spend most of her time practicing her flying.

It took her a lot longer than she had thought. Who knew walking and talking made time pass so much and how little time passed when you were alone. She quickly landed from her shaky flying and ran onto the beach. She began to kick up sand, sprinting into the cold water before fleeing away from it, and picked up whatever she could to see how far she could throw it. Soon she settled down to just skipping them across the water, finding that this wasn't much fun alone.

Movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned her head and looked over the beach noticing a figure in the distance. The beach was a popular hangout spot, but not generally when the air was starting to get chilly. Still, it brought her some comfort to know she wouldn't be alone. Even if they didn't speak, knowing someone was near was enough for Cocoa Eclair.