Hello everyone, I'd like to do a 1x1 rp with somebody 4laugh

My writing level is in the limbo world between semi lit and literate. I prefer to play female roles but I occasionally have fun playing a male as well. So I'm always open to play either gender, any sexuality, etc.

I am open to 99% of plots pretty much! I usually have a few good plots up my sleeve myself, and I love to do things that are really outside of the box. (Exotic settings... weird circumstances.. yknow?) So that's what you may be getting yourself into!

If anyone's interested just private message me! We'll discuss and brainstorm together.. And hopefully get a fun RP started! All I ask is that you come with ideas! And a fair warning if I end up doing most of the work for creating the plot/idea i won't be happy!

Everyone is welcome and I'm always looking for new RP partners! (So anyone seeing this months or weeks later from the day I posted this... I'm always searching!) Oh and THE L IN MY USERNAME IS AN UPPERCASE i, just so you know!