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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[ DRABBLE ORP ] Mid-Term Exam Edition!

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Magical Incubator

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:23 pm

As the Holiday Nightmare vacation ends, it is time for schools to settle in and face the horror of mid-term exams. Amityville had a very specific requirement: that all mid-term exams were generic, meaning mid-term exams also involved writing something on paper in the middle of the Amityville Gymnasium when it came time for the exam of that particular class.

Oh, and also of course, that once exam week started, the school gates were locked, so no student could escape and run away from the horror of mass paperwork.

There were whispers, a rumour this year that the exams were part of the career test coming up, though that was just a rumour, as since the last fireworks fiasco ten years ago, the career aptitude agents had somewhat blacklisted Amityville from most touring school lists.

The studying part of midterms was also very, very versatile. Some chose to study, some chose to go to class and listen to the professor's reviews, and some people just decided that the right answer would always be there for those who needed it, and that what they really needed right now was a party.


Welcome to the fun era of drabble RP!

Feel free to respond in drabble form your student studying (or not studying) for the mid-terms. You can pick a few classes from the class list here that your student might be studying for! Don't forget to mark [ CHARACTER NAME ] [ LOCATION ] in the top in bold red of your post so people can decide if they are in the same area/ interacting/ etc etc. All rps happen the week before mid-terms, anywhere on campus. Feel free to use things like spooky texts, phones, grumblrs, spider mail, anything to write a little snippet working very hard.

Just post here with any student you own and have fun! You can quote someone in this thread too to drabble interact with them. Remember a drabble is just a fun post where you can post pretty much anything you want in a paragraph of what your student is doing, without doing too much back and forth. IT makes it very easy to solo as well!

Here are some other courses that your student may take not on the linked list above. Feel free to take light liberties as to what they do there, ie: for band they might play __ instrument.
- Fear cooking (cooking/baking class)
- Spooky Sewing
- Haunted Orchestra (Band/orchestra class)
- Psichology (Psychology)
- Telepathy
- Certified Flying Beginner's Class License

Post bonus: +2 rp points for posting over 400 words cumulatively per character

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:53 pm
[Uru'baen] [Library]

The demon clutched the text books to his side as he jumped down the stairs two at a time, pushing past monsters who were likely returning to their dorms to study. He couldn't study in his dorm, it was distracting. He could definitely not study in his boilfriend's dorm because that was an absolute distraction. As comfortable as it was to be there, their relationship was still new and it was a little strange of an adjustment. What was there to adjust anyway? They behaved as they had for many moons now, just that now they kiss and touch and ... much affection. Yeah, he wouldn't get much studying done. He wouldn't be studying Psichology or cooking or minipet care or literature, he would be studying a monster's face; how it smiled, how it guffawed, how it frowned, how it responded to his own glares. In either case, Uru was moving through the campus with purpose as he made his way to the library where he was going to hunker down in a booth and study. He seemed to get a lot of work done there; if not there, there was that one spot in the woods where no one really goes. It was part of the school's walk path, but not many walk that far into the woods. The library was quiet as ever, but his hearing could hear every flip of leaflet paper, the thumps of anxious feet, the tapping of pencils between students' fingers. This was where he was going to study and the background sound was going to help. Hunkering down, the demon sprawled the books out, pulled out the re-written notes, the study guides, and he got himself comfortable for the next.... well, however long it would take to get everything into his mind.  


Loyal Werewolf


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:13 pm
[Meixiang] [Home Ick Kitchen]

Oh man, why had she decided to take this class? Meixiang was horrible at cooking. As if the pile of take out boxes in the corner of her room weren't evident of that. But...well....one day she'd be on her own and some sort of adult thing and that meant being able to cook for herself. Or maybe it would just be better to hire a cook that could cook for her. Or a room mate....that could cook.

No. No no she had to learn something right? Something practical among all the not so practical. That could be applied to every day life. Can't live on take out...or could she? Its not like she was having any ill effects of that sort of living. She didn't really gain weight so there was no worry there of getting fat. That and she exercised.

Ok, so there were a lot of pros to not learning to cook.

But on the other hand it was something out of her comfort zone. Way out of her comfort zone as she nearly caught her apron on fire by turning on one of the burners absentmindedly before setting anything on top of it. Yea fire bad. The ghoul squealed as she put the fire out, if her heart actual beat it would have been racing a million miles an hour. No burners.

She would...she would bake. That required less fire. But as she thumbed through the book she had selected from the book store in town she merely got more and more discouraged as there were many terms she did not understand. Fold in eggs? Whip into high peaks? "A tisp? What's a tisp?" Placing a finger to her bottom lip, the Jiang Shi looked at the ceiling as she seriously pondered just what a tisp was. It was obviously a unit of measurement but what kind?

Leaning over her large bag of supplies she had brought with her, the ghoul reached into it and rummaged around. Pulling out various cups and spoons. A blender. Baking pans. Pots. Knives. A cutting board. Again she thumbed through the book, licking her thumb as she went. Brown eyes scrawling across the pages as she tried to find something relatively easy and yet complex enough to make an impression on the class mid-term. It wasn't like a regular writing test, they actually had to make something and so far she hadn't been successful in anything.

This was the pits. Stinky, sweaty, school gnome pits.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:42 am
[Brenley] [Outside the Reaper Dorms]

One of the easiest ways to convince people you hadn't actually graduated was to keep studying for and taking midterms, even if they were completely unnecessary and a bit of a waste of time. Brenley hadn't ever been a student of literature so he was trying his hand at it now that it didn't matter, making a show of reading very intently in public.

Today he was seated in the grass outside the reaper dorms, a multitude of wide but thin aqua and tan scarves wrapped around him in the hopes that they would provide some form of warmth. They did not. He peered out of his cocoon at the novel in his lap, wondering not for the first time why anyone had spent even a moment writing this drivel. Maybe a stealthy demon had marked some publisher into doing them a favor. Back... he flipped to the inside of the front cover... eight hundred and sixty-three years ago. Right. No publisher then. It had probably originally been printed on an early secret press in some sleazy cave or transcribed by a team of slave ghosts. He eased the book closed with a muffled sigh. Even if this school hadn't left him appreciative of the classics, at least it had taught him to use his imagination.





PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:13 am
[Rojo] [Library]

Scaring. It was what he had come to Amityville to master, though it seemed he had made it through an entire year without learning much about the art at all. Not that what he had learned instead—how to schmooze, how to throw parties, how to make better friends, how to make worse enemies—wasn't valuable, the skeleton just longed for a little more. Besides that, there also happened to be an upcoming midterm on the subject, which seemed a little unfair actually. Maybe he could mention the problem to the Council when he had the time.

For now there was no use crying over spilled blood. He would play to his strengths and do the best he could. A larger, more imposing skeleton might have been better at the old "boo" scares, but he was too small to make anyone jump that way unless they were deeply distracted. Fortunately, there was a whole building full of distracted creatures right on campus! Unfortunately, he had to be just as quiet as they were inside or he'd be kicked out.

After sneaking between the shelves, the undead assessed the student situation. Most were seated in small groups, but there was one rather intimidating boil off by himself. He would start there. Rojo squared his shoulders and left his hiding spot, boots clicking softly as he made his way toward the demon's booth. He crouched low before he got there, just his empty eyes and the top of his bony skull peering over the edge of Uru's table as he passed, staring all the while. And then, he was gone.

just a driveby
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:22 am
[Lock] [Outside the Reaper Dorms]

Lock had decided to follow Brenley out to the commons, the same book gripped in his hands tightly. Lock was unaware that Brenley had graduated (very rude, hiding information from your bro), and merely thought they'd coincidentally ended up in the same literature class.

"I find it unsettling that they lock the gates," Lock piped up in the middle of their silence while Brenley was flipping over the cover of his book. "What if someone has a family emergency, eh?" Lock's tone seemed to heavily imply that he wanted a family emergency. Anything to get away from midterms.

bros don't let bros read books alone


Princess Hoarder


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:57 pm
[Uru'baen] [Library]
[298 words]

His leather jacket hung over the back of the chair, creaking under his weight as he leaned back, fingers laced behind his head. It has been a while and he had re-written his notes for the forth time. Honestly, if any student wanted his notes, they could just have them. It was easier for him to remember things after writing a couple of times if practice wasn't an option. Unfortunately, he couldn't exactly practice what he was taught and the fundamental ideas behind the lectures was also imperative to know to draw conclusions and such. However, this was becoming a drag. Looking up at the ceiling, he was wondering what the monster was up to at this time. Was he studying too or was he just goofing off? Sighing, Uru stood up to take a brief walk around the library. Gotta get himself circulating again. Sitting in one place for too long did not bode well with him.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:47 pm
[Brenley] [Outside the Reaper Dorms]

Brenley tugged at his scarves, making a wider gap for his face. He wasn't any warmer than he had been since he had settled here, but Lock deserved to be properly addressed, no matter his own personal level of discomfort. "Yes. It is a bit much. Perhaps if your family was insistent enough though..." He let the thought trail away as he picked up the horrible book and looked at his bro. Unlike the other boil, Bren was currently partial to midterms he didn't need over anything that involved the word family. But that was a conversation for... well... anywhere but here.

"I'm sure we could break out if we tried hard enough." Amityville was hardly some puzzle-filled death mansion on an island, after all. "Though all I really want right now is a cup of tea. Could we go inside somewhere?" He tried to keep his voice an even monotone, as always, but it rose into a whine at the end. As if he hadn't been the one to choose to sit outside in the first place. Maybe he should have been studying cold tolerance.

old man in teenage body




Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:44 pm
[Sacha] [Outside the Demon dorms -> Dorm room]

There was absolutely no way that Sacha was going to be seen taking a Fear Cooking class. Teaching it maybe, but not taking it. So when he'd had to sign up for classes, and knowing it was so close to midterms, he might have taken a few courses to stack the odds in his favor.

Because a Certified Flying Beginner's Class License would be so incredibly difficult he'd totally need to take it.

His studying was flying down from his room and landing on the grass outside the demon dorms, then taking advantage of the unusually warm day for first October. He settled on the grass, spreading his wings to absorb as many rays of the feeble pumpkin sun as possible, and then proceeded to get out his eyePhone and open up Instagram. He flicked through the images idly, liking a picture of some macaroons and then commenting on something Antoinette had posted.

Then he checked his email.

And his texts.

Several minutes later had him bored and hungry, so he flew back up to his room to make a snack. A quick pot of soup with some homemade rolls later (only a few hours) and he realized that his time he'd allowed for studying was almost up.

Almost, not quite. Taking out his phone he fired off a few texts, asking his mummy some inane question that was really just to prove he was still alive, then asking Antoinette if she'd tried out the newest cake shop near their house. Finally his fingers hovered over a new contact in his phone, and he opened up a new text.

Alternate Heat Source
r u done studying yet

A few seconds later he sent another text.

Alternate Heat Source
r midterms even hard here

Because really, this was his first time at a regular school, and he had no idea what to expect. He could do all his basic flying, and he could even do a few aerial tricks, not that he had really practiced much. Would they expect more than that out of him? Probably not, it was a beginners level course.

Then he remembered that he actually had other classes and groaned. First aid had seemed like a good idea at the time, he had dealt with small knife cuts a lot in the kitchen. He had not expected all of the different things that would be thrown at him. To say the least it was not the easy class he'd expected. With a glare at his textbooks he finally opened one, trying to keep his eyes open as he turned pages with one hand and spooned soup into his mouth with the other.

[quote-"Nerpin"]Elly got texts  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 2:47 pm
[Lyle] [Ghost Dorms Common Room]

The morning after he had arrived on campus, Lyle had opened his eyes to an undead hyena's grin. As it turned out, the creature was an Amityville instructor who had been decently helpful in finding him a vacant dorm room, but beyond that, was no help at all. Lyle had wandered campus on his own for nearly a month after that, unaware that classes were a thing he was expected to attend until a sign and a locked gate told him it was time for midterms. Looking back, he might have just been willfully ignoring the truth, but either way the thought of taking tests with no preparation was mildly uncomfortable.

Unlike the panic that had risen in his chest following his first eyeful of Lester, this feeling was dull and easy to ignore. Surely there were ways he could occupy himself were he thrown out of school, right? He would try this studying thing—a little—and if it didn't pan out...

Lyle shrugged.

"Itchy, are you?"

The voice was kind and distinctly feminine. He also had no idea where it was coming from.

"Down here, honey."

Right. He was very high up these days, something he might have been proud of had it not proven awkward at least five times already. He shifted and dipped, toes nearly touching the ground.

"Itchy? What do you mean? I was just..."

"I can tell you haven't been here long. I just want to help you, dear. Your clothes..." She looked concerned. Lyle felt concerned.

- - -

As it turned out, the elderly demon's help was harmless enough, though Lyle did feel sort of naked without his suit of armor. She seemed to understand his attachment to it, making sure it was hung in his closet after he and it were cleaned instead of tossing it outright. They sat together in the ghost common room several hours later, the boil trying not to squirm as he brushed imaginary dust from his new secondhand outfit.

"You look lovely, dear."

Lyle smiled and ceased his twitching to pat her hand. "Thank you again, Ms. Tantalus."

"Is there anything else you need?"

He almost shook his head before he remembered exams.

"I've got to take some tests... midterms. But I don't know what I'm supposed to be studying."

The woman nodded. "Yes, yes. I can assist with that too." Her face didn't change, but she did sound rather pleased. "Wait here."

"I will," he promised. Honestly, where else did he have to go? He was experimenting with hovering while seated when she returned, a stack of tomes balanced in her skinny arms.

"Mathematics, geography, scaring, minipet care, sparring. These should get you started."

The ghost picked up the first of the books, feeling more confident as he skimmed the pages and recognized much of what he saw. He raised his gaze from the math problems and was about to thank Ms. Tantalus again when she said,

"No need for more thanks. Just do well, my boy. Or I'll kill you."

He found he had nothing to say after all as she walked away, but he kept his eyes on her until she was gone.





PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:22 pm
[Rojo] [On the Roof of the Undead Dorms]

When scaring in the library didn't pan out, Rojo moved on, taking to the roof of the undead dorms to think and reflect. He couldn't recall having ever frightened anyone when he had meant to, so he tried to remember the times he had done so by accident. Coming around a sharp corner in his slippers, breaking the silence with a shout when he'd finally beaten the final boss in a difficult video game, and...

"Falling off of the roof."

Leaping from the top of the ghost dorms after getting stranded there hadn't been the first time he had taken such a plummet. Once before he had done so at Chio's urging. His mother had been terrified then livid, in fact, that might have been the moment Rojo and the other skeleton had become mortal enemies. It was perfect.

He scooted to the edge of the roof that hung over the front entrance, looking for the most unlikely victim and finding her soon after. A growling nosferatu, broad shoulders hunched, crept out of the building and paused, taking a cleansing breath that turned into a scream as a skeleton dropped out of the sky.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:22 pm
[Kenta] [Just outside of Undead Dorms (getting landed on by a falling skele)]
Kenta, after the whole Hade's kitchen event, decided to take some classes... right as midterms hit. Talk about a nightmare! He had only the basics down... and here he was forced to cook (cook!) meat... why ruin such tastiness and make things that upset his stomach? But no one said that midterms were good times or easy! So now he was having to try and cook something he couldn't eat. Blehhh.... And feeding it to his pack of minis certainly wouldn’t tell him if it was edible! Maybe I should try to go for as disgusting as possible? He thought as he approached the Dorms where he lived. Ought to get my bonus points right? Unless it’s a food snob teacher…..

In one hand the undead werewolf held a leash and bag full of groceries and in the other was a recipe a fellow student had given him. Walking alongside him (leashed to keep her from chasing tasty squirrels) and carrying a small pack full of more food on her back was Skrakson, his new and rather young cinox skeleton mini.
Srakson suddenly snarled as a scream started from above them. Kenta’s head snapped up and he stared in shock as a skeleton came plummeting down from the roof. Marla and Kenta jumped out of the way; not wanting to get hit by the incoming person. Rude perhaps, but it was a skeleton, and Kenta figured the boil would just need to have his bones splinted… nothing too major for undead right? Why’s this one falling? To terrified by midterms and trying to come up with an excuse to get out of them?

He flinched when the boil hit and trotted over with a curious Srakson to see if the boil was okay.

"You uhh... okay?" He asked hesitantly.

(words: 297)
Oh noes! Incoming skele! Kenta uses Dodge! Srakson and Kenta.

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate



PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:58 am
[Rojo] [Outside the Undead Dorms]

The shrieking vampire ghoul was long gone by the time he got his bearings, but surely her reaction proved that she had been overcome with fright as a result of his antics. Maybe scaring wasn't such a big deal after all. He wanted to lift his skull and watch her go, but he couldn't at the moment. It might have been a mistake to aim for concrete this time.

Rojo pushed his face away from the pavement, slowly at first, but with a great deal more speed when he realized just how intact he had remained. All that was missing was the entirety of his right arm and his right leg below the knee, and the latter was only a few feet away! He sat up, unaware of the thin crack that ran from the top of his eye socket into what would have been his hairline, had he had one.

"Yes! I am fine, friend! A-okay!" The skeleton reached for his leg, snapping it back into place one-handed. "Though... I guess I don't know where my other arm has gone." He glanced at the cinox, hoping that hadn't been an invitation for the minipet to fetch his appendage. The slobber...

Rojo suppressed a wince.

robot kitten
PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:40 pm
[Kenta] [Outside the Undead Dorms]

Kenta smirked when the other just bounced right up after his rather spectacular crash. Guess us undead really can take a beating and just get up and walk away! Because he was still half flesh Kenta tended not to do too extreme of things since he didn't want the rot to spread too far.

Skrakson grinned when the other mentioned arm.... skeleton meant bone! Bone meant toy! The young cinox eagerly began to sniff about to get a scent and track down its new chew toy.

Kenta watched in amusement and offered the other a hand up.
"I haven't seen it but Skrakson here will find it soon.. it'll get chewed on but just wash it off and its good as new." His minis sometimes stole his arm or leg bones... it was irritating but didn't really do any damage.. except when they played tug of war with it... "So why were you falling off the roof?"

The cinox darted off into the bushes nearby and pounced on the arm that had bounced off the wall and landed in the bush. He growled happily as he chewed it for a bit before trotting back out, tail held high and wagging happily; new toy found!

(total words: 501)  

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate



PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:51 am
[Rojo] [Outside the Undead Dorms]

"I..." Rojo paused, a strange sensation passing through him as Skrakson found his arm and playfully nibbled it. It was a little like goosebumps on a person with flesh, but it was unlikely the skeleton would ever know that. He wiggled the fingers of his absent hand as he rose, chuckling when his fingertips brushed fur.

"I was trying to find a new way to scare," he replied. "Nothing in the textbook works very well for me and with midterms coming..." He stood straighter, so clearly struck with an idea that a light bulb might as well have appeared over his head. "Do you want to study with me?"

robot kitten
just wrapping up :B

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